Rachel Maddow: Indefinite detention? Shame on you... President Obama!

Started by Warph, May 25, 2009, 10:11:44 AM

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Rachel, in all her glory... llisten:

Has Rachel Maddow started to come around... too bad it's too late.  Liberals are easy — easily fooled that is. 
Liberals were so mesmerized by Obama's rhetoric, the promises he had absolutely no intention of fulfilling, that they overlooked the fact he is a front man for the same "sinister forces" behind George Bush, who the liberals hated — and rightly so — with a vengeance. 

It is now impossible to ignore the fact that Obama will not only continue the policies of the Bush administration — torture, detention, war stretching out into the indeterminable future — but will build on them, as instructed.  Obama will jettison his liberal followers because he no longer has use for them.  It remains to be seen if they will mobilize and fight against the dark forces in control of the government, of if they will simply repeat the process during the next staged election cycle.  It was Albert Einstein who said insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  Are liberal Democrats insane?
....alex jones, Infowars

Are the liberals starting to see what a lying creepy clown Obama Is?  Are they starting to realize that Obama is nothing more than a figurehead for the sinister forces behind him, the ones who are really running this country....Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Eeh, they are talking about a bunch of terrorists. I don't care squat about their civil rights. They aren't American citizens. Aside from the Geneva Convention, maybe they could all be killed while "trying to escape."  When they are finally moved ,the plane might just crash into the ocean.   I think this whole business is meant to be a distraction from more important things.

Roma Jean Turner

I see your point Diane.  I often wonder, when a big story comes on that comsumes the media, what else is happening that we are totally missing. 


More on Comrade Obama....

Obama's Democratic Authoritarianism

He's bad – really bad – on civil liberties.
He's not closing Guantanamo, he's continuing the "preventive detention" policy of the Bush administration under a new rubric ("prolonged detention"), he's on board with military commissions ("reformed," of course) and the denial of habeas corpus – and last, but certainly not least, his supporters in Congress have launched a campaign to give him and his cabinet officials the power to close down the Internet in the name of "national security."

I won't go on at length about the brazen hypocrisy and general slipperiness exhibited by Obama and his fans when it comes to key civil liberties issues such as these. Jack Goldsmith, former head of George W. Bush's Office of Legal Counsel, and Rachel Maddow, progressive commentator on MSNBC, have done a superlative job of that. Goldsmith, of course, notes the president's turn on a dime with obvious approval, arguing that the Bush approach was haphazard and lacked any substantive legal basis, while Maddow is horrified that, instead of abolishing these Bush-era assaults on the Constitution, her former hero is intent on formalizing and "legalizing" them. Go here to see her deliver the kind of stinging rebuke to Obama and his administration that Rush Limbaugh and his fellow radio ranters could never hope to match.

rest of the story:


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