...and speaking of wasted tax dollars..

Started by Varmit, May 23, 2009, 11:01:53 AM

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This is a complete and total waste of money.  $500 million to make our childrens education more "green".  We have schools that are falling apart, can't pay teachers decent wages, have children that can barely read, and yet for some reason our gov't wants to spend money on "enviromental education".  I really wish I could home school my kids.  This is out of control.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


You bet it's out-of-control.  The Education dept ought to be abolished.
Local folks ought to run their own public schools or use private education.

It seems the so-called local school boards are in cahoots with state and national
boards, or morelike a hiearchy system. 

Yeah, it's a waste of monies and moreso it's certainly not right to use taxes/gov't money
for the schools and the Gov't to promote an agenda, belief or religion.

Diane Amberg

What kind of science would you two like to see taught in school? We always taught about water and tadpoles and reflected heat and how grass prevents runoff and how trees cool and put O2 into the air and on and on. We talked about water power, and how it was used long ago, and its potential in the future, Same with  wind and solar too, and that was years ago.  We taught the rain cycle and how precious water really is. Same stuff, slightly different name. As a scout, in1954, we used a solar oven to cook biscuits and things.  Why would you want to handicap your kids by skipping all that?  Oh, I forgot, its some kind of conspiracy to take something away from you, even though I still haven't figured out what you have lost. ;D ;D ;D  I thought you all liked the education your kids get there. I hear plenty of compliments, or are they all  liars too?  How did religion get back into this? I thought that horse had been kicked to death.


Since you did not mention pre-historic man, where's his era in the whole scenario?

Diane Amberg

Why do you want to go there? It's not relevant to this "green topic". Conservation is a "now" topic and you can't bait me into something else.


  You two make me laugh and shake my head at the same time. Billy and Red that is. What the hell could possibly be wrong with teachin kids about the interconectedness of all living things? About the consequences of the choices and industries we take to heart......You want to talk about how people have been dumbed down all the time....well there has been a pretty agressive dumbin down of the average person about the dangers of NOT taking care of the one and only planet we are ever going to have. Where  the hell do you think your decendants are gonna live if we destroy this planet and make it so toxic cockroaches can't even live on it?

I don't give a good (*&^&^&* where they learn it as long as they DO learn it. I teach it to my own ON my own the same way it was taught to me. You all just keep lookin for all the conspiracies ok? Environmental studies are one of the BEST places to spend MY tax dollars as far as I am concerned.

Diane Amberg

It would appear, and I do hope I'm wrong, that those two want their kids back in a one room school with slates and dunce caps. Maybe they can sit and do their sums and recitations. Good grief, our Amish are more worldly ( and green) than that! ;D ;D ;D Can we bring back caning too?  Just kidding, honest.


Pam and Diane, you guys are so right!!! Lets start teaching our kids the pesudo-science of scientificly proven wrong global warming.  What was I thinking...wheres my dunce cap???  Wanting my children taught that the heating and cooling of the planet was a naturally occuring thing...not brought on by the evils of industrialized society.

As far as tadpoles, fish, water, and all that...yes, I want my children taught all that, but not some hippy, radical agenda and talks about the evils of carbon emissions, you know the gases that we as humans EXHALE!  That trees, and plants NEED to SURVIVE. 

We have a public education system that is a freakin joke.  And now we are going to throw $500 million dollars at it.  Not to try and improve on the basics, which most kids these days can barely pass, but to make it "greener"? 

Diane, you talked about dunce caps....why don't you take off the blinders and see what is going on in this country, or are those required for all the sheeple??

Pam, if you want to teach YOUR children all about "mother earth" sitting around a campfire eating fruits, nuts, berries, and roots while singing Kum Bi Ya, go for it, but leave my kids out of your Liberal minded left wing hippy fest!!!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


What a morning to see your responses Billy!

When this thing really heats up, Al Gore and his followers can have it all.


Are you saying that the bad gases are no more of a threat now than they were before horseless carriages?  That the natural emissions of horses were as harmful as the emissions of the millions of cars and trucks that are on our highways now?  And what about the factories?  Why is coal-powered electricity so much worse than naturally generated electricity?  Or are you willing to just get along without electricity?  Is your gas-powered generator better for the environment than wind farms?

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