Have you planted your Tomatoes yet????

Started by frawin, April 05, 2009, 04:24:27 PM

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Good to know, thanks Myrna!  Yes, I thought about Walmart and Lowes, but wanted to check locally first.  Yes, my garden will be late, but I'll just "borrow" from Joanna...  :-X  Hee, hee!
My mouth is watering thinking of fresh garden veggies!  I've been eating asparagus from my mom for the last 3 weeks... yum!  She had a ton of it this year (well, every year).

Diane Amberg

I'm sure you did, but when you grow plants from seed they need to be "hardened off" before going out to stay, otherwise they may scream, grab their throats and keel over. I'm not sure how you protect them from those awful storms you have. If I know we have a big storm coming, I've tried pulling big trash bags down over the tomato cages. Eventually they get too big for that. I put my pepper plants in shorter tom cages and the bags help there too.

Jo McDonald

A little late with this, but, I called Dee Gee and he said "come on over, the berries are nearly through producing, but there are some out there and you CAN HAVE THEM" .  How wonderful was that ???  We went over last Tuesday morning, he gave us ice cream pails and I hot footed it out behind the barn ( with Fred trudging along behind me )   There was a gentleman that had driven up and Dale ( Dee Gee ) was talking to him, but soon he came out and we picked wonderful red ripe berries.  I came home with nearly 2 gallon.  Ohhhhhh My Goodness !!!  they are wonderful.
  What generous people he and his wife Judy are.  He has the most beautiful rose garden in the bed at the front of their home.  Lovely huge yellow, red and a salmon colored roses that you can imagine.  Needless to say, the morning was a delight and the evening meal was strawberry heaven.  They have beautiful cats -- and one Mama had 7 new babies only 2 days old.  It has been many, many years since I had seen new born kittens.  So you see - the morning was a delightful time.
  Thank you, Dale and Judy.....you made this country girl happy!!



Quote from: Tobina+1 on May 29, 2009, 10:14:15 AM... Yes, my garden will be late, but I'll just "borrow" from Joanna...  :-X  Hee, hee!...

;D  I TRIED to give you stuff last year and you didn't get it. ;D ;)  I think we'll have plenty to share of most things.  My turnip seed got washed away, and when I tried to replant, I tore the package and scattered them all over before I realized it (they're tiny!).  I'm not sure how the beets are doing either, but there will probably be plenty as I only like them canned as pickles.  The garden is looking really good even though there are a couple "washes"; I'm excited every morning to get up and see how much things are growing. 

Two days ago my first crop of sweet corn sprouted and I was so excited I was giddy...  Doesn't take much to make me smile, I guess.  I think everything except the turnips I mentioned and some Kale came up.  only 3 cucumber seeds sprouted (at the place I planted them anyhow). I bought a couple extra plants and then my neighbor Don gave me some unmarked plants that someone left on his porch... He found out later who left them and that they are cucumbers, but he wasn't going to plant anything he didn't know what it was! Ha

The tomatoes didn't look too well for a while, but I got them mulched and they are starting to bulk up now.  Isn't this the best time of the year?!?!


The very bestest time of the year.

Jo, I am so envious.  I haven't held a newborn kitten since my Bud was born seven years ago.

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