Elk County Employees

Started by Wilma, May 10, 2009, 06:31:07 PM

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Quote from: pepelect on May 15, 2009, 07:30:01 PM
You don't want my help.  You can't even handle my causal third party observations.  Just think of all the crap I could come up with if you could educate me on the ins and outs of everyday activity.   I would have all day Friday to vent on the forum about how wonderful my job is.
  What federal stimulus grant program are you going to tap into so that you can afford me?  I don't work for cheetos.   Sacking groceries isn't a skill you can learn from a heavy equipment vendor. 

Observations are one thing, bitching and moaning are another.  Suggestions are always welcome, we get enough crap already. What difference does it make if the crews work 4 10 hour days or 5 8 hour days?  Afford you?  You would get paid the same as everybody else.  All the other road crew members work for low pay, so it is okay for them and not you?
Oh, and by the way, road maintance isn't a skill you can learn form someone who grinds hamburger for a living.
Have a nice day.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Most employers have cut down on their employees getting any overtime in this economy. Everyone has to bust their butts to get all their work done in the time allotted. I don't gripe about the county boys at all. I wouldn't want to be out there working on the roads and gettin griped about all the time. I know how bad MY job can be and I don't want people griping about me either. Remember the old saying...If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all...




We ALL need to remember that!


You guys are brilliant.    Rhodes scholars. 

(That is a joke about the road, intellectual consortium in Elk county, being replaced with Rhode, Fellowship program for the attendance of Oxford university, for those of you trying to undermine my emphasis on the obvious.)

Debate was obviously not a required course.  If you are going to try you might follow some advise and know your opponent.  I paid your salary last year and rest assured I will again pay it this year.  It won't be late so don't worry.  Sorry about the no overtime but you do still have your job.  I majored in sarcasm and minored in wit at don't give a crap what you think my qualifications and abilities are university.   I would bet my twice my annual ridiculous meat grinding + grocery sacking salary that I could make water flow up hill just as good as any observer with twice my credentials once behind the controls of any piece of equipment you choose. 

As a middle aged college drop out pessimist I guarantee that you will never hear me say anything nice about anyone, and I will say anything that comes to mind.
Where you see roses I see soil they grow best in.  As I have no conscience it can't tell me when to stop.

of the 105 counties elk must be the richest because we are the only one that still maintains bull market fiscal policy

Let's rewrite financial logic....Three shops are much more efficient than one.   3000 people can and need at least 10.  If I am paying for it why not.  Just because every other county in the state has seen the light lets not try that here.  Those fools think that making sense efficiently and spending wisely actually will better their communities.

We have been hauling rock for the last 40 years that I have been watching and I don't see that we have 40 years of improved infrastructure.  At what point do we try something else.   By the way don't we haul rock from one place to all points of the county?  Isn't that stupid for the overworked truck drivers to have to drive all the way to the rock quarry empty just to bring a load back to put on a road south of Longton.  It is such a silly waste of diesel.  Why don't we have satellite quarries?  One next to each 6 mile of road so we can eliminate some travel time.  Those three guys have a lot to do so the closer the pile the shorter the round trip.   There used to be a school house every 6 miles.  Too bad we didn't learn anything from that experience.
We have a health department with a central office.   Why don't we have  three offices in Grenola, Moline, Longton..... 
The meals on wheels feeds people at all towns in the county so we need to build three separate kitchens to staff and feed the elderly instead of one.   
Municipal court needs to be held at each of the cities in the county that way if someone in Longton or Grenola needs to go to court they won't have to drive so far.  We can hire three more judges, build three more court houses, just so we don't spend so much of the hard earned money on the commute. 
I don't like going out of town to go to the doctor so neither should anyone else so let's build three hospitals one in Grenola, one in Moline, and one in Longton.  Staff it with every conceivable practice from oncology to dentistry.   Because the more services we can provide locally the less we spend on commuting.  That commuting is just a waste of good dollars spent on fossil fuels that is killing our planet.

While we are at it let's digitize the county courthouse records and abstracts so that along with the rest of the free world you can look up a comp at ten pm without dusting off a book the next morning.  Then when we build the three other courthouses you can electronically transfer the data from one to the other so that we don't have to pay someone to drive to Howard do title searches.  Because you know how many more transfurance of land titles are going to happen the the next trimester of this policy.  More beer money that won't be wasted on commuting.

Why don't we have a jail in all the county towns also.  It is just unfathumable to think that you could be arrested at Grenola and have to be transported all the way to the antique box in Howard.   It is down right harsh, cruel, and unusual punishment.  We need three more jails.  Each with a jailer, support staff, housing, and besides the one in Moline would be closer to CQ county. 

So as you can see with this multi-tiered three step plan we can and will make a better tomorrow.


Quote from: pepelect on May 18, 2009, 09:22:08 PM
Debate was obviously not a required course.  If you are going to try you might follow some advise and know your opponent.  I paid your salary last year and rest assured I will again pay it this year. 
By the way don't we haul rock from one place to all points of the county?  Isn't that stupid for the overworked truck drivers to have to drive all the way to the rock quarry empty just to bring a load back to put on a road south of Longton. 

You might try following your own advise.  We actually haul from different quarries, not just molines.  But, if more are needed just where would you locate these quarries?

Also, I am pretty sure you aren't the only person in this county to pay taxes.  Money which went to fund road maintance including road crew salaries. 

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


You missed the point about driving empty but good to know my money is spent out of county.

I know this is new territory but I would probably build the quarry where the rock is buried.

As long as one penny of my tax dollars are spent I have to right and privilege to "bitch and moan" as much as I want about how and where it is wasted.   The rest of the tax base must like way their money is spent or they would "bitch and moan" as well. 

I am not the only one, I am the not the one that pays the most, I am not the one that pays the least, I am just one tax paying citizen that has watched water run down the center of two fences for decades and I don't want to pay for that anymore.

Are you up to a challenge?    I will continue to pay and shut up if you keep the water out of the road.


I didn't miss the point about driving empty.  It is going to happen no matter what.  If you fill a truck with rock, then dump that rock, you now have to drive empty to get more rock.

The problem with building quarries within the county is that the land where said rock is buried is private land.  I don't think the idea of eminent domain would go over to well with a lot of landowners, and I bet that very few if any would be willing to sell.

I don't mind trying to keep water out of the road.  If we drop road maintance throughout the county to focus solely on ditching, the roads would become impassable.  For the most part our roads are decent.  Yes, they all need work, no doubt there.  But the crews are doing the best they can with what they have.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Why can't you back haul the ditch while you are rocking the road?


As far as I know, we are trying to get the bad washes rocked in before the next rain.  I'll ask the boss and see what he says.  Provided we have a place for the dirt, that actually seems like a good idea.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

jerry wagner

I know that it isn't terribly helpful but I would accept one semi load of dirt should you need a place to drop it.

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