Elk County Employees

Started by Wilma, May 10, 2009, 06:31:07 PM

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Ok, so I asked my boss this morning why we weren't ditching.  He said that we were behind on grading and with the recent rains it was just too wet.  And before you start in on how they have never been maintained, I can not answer for that. Only been working for the county since October.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Pepelectric...unfortunately not all of us were born with a silver fork in our mouth. Some of us had to actually work for a living. We don't have a "has been" electric company, a grocery store that I hear quite a few people are boycotting and people are pulling their presriptions from the drug store because of your mouth. You have no conscience, maybe your wife does. Maybe your wife likes her business. Maybe she likes to serve the community. You obviously do not. You bitch about everything going on in the county. You pay taxes. As far as I know everyone in the county pays taxes. Let's figure this up: just at $9 an hour to 16 road crew employees means that your taxes that you pay out to support us you'd be paying over $40,000 in taxes. That's a helluva lot of taxes. Either you didn't give it much thought or they are damn sure overtaxing you. That doesn't include courthouse employees or sheriff department employees. I for one will find that my groceries will be bought just as well at any other grocery store other than yours. My medications will come cheaper from any WalMart or Walgreens that there is nearby. These are my words that coincide with many other residents of Howard and surrounding towns. I sir would like you to go snipe hunting with me. I for one do lots of business at Howard. I used to buy groceries there. I used to get prescriptions there. But I can get my groceries in Longton. They have a very nice grocery store. And I find that Walgreens is exceptional for $4 prescriptions. Every d*mn one of us in the road department busts our ass and to come home and get on the forum and see the junk you spew is degrading and detrimental to us. I'm a college dropout but I'm not running around putting down my county or degrading the employees. I do try to buy in the county but it's nice to know now who I have been buying from and I assure you that will change. ----Mr. Kshillbillys




Well said Hillbilly, damn well said.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Pepelect, keep doing what you are doing. It took me a while to catch on to your humor, sarcasm. I never questioned your commitment to your community. You can't please everyone, as you well know. Maybe you can take the silver spoon out of your mouth long enough to bag my groceries. Does that last sentence make sense? Anyway, keep it up Howard and Elk County are lucky to have you. I see no one else on here that is working harder to make Howard a better place. It has sure declined since the time I spent there. Of course I know you don't need me to defend you.



I don't know Patrick and wouldn't recognize him if he were standing next to me, but I can see the humor and sarcasm in his posts.  While he is poking fun he is also pointing out the reasons this county doesn't progress like it should.  Too many people are wearing blinders.  They can't see that going down the same old road is going to get them to exactly the same place they started.  But maybe that is where they want to go.  Same old road, same old barn, same old stall like a trained mule.  You don't have to think about it, just plod along.  If more people would think like PEP and Liz, maybe we could get something done.

My prescriptions and most of my groceries will be bought at Family Market and Batson's Drugs.  I am just sorry that there aren't more resources in Elk County.  But then, at my age, I don't require much.


Wow, this post has gotten hateful.  I'm disappointed that people can't just turn the other cheek or learn to shut up.

Diane Amberg

KS,  Mr. KS, and Billy.  PEP has a very dry sense of humor in which sarcasm and satire are a big part. Please don't make it personal. You 3 sound very angry and that's not part of a good debate. Everybody has gripes about their own job and everyone else's too. I have no doubt the road crews do the best they can with what they have. I'm not sure how buying somewhere else will get even with anybody. Spiting your nose comes to mind. Can we make some useful comments that aren't personal and hurtful? or move on? PEP does have good ideas and I enjoy hearing them. Can you 3 add some? You surely know the road problems better than any of us.


I had thoughts along that line, too.  Spiting your nose.  My thought was that the store, pharmacy and Pepelect all collect sales tax.  Part of that tax stays in Elk County.  When you spend your money somewhere outside Elk County that sales tax goes to another county.  If enough sales tax is lost, there might have to be cuts made in employees.  Be careful that the hand you bite is not your own.

Jo McDonald

I have known PEP for most of his years.  He is an honest, hard working, kind son, husband and Father.  He is an Elk Countain, and like some many others has chosen to remain here and work hard for all of the community, as has his lovely wife, Julie. 
Their business is a true God send to this county, and his sense of humor is probably no different that many others, he just has the "gumption" to express it.  Yes, sometimes, he gets a little to close to the edge, but believe he, he is a good man!!!

  We need  Patrick and Julie Perkins, their daughters and their loyalty to Elk County.




I just reread every post I have ever posted about this subject and I didn't find any thing stated that county employees don't do their job.  I haven't degraded anyone. If anyone took it that way I apologize.   How can anything I say have any detrimental consequences to you?  If you don't like me fine.   I don't need any friends.  I have not tried to belittle anyone.  I am sarcastic and if you don't get it fine.  Again I am sorry.

I will bring the gunny sack if you aren't a full service snipe outfitting service.

The silver fork crack is another story.   No one has ever given me anything.  We didn't have jack when we started out.  We had good jobs in a larger more prosperous area of the state and liked it.  I could have stayed and been just as sarcastic somewhere else.  I don't know how your gravy train comments are supposed to make sense.   We started the store from nothing. All the money from it goes back in to it.  We have been expanding is since its conception when we were driving to Wichita weekly to provide necessities to the citizens of the area.  There is no profit motive. 
The "has been" happens to know how to twist a wire nut.   I can change light bulbs too.

I  wish you the best in your out of town experiences.   

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