Farm Bureau on Facebook?

Started by indygal, May 11, 2009, 04:33:21 PM

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Yes, it sure is! Elk County Farm Bureau Association now has its own Facebook page. Anyone with a Facebook account can become a friend and learn more about what the county Farm Bureau is doing in the community. And while you do have to be a Facebook member to view the page, you don't have to be a Farm Bureau member to be a fan! How cool is that? Of course, there are benefits to membership! So......if you'd like to be a fan (and you know you do!) do a Facebook search for Elk County Farm Bureau Association. Also, those already invited to be a fan can spread the word to their Facebook friends. Thanks for checking it out, and please, give us feedback on things you'd like to see on the page.


The Facebook page is looking better every day. New photos of our Day on the Farm have been posted. Check them out!

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