The Twinkie Defense

Started by Warph, May 31, 2009, 05:57:08 PM

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I have almost begun to feel sorry for poor Nancy Pelosi.  After all, when you get past the many facelifts and the Botox injections, the designer suits and the large private jet, you have an aging grandmother who, in a perfect world, would be home playing with the grandkids and letting the wrinkles show.  Instead, she's constantly on TV, telling lies and looking like a small animal staring at oncoming headlights.  Thanks to ol' POTUS, who sent poor Nancy on a fact-finding tour of China, to keep her out of the limelight and off the boob tube, hoping the CIA/Lie story would go away.  I think that instead of babbling about what she didn't know and when she didn't know it, she should claim the "Twinkie Defense" just like that other two-bit San Francisco politician, Dan White. 

In case you don't recall.... and Jimmy O or LarryJ., correct me if I'm wrong as my mind keeps wandering from golf to the 19th Hole, old age, you know.....when he went on trial for killing Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone, White's lawyers, in making their case for diminished capacity, claimed he had been suffering from depression, and that his depression had been made more severe by a junk food diet that included a lot of Twinkies.  I'm sure that didn't really happen and was a bunch of bunk... but, what the hey....  if it did or it didn't, I can see Rep. Pelosi taking that defense out of moth balls, dusting it off and blaming all of her recent insanity on cheap confections.  Hell, forget the pastries; she'd only need to mention having to sit through meetings with the likes of Hairy Reid, Rambo Emanuel or Arlen "Prune face" Specter.  Even I would lessen her sentence.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on May 31, 2009, 05:57:08 PM
.  Even I would lessen her sentence.

I wouldn't!!!
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

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