WOW, the weather!

Started by Tobina+1, May 08, 2009, 08:43:11 AM

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So did anyone else get jolted out of bed around 5 am this morning from the winds?  I thought we were getting hit by a tornado and ran downstairs as fast as I could!  My hubby had been watching the weather already and knew it was just wind, but I was frightened!
Not a lot of damage done here at the house; a few stray limbs down.  Not sure how town looks.  El Dorado is apparently out of power, as my doctor called to cancel my appointment for this afternoon.


The New Albany United Methodist church was destroyed by the storm. Susan Galvan is the minister there.

I woke up during the storm - it was definitely powerful!

Rudy Taylor

The fierce winds and pounding rain moved through the entire area and did substantial damage to trees, houses and structures.

We have an office in Oswego and they were hit rather hard. There's still no electricity (9:45 a.m.) in Oswego.  We also have an office in Cherryvale and that town was really pounded. It actually moved a train locomotive off the tracks and into the dirt.

It apparently was not a twister ... just lots of straight wind, 60 to 70 mph.

Maybe tomorrow will look better.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Dee Gee

We had lots of wind this morning, no real damage but was without electric until noon.  Had some small hail and 3/4 inch of rain.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Diane Amberg

That storm you had is a still  nasty one. The news folks here said some areas east of you are getting 100 mph straight line winds. That's a real shame about the church in New Albany.


Chuck was watching the storm from the basement door, and he said the south wind was so strong that his trailer (attached to his truck, good thing) shuddered and looked like it could lift off the ground at any moment.  Then in the middle of things, the wind whipped around and started blowing out of the north.


I saw Susan pulling into her drive about 7:30 this morning and wondered if she were going the wrong direction.  It must have been a hard night for her, losing a church and maybe a parishioner.

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