WEHS Music program.......WOW!

Started by pepelect, May 08, 2009, 11:03:35 PM

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The west elk program tonight was great.  The mixture of dramatic reading between the vocal/band performances was a great idea.  Besides the play, we hardly ever get to see forensics until they graduate.  Then it is some lame speech about growth, pride, and the future.   The fine art side of the school needs more input from the community.  The sports teams all get attendance by fans and community pride but a #1 at state is still as amazing.  Competing and winning with other schools when the emphasis is definitely not on the arts is kind of like a 2 point underdog victory.

Good job!!!!

Is there any way that we could actually use the upgraded sound system so we could actually hear the solos?

ps...sorry I have to vent...SHUT UP>>>>If someone is preforming on the stage and you want to talk to your seatmate or play a cool video game then by all means go take it out side.  I must have just aged 20 years but the lack of respect for the kids that have the nerve to get up on the stage and put on a performance is just plain rude.  I know we are supposed to be hicks out here in the pony express alternate route but show some class and shut up and watch........you might learn something.  On that same tone stay in your seat until all the nights events are presented not just your brilliant kid. 


I agree!  The program was excellent!  It would have been nice to see some of the same support the football and basketball etc gets from not just the community but the school itself.  Was Corey Reese there, I couldn't see everyone there.  I couldn't tell how many teachers were there either, I did see a few.

The Baums have really been an asset to  our school.  The kids work hard, and they sounded good!   There's a lot of talent there! 

As to your venting-- I agree.  Grown ups were practically talking right out loud near me, phones and babies, people going in and out.  WTH? 

Maybe we have to hold the next concert on the football field or in the gym.



That is such good news that the concert went well and was well attended.  Music was such a huge part of my high school experience in the 60s, and it was very disheartening to watch the program dwindle and music teachers come and go and participation drop to extremely low levels in the last couple of decades.  Thanks to continuous efforts and stability from Dean and Linda Shilts-Baum who started in this district with very few students in the program, it is wonderful to see WEHS students participating in area concerts and preparing entries for judged competitions.  In fact, several made it to the state level and received excellent ratings!!!! 

The Scholastic Bowl is another activity that takes a lot of outside "teacher time and effort" from Mr. Baum, but look how well West Elk students are placing and bringing home top honors.  Penny Swanson also has led the Math Competitive participation, and many students are experiencing great achievement in those area rivalries.  There may be other similar programs that I am not aware of, but as an alumni who has spent my life in education, I am proud to see the local schools being a catalyst to keep kids involved and experiencing success.   I love athletics, BUT there is life beyond the football field or basketball court, and a strong school district with dedicated teachers will recognize ALL students' talents. 


Well, THANK YOU!!! I was apart of the music program! I will have to tell my fellow vocalist's all this great stuff!!! :) Thanks. I was really nervous at frist, but it was fun...!!! Our group has practiced really hard!
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


I completely agree, Patrick.  Some people are absolutely rude anymore...It shows a complete lack manners and respect when they insist on having conversations while performances are going on.  But, these are the same idiots who insist on talking while the movies are on...I think there should be ushers onsite, ready to escort those out who insist on being rude.  If people aren't mature enough to handle themselves competently, then they should be assisted in their needs.

D Whetstone

I did not attend. But did hear from a student about the talking by the audience.  The audience made of parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, friends.

I thought this was a grade school problem in Severy. We have experienced this every time we go to a music event. Lots of talking.  Impossible to hear the kids. Many acting indifferent. Seemingly their presence alone is enough.

It is going to take some uncomfortable talk by administrators and teachers during these programs to get it stopped. 

Really an amazing thing. Baffling. Rude. Disrespectful.


Way back when, where I attended school the Superintendent would have stepped up to the microphone and politely told you to be quiet or leave.  The last graduation I went to you couldn't even hear those that were speaking.


I have younger children, and if they get loud and hard to control during the programs I take them out of the situation to calm them down.  I do get upset if I can't hear the concert, too.  We will see how Thursday goes at Severy.  I am taking an extra child, but promise if my younger ones get loud I will take them out of the room!!! :angel:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Unfortunately, Angie, it sounds from the comments here that it was the ADULTS that were chatting and causing the disruption, not kids!   >:(  Maybe you should send your kids around to ask the adults to be quiet.  Wouldn't that put pause in their conversation.


That is a very good idea.  I am surprised that I didn't think of it.

Another suggestion:  suspend the program until the adults notice that they are the entertainment.

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