...and speaking of wasted tax dollars..

Started by Varmit, May 23, 2009, 11:01:53 AM

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Wilma, would you please show the proof that greenhouse gases are the cause for global warming, and not the natural cycle that has occured thoughout history?  Can you show me where man made pollutions caused the little ice age of the middle ages?  Or how about the global temptures that varied before man was even here?  What harm exactly have greenhouse gasses caused?  and before you cite the whole in the ozone, that is not definative.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


QuotePam, if you want to teach YOUR children all about "mother earth" sitting around a campfire eating fruits, nuts, berries, and roots while singing Kum Bi Ya, go for it, but leave my kids out of your Liberal minded left wing hippy fest

1. You my friend are of the mindset that is what is WRONG with this friggin planet.
2. CARBON EMissions in MASSIVE doses can, will, DO kill things.
3. I'm still out on the global warming discussion myself..for YOUR information. Europe was so friggin polluted when IMMIGRANTS started coming here ILLEGALLY in the the 1500s that you COULDN'T drink the water, eat the fish that swam in the rivers through cities and there was no place left to go so here they came and started f(*&^in up THIS country.
4. There are MANY evils associated with industrialization. yOU ARE AN IDIOT IF YOU DENY IT.
5 I teach my children AND my grandchildren to RESPECT the PLANET that gives us life and SUSTENANCE so if that makes me a kum by ya singin hippy ( which I have never sung in my life)  and if I like sittin around a bonfire watchin the full moon come up and communin with my friends or just my self makes me a liberalminded left wing commie so be it AND kiss my ass.

Dee Gee

Good reply, Pam. I also believe that industrialization need to be controlled so that pollution is reduced and that teaching this to our children will help the future generations.   
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


 I know Deegee the same ol same ol just isn't gonna cut it anymore some things have GOT to change, whether we LIKE it or not.

Diane Amberg

Whew!!! OK. I'll give you my take on this. Global warming is a a natural cycle. Up in Alaska and north they have taken extremely deep  drilled cores of ice that show it has happened before. I have no idea how the scientists measure that but as humans, lets not hurry this natural cycle along. Unfortunately, many of the less industrialized nations can't do anything to help and some like China and Japan are less likely to care.  Why shouldn't we do what we can for clean air and water? I don't like smog. Your grand kids an great great grands may have to pay the price, both literally and figuratively, so why not start now? At some point, not in my life time, it could hit a critical point. Why not start slowly now, and do what we can.It wasn't that many years ago when some rivers were so polluted that one caught on fire! Should those folks  have said, Don't bother me kid, that's just the way it is, tough it out?  Rats are natural too....what's a little bubonic plague among friends?  Many nasty things can come in natural cycles. Let's do responsibly, what we can, for things we can and teach about it too.  It it OK to toss trash out the window? After all, it doesn't really hurt anybody. Extinction is a natural cycle too, but I don't want to be the one who killed the last of a species. We know better now. Science doesn't know it all yet, its a long on going process, but let's keep at it just the same.


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on May 24, 2009, 08:32:13 AM
the whole in the ozone, that is not definative.


What is the "whole" in the ozone?  And just to be definitive, do you know the difference?


Diane Amberg

Now see how nice I can be, I left "whole" alone. ;D ;D ;D


And here I thought you had missed it, Diane.

Diane Amberg

I saw it, but I didn't want Billy to think I was out to get him. I really don't mention all I see and I make my share of mistakes, usually typos, too. If they are funny, I usually will mention it depending on who does it. ;D

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