Government Health Care Plantation

Started by redcliffsw, May 23, 2009, 06:08:54 AM

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Diane Amberg

Red, you already played that record.


My husband had a heart attack 6 months before he turned 65.  We had to depend on his plant's insurance to pay the medical bills and still had to pay around $4000.00 out of pocket.  After he was old enough for Medicare and a supplement insurance, we have had to pay nothing except his prescriptions.  Are you going to be able to stay healthy after you reach 65 or even until you reach 65?

What are your medical insurance premiums now?  I am paying out more than $300.00 a month just for medical insurance.  I wish the government would do something about the high cost of medical insurance.  Medicare Part A doesn't take care of everything and to have Part B, it costs extra.  Then you need a supplement insurance to cover what Medicare doesn't cover.  It is costly, but not as costly as a stay in the hospital would be.  I can't tell you what my own heart attack and surgery came to, but I didn't have to pay anything out of pocket.

If medical insurance were cheap enough, more people could afford it and fewer people would have to depend on the state for medical aid, thus using fewer of our tax dollars. 


My own personal belief is that my death already has a time, place, and circumstance that is out of my hands.  Yes, I have a good chunk of savings but it is for small time things, broken bones whatever. I am not going to depend on it to save my life.  I witnessed all four of my grandparents dying from cancer of one form or another.  All four racked up huge medical debts.  All four died regardless.  So in the end it doesn't really matter how much coverage you have.  The only difference it makes is how long you can suffer.  My grandfather was a very robust active man.  Once his cancer took hold he wasted away to under 100 pounds, couldn't walk from his kitchen table to his living room without gasping for breath, had to have somone in the bathroom with him.  If that is what coverage buys, you can keep it.  Again, I will take quality over quanity anyday.  And since my family loves me, they are not going to want to see me live like that.

So how much of my money should the gov't take?  10, 40, 80 percent?  How much is enough... 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Well said, Billy.

Gov't or the citizens do not owe us anything.


Don't want to pay taxes................GET OUT!


That's all right for yourself, Billy, but what about your family?  Don't they have a say in this?  Are they so healthy that they will never need medical care?  Do you have enough savings to get a child through a bout of cancer?


greatguns, I have said many times that I don't mind paying taxes, so long as it is fair and not wasted.  And if you don't mind paying taxes that are excessive and wasted then move to a socialist or communist country, instead of trying to turn America into one.

Wilma, once again, if my family or myself needs medical care then I will pay for it. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


So are you saying if it doesn't fit your personal need that it is unfair and not needed.  I don't deem it necessary to move just because I have an opinion that isn't yours.  I certainly would not want to give up that freedom.  Constructive criticism is a good thing.  May the Lord bless you on this beautiful day.


Billy, do you have the hundreds of thousands of dollars it would take to get a child through what Brody Hurt had to go through?  If you don't, just how are you planning to pay the costs?

Diane Amberg

Billy, who decides what is "fair." What might be essential to you might be waste to me.

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