Government Health Care Plantation

Started by redcliffsw, May 23, 2009, 06:08:54 AM

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jerry wagner

Quote from: Jo McDonald on May 24, 2009, 09:13:13 PM
For the life of me, I don't understand WHY everything Billy says has to be picked to pieces by the rest of you.  Why do any of you think it is any business of yours how he feels about his family's welfare -- his ability to pay for and take care of his medical bills - and his knowledge of what is his and his family's belief of how they handle their own crisis that come up in their lives is any of your business?
My word --- doesn't he have any right to his own beliefs?  Is his financial status any of your business ?  If he can pay for all the  things that come up and is not asking any of you to chip in and help pay, then you should not even be concerned about how he is going to manage it.  This topic has gotten completely out of hand and waaaayyyyy to personal.  How about if all of you just mind your own business and let him mind his and then come up with something else to fuss about?

   I am out of here -- this just irks me to no end!!!

Interesting.... it is acceptable for him to pick to pieces other's posts and respond in an arrogant and offensive fashion and yet, when some debate the finer points of his posts, it is unacceptable.


Jerry, I have served my country and made the sacrifices necessary to ensure freedom in this country.  I have lost time with my family that I can never get back.  My sons first christmas, my 2nd sons birthday.  I have shed blood, sweat, and many tears. Only to come home and witness those freedoms being either taken or abused.  I have paid the price for my freedom, what have you done???

And by the way, when I first came to this fourm I was polite and civil.  For the most part so were the folks on here.  However, once the "newness" wore off I was made the butt of jokes, my honesty was questioned, and made out to be some arrogant, naive, consipracy nut.  Very few said anything about that (for those that did Tersea, Jo, Hillbilly, Sarge, and Red I thank you) But when I "fight back" I am made out to be the bad guy. I didn't get personal with anyone until they did so with me.  Why is it okay for them to do so and not me???
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


  When was I ever rude to you? We had some pretty good discussions before my computer crashed...I come back and you are all commando and start callin me some liberal kumbyya singin hippie kind of bull.
  It's like a big black cloud of negativity to read some of your post dude. I'm not apologizin for tellin you to kiss my butt, rare back and growl at me I'm gonna growl back.


Pam, I didn't start "growling" until I was backed into a  corner and accused of seeing a conspiracy in everything, or told that my mindset is whats wrong with this country. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


 I believe..........I said that AFTER you called me kumbyya singin left wing liberal hippie dude.

Diane Amberg

Billy, please don't start with "my sacrifice was greater than yours." Those things can't be easily be measured. Any of us who were separated from loved ones in the military know what that is like. Your sacrifice was honorable, but you did come home. I think everybody knows someone who did not. Being Viet Nam era I lost friends, had friends whose marriages failed, and who came home emotionally destroyed. Many also had physical wounds that changed them forever, just like now. WWII was the same.  I do very much appreciate your service, as I do anyone who has ever served. May I ask about your military service? No tricks, I am interested. When, where and all that. My Al ended up at Fort Sill , Ok. Field artillery. "The steel behind the rock" (The Army ruined his legs, but that's another story.) I enjoy bantering with you, but I am not a name caller and don't cuss. I try not to be rude, it's just not my style. If you think I'm being rude, you say so. I can't make my point if it gets lost in hurting someone's feelings.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 25, 2009, 09:54:33 AM
Billy, please don't start with "my sacrifice was greater than yours." Those things can't be easily be measured.

Billy.. Your sacrifice HAS BEEN greater than mine...
Thanks for that.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Teresa, that was very nice to say to Billy...He was talking to Jerry, who I don't know. Jerry could have lost friends and family or have been injured himself for all I know. I just don't like to see that start, or we'll be putting a value on pain and suffering and that's not fair to anybody. Just my personal opinion, not meant to be a put down to Billy, but he did ask the question of Jerry.


I realize that Diane.. I can read and interpret.

And I don't just say things to "be nice"... I said it to Billy because it is the truth..

And I actually was replying to your comment.. not Billy's to Jerry's.. ( of which I happen to know both these people)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

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