What Does It Take To Open Your Eyes..

Started by Varmit, May 16, 2009, 09:12:00 AM

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No need to worry about congress finding the money, there isn't any according to what I heard yesterday.  Pres. says there is no more money.  So what is he going to do now?  The "change" that he is in the process of making costs money and he has given it all away.  I wonder if he thought last year that he would actually bankrupt the country?  I just got my $250 stimulus check and I am going to go right out and spend it before they ask for it back.

Billy, ole buddy, like Pam told you before, take it easy.  We don't want to lose any of our forum members and friends to a stroke or a heart attack.  There are, like you believe, many things wrong with this country and need to be fixed, but there is so much more that is right with this country.  The big underlying factor here is that this country is still basically a democracy wherein the people are the government.  We, the people, send representatives to Washington to voice our opinions on how the country should be run.  If the representative fails to do that then we vote in one that will carry the message.  Our form of government is still based on the three entities of Legislative, Judicial, and the Executive.  The system while not perfect still works.  The problem here is that the president wants to spend and the democratically controlled congress will be forced to tax so they can help the president spend.  As long as they don't violate the constitution the supreme court has no say.  If that doesn't change from within the president and the congress themselves, and enough people get upset about it, then you can have a revolution and force those people out and start over.  But the basic values on which this country has lived by and survived by are still there.  The president said yesterday that we are out of money.  Okay, when I am out of money I don't get to spend it 'cuz I don't have it.  I, unlike the president, do not have the authority to print more money to cover my bills.  He has spent all the money and may damage our credit rating with those who would let us borrow some.  But, like I said above, I got my $250 and I am going to take the money and run!  And then I am going to park my butt in some amber waves of grain and gaze at the purple mountains majesty that some people fought for to give me the privilege to do just that.

Diane, I am so used to your one-liners it was refreshing to read this last post from you.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Obama may have said it, but how is he going to do it?  It isn't done yet.

Diane Amberg

Larry, you have no idea what a poor typist I really am. It takes a lot for me to type and proof read that much and I still make errors that I don't catch.  
Billy I never said the credit card business should be fixed, I just think it's a shame that so many are duped by it that it can affect the whole economy. The legal thievery? I knew you would comment on that. I wish I could hire a stable of lawyers to help me find loop holes. Or just deny you knew what was going on and skate.  Based on that kind of thinking, most of what Govt. does then is OK because somewhere along the line it was declared legal.  Ethical doesn't seem to count for much any more
I don't ever carry a balance on the two cards I do use, but the credit card company can now drop my credit limit because they don't want so much potential debt out there, which could lower my credit score even though I have done nothing to affect it. Fortunately, I'm at a point in my life where I don't need a mortgage or a big loan for any reason, but having a lower credit score would cause me to have to pay higher interest on the loan.  Now, if you are late on a payment on one card or bill, another company can suddenly increase your interest rate without telling you.   Not everyone has a 146 IQ to keep up with all this stuff, and they shouldn't have to.  And Red, I hope Billy doesn't meet up with the founding fathers too soon, they are all dead! ;D
By the way, Montana has offered to take all the "detainees." They have an empty prison just sitting there that would be easy to set up and they want the jobs that would be produced.


I even remember the name of the town in Montana and at my age, too.  It is Hardin.  They built the prison, thinking there was a need for it and it has never been used.  I wonder if anyone in D.C. knows about it.


Quote from: Wilma on May 24, 2009, 12:24:02 PM
  They built the prison, thinking there was a need for it and it has never been used.  I wonder if anyone in D.C. knows about it.

Good God, I hope not.  I really can't see the logic in brining terrorists into the country.  Honestly, doesn't that seem just a litte counter-productive? 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Wilma, maybe not in D.C., but I bet the taxpayers in Montana are aware of it.

Billy, this might be a good thing because we would still know where they are.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg


Quote from: larryJ on May 25, 2009, 11:05:07 AM
Billy, this might be a good thing because we would still know where they are.

Larry, so long as they are in Gitmo, we know where they are.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 25, 2009, 11:14:04 AM
Billy how is it counter productive?

Maybe its just me but I thought we were trying to keep terrorists out of the country, not bring them in.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Hey Billy, how about this....We house the terrorists in a maximum security prison here,( the local economy benefits) then watch for the other terrorists who will supposedly try to break them out, let them think they broke in and slam the door behind them, thus catching them too.   ;D  No?                                                                                           


No.  When you look at our prison systems and the people who are in them, you'll find that a majority of gang leaders are on the inside, and yet they are still calling the shots on the streets.  Personally, I say that if after a military trial, if an accused terrorists is found guilty of acts of terrorism, we hang'em, then bury'em.  This would cut down on the number of detainees at Gitmo and we would still know where they are at.  All without having them inside the U.S.

One other thing.  Why would we want to allow enemy combants access to civilian courts and lawyers?  They are not civilian criminals.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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