Started by Teresa, May 26, 2009, 06:45:14 PM

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It does not make any sense that Christian men would promote a
"universal" god, which is a false god.

Christian men meant the God of the Bible and Christian folk
should understand it.


Didn't Diane just explain that not all were Christians, or did I misread something?  Wasn't freedom of religion the reason that many people faced the perils of the seas to come to the new world?  If the Christian religion was dictated by the Constitution, wasn't that defeating the purpose of freedom of religion?


Quote from: redcliffsw on May 31, 2009, 12:10:24 PM

It does not make any sense that Christian men would promote a
"universal" god, which is a false god.

Christian men meant the God of the Bible and Christian folk
should understand it.

The founders had different ideas on who exactly god was.  As was mentioned earlier, many of the foudners were Deists, meaning they followed christianity, went to church etc, but they did not believe in the trinity, or the miracles, of even portions of the bible.  Refer to http://earlyamericanhistory.net/founding_fathers.htm  for more info
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Wilma, I don't know about you, but I'm Christian.  I don't believe that I misread it.

The Constitution does not dictate the Christian religion, nor does it limit or restrict
the Christian religion.


So then you are saying that what the fathers put in the Constitution is not what they meant?  I see, you meant that the fathers who were Christians meant the Christian God even though they did not say Christian and freedom of religion is fine as long as you are a Christian.  Sorry, the Christian religion is not the only religion in the world and freedom of religion means just that, whatever religion you prefer or believe.  If this isn't what you are saying, please explain it.  By the way, I am a Christian, I belong to a church based on Christianity, I have studied the Bible and I have taught Bible School and Sunday School.  I know my way around the Bible and can find almost any reference, although I don't have many memorized.  My reference Bible is beside me now.

This is what Diane said. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 31, 2009, 10:07:00 AM
The Christian God is not mentioned, and the use of the capital G meant  as in a force,natures God. They avoided the use of the Christian God, because not all the founders were Christian men. They weren't atheists either. They believed in a beginning force of some kind, but felt that from that point on self determination ruled. Some of Jefferson's original words in the "All men are created equal" statement were changed because the word "independent" was there and some people didn't want it. I'd have to look up the exact wording change. Jefferson, in particular, with his bent on science was a religious skeptic. It was quite common then and as long as they all agreed on a separation of church and state, which they did, it didn't matter.  Some were very Christian in their thinking, but not all as is sometimes portrayed. Patrick Henry was allowed to say what he wanted, but it wasn't quite accurate. Some did not even believe the Bible was anything more than an interesting book and because of religious freedom, it didn't matter. They might have been called "Deists," but I'd have to look it up when I have more time.


Quote from: redcliffsw on May 31, 2009, 12:10:24 PM
It does not make any sense that Christian men would promote a
"universal" god, which is a false god.
Christian men meant the God of the Bible and Christian folk
should understand it.

Red, the Christian God is universal, in that, He is God of everything. 

I think that the Founders didn't mention any specific religion or god because they believed that all men should be free to choose who and what to worship.  That in itself is a Christian way of thinking.  I mean what good is faith and belief in God if it is forced upon some one?  The basis behind Christian salvation is the choice to follow Christ and to accept Him as savior. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Red, the founder fathers did not "promote" any God. That was the whole point. The Constitution was meant to be as all inclusive as it could get. It certainly didn't intend to limit any of the religions of the day either. Washington and Jefferson were not Christian in the sense it is often used today. It didn't matter.They were a group of very wise men who represented  a young, rising country of a surprising number of backgrounds. They wanted  to be clear on the separation of church and state. Remember, they still had the bad taste of Great Britain's King in their mouth, who supposedly got his power directly from God. They wanted something totally different.  Billy, I think we agree on this one. It's history, no more no less.


Remember the original statement that this country was founded on christian principles. Not constitutional principles. the constitution was a part of that founding as well as the declaration and other documents.  The principles that they used to found the country were secured in the constitution and worded such as that religion could never usurp and become a theocracy as england had become, nor could government do the same. The foundations of this country were built long before 1776 and carry on to this day.  The country in essence was designed after a new testament church.

They used the doctrines of a new testament church to pattern a lot of our government and all.

1. A spiritual Church, Christ its founder, its only head and law giver.
we see this in our laws. Our laws are based on biblical laws.

2. Its ordinances, only two, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. They are typical and memorial, not saving.
3. Its officers, only two, bishops or pastors and deacons; they are servants of the church.
our officials are our servants not the other way around.

4. Its Government, a pure Democracy, and that executive only, never legislative.
Self explanatory but our Democracy that our government is based on is a republic and it also represents the individuality of each of us just as christianity does yet the immersion of all individuals as they come together for a common cause stands out and sets us apart from any other nation. Same thing with christianity.

5. Its laws and doctrines: The New Testament and that only.
laws are based on biblical laws. and all laws stem from those basic laws.

6. Its members. Believers only, that are saved by grace, not works, through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit.
7. Its requirements. Believers on entering the church to be baptized, that by immersion, then obedience and loyalty to all New Testament Laws.
Being a citizen requires that we swear a oath of loyalty and fealty to this nation if were not born into this country, and that we obey its laws.

8. The various churches-separate and independent in their execution of laws and discipline and in their responsibilities to God-but cooperative in work.
Our states were set up just like this.  states are independent and separate but cooperate with each other through federal levels.

9. Complete separation of Church and State.
self explanatory

10. Absolute Religious Liberty for all.
self explanatory.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


The Constitution was modeled after the Iriquois Articles of Confederacy. Pretty sure they weren't Christian.

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