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Started by Varmit, May 19, 2009, 03:50:01 PM

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Military Personnel Ordered To Comply With Illegal Private Gun Registration

Infantryman based at Fort Campbell leaks shocking directive ordering soldiers to submit information on registration, location of weapons as well as Concealed Carry permits, order was stopped according to base officials

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

An alarming document sent to us by an Infantryman based out of Fort Campbell Kentucky shows that active duty military personnel are being secretly ordered to submit information to their Chain of Command on how many firearms they own privately, their location, as well of details of any Concealed Carry permits.

Though the order was apparently rescinded, the fact that active duty soldiers are being asked to submit every detail of their private firearm collection is a telltale sign that the second amendment is in dire straights. Furthermore, Alex Jones has personally confirmed that such directives are being issued all over the country.

The directive orders active duty personnel to report details of all privately-owned firearms to their Chain of Command, as well as future firearms purchases.

The memorandum was sent to us by a concerned 11B Infantryman based at Fort Campbell. In his e mail, the man expresses his shock at being ordered to comply with what amounts to a registration of privately-owned firearms.

Read the document below.

"I live off post, with my firearms (which I don't bring on post for any reason). A very frightening thing happened at work yesterday," he writes. "I was ordered to fill out a list containing my firearm information. This included make, model, caliber, and serial number of all firearms I currently posses. In addition, I was also required to list registration information, location of all weapons individually, and information regarding any CCW permits I posses."

The man tried to ascertain why such information was being demanded by speaking to his First Sergeant but was told, "Just put your info on the form."

"I don't know how high this goes, but I am hearing that this is going on in other units at Fort Campbell as well," writes the Infantryman. "It just seems a little coincidental to me that within 90 days: the most anti-firearm President in history is inaugurated, some of the nastiest anti-firearm laws are put on the table in Washington, and then the Army comes around wanting what amounts to a registration on all firearms, even if they are off post, and doesn't provide any reason or purpose as to why."

The man said he had been at Fort Campbell for almost 8 years and had never encountered anything like this directive before.

"I fear something really nasty is blowing in the wind here," he warns.


According to a World Net Daily article, the order was stopped when it was discovered the commander was not "acting within his authority."

However, Alex Jones has personally confirmed that bases all over the nation, including in Texas, are directing active duty personnel to provide the same information about their private gun collections.

The story emphasizes how gargantuan threats to the second amendment are not being reported by the mainstream media nor by big gun groups like the NRA.

A similarly grave threat to the second amendment is the so-called 'No Fly, No Buy Act', (H.R. 2401), a bill that will merge the TSA's no-fly list with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), a point-of-sale system for determining eligibility to purchase a firearm in the United States, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

Since the Department of Homeland Security now considers veterans, advocates of the Second Amendment, and states' rights activists as terrorists, the 'No Fly, No Buy' act would effectively disarm the majority of the entire country.

The language of H.R. 2401 reads as follows: "To increase public safety and reduce the threat to domestic security by including persons who may be prevented from boarding an aircraft in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, and for other purposes," according to the Open Congress website. reports that the bill was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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