Hawaii passes “Islam Day” law

Started by Teresa, May 07, 2009, 10:30:49 AM

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Have you ever studied Anthropology, Archaeology or any of the sciences that explore the past?

Diane Amberg

They are kidding, right? Even the Grand Canyon rocks are at least 10 million years old. How would you explain  dinosaur fossils? They are 'way older than man.


How could we not be kidding about the earth being 6 or 7 thousand years old?
Read your Bible and figure it out.

You can either accept the Bible by faith or accept evolution by faith.
It's not that complicated.

By the way, how old was Adam when God made Adam?


Have you ever studied Anthropology, Archaeology or any of the sciences that explore the past?

I know people who have studied those things and I know geollogists.  Knowing those people
does not make me an expert but I do believe the Bible from cover to cover,  The Bible is the
foundation of Christainity and that's why Christian folk accept it as the truths for eternity.


Is there anything in the Bible that says the first day was 24 hours long?  I can believe in the Bible and the age of the earth, too.

Besides the Bible was written by man after man had developed a system for recording words.  The stories in the Bible were not recorded as they happened by eye witnesses.  They were passed down by mouth from generation to generation and you all know what happens when a story is repeated.

There is also the theory that God dictated the stories.  Even the New Testament was written after Jesus had returned to the Father.  One of the Gospels was written by someone who did not have first hand knowledge of the events, only what he had gathered from people that were eye witnesses.  He did a good job of reporting.  The other gospels were written after Jesus had left earth and people were beginning to realize that they were losing the memories of what had actually happened.  Matthew, Mark and John realized that they had to record what they knew or it would be lost.  Much is lost when a story is repeated and much is added.

You can believe the Bible word for word if you want to and not believe how old the earth actually is, but so many scientists saying the same thing cannot be wrong.  The physical evidence is there.  The tests have been done.  The age of earth according to the Bible is man's interpretation of it.

Diane Amberg

Wilma, thanks. My thoughts too. Christianity is much older than the Bible as we know it. My minister of long ago was great for working with our youth group. He could address those questions better than any person I ever met.  He too said we mustn't make assumptions based on the 24 hour day, the seven day week. The Bible has much that is open to interpretation, and passages that contradict each other. Of course, as teens we asked about the Adam and Eve and evolution thing. He felt the ideas weren't necessarily contradictory. Adam and Eve could have been early humans but we'll never know. Personally, I love the old Indian stories too, about how thing came to be. What about Aesop's Fables. They are life guides too. I think we can enjoy all those things and not be branded a heretic. No more from me, I'm done.


At one point scienctists said that dinosaurs were giant lizards, now they say that dino's had feathers and that they are related closer to birds than lizards.  Science, like man, can be flawed.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I believe the entire Bible to be true and you're looking like it ain't so.
So can you say which parts of the Bible you believe not to be true?

Diane Amberg

I swore I wasn't going to do this, but since you were polite about it....it's not about ''truth" VS "lies." Its about the well know Biblical contradictions and the interpretations of the time, based on what people knew then. I am certainly no expert and this treds on dangerous territory. I know there are more than 100 "errors" or "contradictions" in the Bible based on what we accept today. We studied some of these, but I'll admit I've forgotten most of them. A few stuck in my head. "Fowl" don't have four legs.  Neither do insects. Snails don't melt. Rabbits don't chew cud, bats aren't birds. It's hardly fair to take these out of context. But it does mean that many things can't be taken literally. Some of what was "true" then doesn't apply so easily now, especially since we are at the mercy of the old translators.  If you want to accept everything exactly as it was written, that is certainly your privilege. I have friends who are very fundamentalist too, and it makes for interesting discussions. Then we get a few Catholics in the mix and really take off! ;D But never in anger.


If we're going to start spouting the Bible like faucets in order to substantiate our views, then let me add this particular passage...God said, "I AM".  God did not say, "I am Christian" or "I am Buddhist" or "I am Jewish".  Creationism and Evolution intertwine beautifully...There are no holes in the fabric that God wove...Who is arrogant and vain enough to say how long a day is in God's time?  And, anyone who tries to state, with perfect authority, what God would have done in this life, is going to have to one day face the Big Man themselves...And I would pay money to see the looks on their faces when they suddenly find out that they are not the only ones that God allows into Heaven.  It's like the old song..."Everyone sayin' God ain't goin' to Heaven".  God also said, "Just as you have done to the least of these, so have you done unto me."  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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