What about Sonia Sotomayor?

Started by Wilma, May 28, 2009, 12:59:23 PM

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You can watch the Senate Confirmation Hearings for Judge Sotomayor on C-SPAN 3 on tv or at the following part of the C-SPAN website.



Guess that depends on what side of the isle your on diane.  Frankly, I don't like her.  Even without her comment about wise latino woman.  When she said that the right to bear arms was not a fundamental right and that states could infringe upon sealed it for me.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


She's a product of the modern day social agenda and
why would she not support that agenda?
America ought to do better.


I just wish she'd go for a Susan Boyle-style makeover.  No, looks aren't everything...But, my God, if we're going to have to look at her for the next 30 years (which she could conceivably serve), I'd sure rather look at something a little more put-together.


"""I have friends who hunt"""
Well now...Whoptee-fricking-doo~~ this just changes everything!  ::)
Reminds me of hearing Nazi era Germans say "Some of my best friends were Jews"   >:(


QuoteSotomayor, 55, told the Senate Judiciary Committee: "I understand how important the right to keep and bear arms is to many people; one of my godchildren is a member of the NRA. I have friends who hunt."

She attempted to reassure lawmakers that she wouldn't bring "preconceived notions" about guns to the Supreme Court if she is confirmed as a justice.

Liar, liar, robe on fire!

Liar ..and....hypocrite [hip-uh-krit]
•   a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

•   a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

She is telling the committee what they want to hear, and it won't matter anyway once confirmed.

The are only to ways to remove a SCOTUS Justice:
*Take the body to the funeral home.
*Impeachment by the Congress,...Uh, that won't happen either.

So she can say I love puppies and children, blah, blah, blah,.....
Nothing will happen to her after confirmation, and she can continue her far-left, mini BHO judicial agenda.

I have watched maybe an hours worth of the hearings and every time she is challenged about a decision that she made the answer is always the same:

We made that decision on a very narrow part of the law, so the real law didn't apply.

I couldn't watch more before becoming ill.
The portions of the hearings that I have watched, have shown me that Sotomayor will not give a direct answer to any question.
But from what I saw, she and Robert Gibbs should enter "Dancing with the Stars".
I've never seen two people who could dance around issues like Soto, and Gibbs. :P

When asked if she believed that people have a "right to self defense", she again danced around the topic and never gave a straight answer...Her answer was: "I understand how important the right to keep and bear arms is to many people."
She did not say that it was important to her or that she agreed with it. A typical slimy, elusive, political response.

She got off on a tangent about her experience with New York law and determining if a person acted properly in accordance with New York's laws regarding their use of force for self defense. That was in no way close to an answer about her belief in an individual's right to self defense.

She seems to be doing everything possible to conceal her personal beliefs and agenda. This, in itself, is dishonest. Not a quality that I look for in a justice who will serve in the highest court in our land.

I was already deeply concerned about this nominee, based upon her prior rulings and her stated beliefs. The hearings have only caused me to be more certain than ever that she is NOT the right person to place on the SCOTUS for a (shudder) life term.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa - Amen to that!

Diane, Sotomayor seems to fit right with your thinking.


Gee, Diane, you are so right.  There is more to think about, like, say...THE CONSTITUTION!!!  Or say, her answer to why she made that stupid, racist comment about a wise latino woman.  Her response was that she was speaking at a latino womens convention of something or other and that she was trying to inspire those in attendance, and give them hope.  She doesn't actually believe that a wise latino woman can make a better decision. 

So, she was either lying to those at the convention, or she is lying to congress and the rest of america.  Either way this idiot, racist woman does not belong on the highest bench in the land.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Diane, it wasn't just one comment or one audience.  It was her racist comment, her belief about self-defense, her stance on gun control, and her beliefe that the constitution is a "living" document, that the meaning of the Bill of Rights, can be changed to fit the times, or twisted to fit her agenda.  If you are so blind as to not be able to see what her belifes are perhaps some remedial training is needed in the area of reading comprehension.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Diane does not need any remedial anything, Billy...Stick to the facts and leave personal attacks out of it.


Amen Cat.
I was going to leave this alone.....but ........ ;D........

I heard all the hoopla about her "wise latina woman" comment and went huntin. I found the speech..read the WHOLE thing....and came to the conclusion that it was blown a WEE bit out of proportion and taken a WEE bit out of context....imagine that.....She HAS a point with that comment in my humble opinion........someone who has LIVED the life will be better equipped to make decisions about it than someone who HASN'T.....no matter WHAT life it is....the same could be said by a white male...a white woman...or any OTHER color or economic bracket person. If you live it you KNOW it.

Being a judge is about being FAIR and BALANCED, knowing causes AND effects.......making fair judgments based on said causes and effects with an eye on the law and what it does or doesn't allow for.

Now.......do I think she will make a good addition to the Court.....the sad fact of the matter is there is no way we can tell.....people say what will get them the job whether it is the truth or not....just depends on how bad you want or need the job what you are willing to say to get it...then you worry about DOIN it. I personally think that for it to be a FAIR court it has to BALANCED between conservative and liberal for lack of better words. Too much of ANYthing is not good.

While you all are hollerin for a return to fundamental conservative policies just remember one thing....Iran, is run by a "conservative" "fundamental" government. Most Islamic countries are....be careful what you ask for....there were LOTS of BAD things in the "good" ol days too and you all know it.

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