Racial Apology

Started by redcliffsw, July 15, 2009, 06:25:10 AM

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Diane, I have never "complained" to Teresa or anyone else about what is said on here.  If others feel the same way as I do and wish to speak their mind, while it is appreciated, that is Their decision.  I have kept my postings unpersonal unless someone comes at me first, then I hit back.  I don't think it shows much class making a personal attack even when desguised with sarcasm or wit.

As for velvet gloves..I don't have much use for them.  I don't like candycoating things or beating around the bush..it wastes time.  I say what I feel and if others don't like it, or think that it is to blunt or harsh...oh f^@king well.  I know some on here will agree with me and say "yeah, me too" yet acccuse me of being rude when I do it.  How very Liberal of them. 

As for this country being a big ship, you're right to a point...however, it is not turning, it is sinking.  I don't need to wait until the water is knee deep until I start looking for a personal floation device and a life boat.  And don't worry about health care, if obamacare is passed all your decisions will be made for you.

As for "middle of the road" folks...from what I have seen, they are nothing more than fence riders that wait to see which side is going to win and then jump off saying "oh yeah, I was for this or that all along".  But that is just my opinion.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Well said, Billy!  Brava!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D
((That looked so good when Catwoman did it that I wanted to copy it.. ))  :D

And I will concur that  Billy has never ever complained to me about another member.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Diane, you bring up a good point about healt care.  You mention that all people have to do is to look at their own coverage and they will find limits.  Thats THEIR coverage that THEY CHOOSE to purchase.  They were not forced into a certain program or policy, which is exactly what obamacare will do.  There is a provision in the bill that prohibits private insurance companies from signing up any new customers after the bill is put into effect.  It also stiffles competition by setting limits on how much a doctor or hospital will be paid under the government plan.  Not only that but the gov't won't be limited by the rules and regulations that private insurance has to abide by. 

I will admit that our current system has flaws and needs work, but nationalizing it will cause more problems than it will solve. 

Also, I was not generalizing about "middle roaders".  My comment stated, and I quote myself here, "...from what I have seen...", meaning that I have learned from my expirence in dealing with these folks that they are fence riders that always look for so-called compromise.  Well, I am no longer willing to compromise my freedom or constitution.  We are at a point in this country where we no longer have time to "wait and see". 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 20, 2009, 10:32:58 AM
Or they make a tiny change in a formulation so it won't come off patent. That has nothing to do with who the President is. The mark ups are outrageous.

I used to think that til i ended up needing one of those New drugs.  The cost to produce the new drug was something like 100 million.  Ranexa was the first calcium blocker to be released to the market.  I suffered constant level 5 angina for many many years, that is until ranexa came on the market.  Once i got it, within 2 days my angina went away for the most part.  The drug regulates the QT on a heart signal, lengthening the frequency from the end of the T signal to the beginning of the Q signal.

Now this drug works and works very well and it only helps about 65,000 patients across this country.  Note i did not say Canada cause it is not sold in canada because Canadian Government won't allow it to be sold UNLESS the company sells it for what they approve the price to be.  The company cannot afford to sell it to the canadian patients.   They have to recoup their R&D costs to start with

The drug sells for 500 dollars for 30 day supply of 1000 mg.   
Is it worth it?  You bet.  What is a shame is that Canadians cannot get the drug because of Government meddling in their health care. it would save lives if they would just get out of the regulation business. AND this drug would not be possible if it weren't for OUR current form of healthcare and drug research without Government regulation on availability and price.!!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 21, 2009, 04:01:02 PM
You are taking what some would call an orphan drug.....not many take it, which does make it very expensive. I'm glad it works for you! You definitely don't want your T segment buried in the next P wave. It might short out.
   For those who don't know, the little P wave comes first. It isn't very tall and is the heart gathering it's electrical energy getting ready to fire. The QRS complex is next and is the one that jumps up and then down again.That's the actual electrical firing that is followed by the heart mechanically squeezing to squirt blood out and move it forward. Then comes the little t wave which is the electricial relaxation of the heart. Then it starts all over again. The width of the spaces  between the complexes and the height of the lines all have meaning.Too high, too low, too close together or too far apart can mean trouble. Drugs can help. Some such as Nitroglycerin( NTG) and Coumadin are cheap to make and are used by millions. Steve, I gather NTG wasn't helping enough...unstable angina?  R and D costs for truly new drugs are high of course, but so is all the unnecessary advertising.  Some of the old tried and trues have been around for years and have no business being sold for as much as they are.       

True but teh point is that if they destroy incentive to research and produce these new drugs, then you can just toss health care out the door.  I got a trip bypass in 2001.  I had a second one 6 years later in 2007.  The difference in the two bypasses were night and day and this is because research into new methods had gone on in those 6 years.

Right now i am on a drug called plavix.  This drug has done what no other drug did before when i had my stents put in 10 years ago.  IF i had this drug back then i wouldn't have had bypass.

The point is when they decide to nationalize healthcare then there is no incentive or reason to research and invest millions of dollars into producing a new drug or technique to fix health.  If its going to cost more to produce it than they can make off of it then it won't happen.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 21, 2009, 04:01:02 PM
Steve, I gather NTG wasn't helping enough...unstable angina?  R and D costs for truly new drugs are high of course, but so is all the unnecessary advertising.  Some of the old tried and trues have been around for years and have no business being sold for as much as they are.       
well i was going through 100 Nitros a month.  coumadin didn't do anything for me except make me bleed.  If i got a nick anywhere it took forever to stop bleeding.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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