Hawaii passes “Islam Day” law

Started by Teresa, May 07, 2009, 10:30:49 AM

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I was wondering who was going to catch that.  Might have known it would be Billy.  Studying the Bible can be a full time job and still not have the answers.  If each person is allowed to believe as they wish, isn't that the way God intended?


Lord almighty.. I am going to have to repeat what Warph said in another thread...
"Am I ever glad I didn't get into the middle of this.. "   :D

I share my spiritual views with anyone who cares to "open their mind up"..
Doesn't seem to be many here that can do that.. I'm really sorry for that.
sooooooooooooooooo...............I guess since I started the thread I will have to agree that it might be best if we went back to arguing politics..
Of course... nobody agrees on that subject much either.. hahahaha.... ;D
although I am enjoying sitting back and reading all the posts on this subject....

But I will say this.........it's quite interesting that we all love and honor our God..This is good.
Why is it so important to some that you can only do it "a certain way( their way".. ) :) or you are doomed forever.. ::)
Sorry......I just don't buy into it..
God didn't make it rocket science............
Love and honor the higher power that HE is.......Love ourselves ( for we ARE that higher power) give unselfishly of yourself to your fellow man....honor and love and forgive.. 
Do and be the best person you can be every day of your lifetime on the earth, and I seriously doubt you will have any problems once you cross over..    ;).

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Thanks Teresa. I think we went far afield because of the Islam part, which is a very hot button for many. I still think Hawaii did it to attract tourists. I was actually wondering more about the separation of church and state, so to speak, but I didn't see the original article so I don't know how it came about. Now that's another state that is very multicultural because of its history. Some still leave offerings to Pele, regardless of their religious affiliation.

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