Another letter to Obama

Started by Teresa, May 12, 2009, 10:27:53 PM

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t was originally sent to Military Magazine, I think........

An open letter to President Barack Obama:

Dear President Obama,

    I did not vote for you. However, since you are now our President I don't want you to drop the ball. Therefore, I have a few things to say. For years you have been hanging out with the wrong crowd. William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and Reverend Wright are not your friends. They have been filling your head with some bad ideas. I'm your friend! As your friend I am telling to to dump them and stop listening to them. Secondly, do a clean sweep and fire those incompetents you have appointed to key positions. Your predecessor Mr. Bush may not have been the brightest bulb in the box but he appointed competent people! Finally, you are not President of the Senior Class, you are President of the United States. 280 million people are depending on your leadership. The world is full of evil people who want to bring us down. Stop bowing and apologizing to the rest of the world. Stop making Jimmy Carter look like Teddy Roosevelt! You're our Commander-in Chief. You're a world leader. For God's sake man, start acting like one!

Sincerely Yours,

James E. Murphy
Vietnam Veteran
Potential Terrorist as per Janet Napolitano
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


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