Obama charged with treason

Started by Teresa, May 04, 2009, 05:23:59 PM

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Teresa is right in that the only thing that would be accomplished by taking up arms would be someone taking the arms away from us.  That can't happen.  We must do whatever we have to do to keep our firearms, as paltry as mine is, but it just isn't right for the citizens to be without firearms.  And don't ask me why.  This is just something that I feel.

David, WOW.


I really don't understand where it is you are coming from.  You write with precieved conviction that what you are saying is true.  Our Forefathers did what they did because they were unhappy with the king and the laws he put in effect.  To me that is alot like today.  From what I have read on the post many of the people, who post here, are not happy with what is going on today.  I think it is great that they have the courge to say how they feel and not fall for everything that the media has to tell them.  
I know that I am new and haven't posted all that much but in this instance I have to agree with BillyakaVarmit. Freedom came at a great cost and if things continue the way they seem to be we may have to pay a price again.  I have children and don't want to lose them to war or terrorist.  With that said I aslo don't wish to raise them in a country that has forgotten its past or how great it is.  


Quote from: darkangel on May 05, 2009, 08:29:15 PM
I really don't understand where it is you are coming from.  You write with precieved conviction that what you are saying is true.  Our Forefathers did what they did because they were unhappy with the king and the laws he put in effect.  To me that is alot like today.  From what I have read on the post many of the people, who post here, are not happy with what is going on today.  I think it is great that they have the courge to say how they feel and not fall for everything that the media has to tell them.  
I know that I am new and haven't posted all that much but in this instance I have to agree with BillyakaVarmit. Freedom came at a great cost and if things continue the way they seem to be we may have to pay a price again.  I have children and don't want to lose them to war or terrorist.  With that said I aslo don't wish to raise them in a country that has forgotten its past or how great it is.  

Nothing I said disagrees with your statement.  Your comment has nothing to do with the topic of Obama being accused of treason.



I think I saw something else.  Our forefathers were rebelling against the King's laws, not their own.  It was a different situation.  They were being ruled and taxed without representation.  And here I am going to stop.  I am not as up on history as some of you others are. 


Enjoy your time in hell idiots?  :o




Quote from: kshillbillys on May 05, 2009, 08:55:20 PM
Enjoy your time in hell idiots?  :o

Yes kshillbilly. (Overly dramitic statement yes) A reference to the nut jobs that think the Magna Carte gives them the power to seize property and imprison prosecutors, judges, or anyone else.( Dark Angel, Not directed at anyone here on the forum, because none of them mentioned it) Did you all miss the part where I talked about the legitimate legal claims. Please read what I said again. If you have a specific point you want clarification on, ask a specific question and I will reply.



Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
Ok I have reread the post. Followed the llinks. Done my google search. The question of Obama being a natural born citizen will never come to pass in the courts. The Supreme court is refusing to hear the cases.

How is this following our laws?  the man has yet to prove he is a citizen.  If he is not then he in direct violation of our laws.

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
After checking citizen formed Grand Jury rules most of them have no legal standing in their States. Only six states have the ability to have citizen formed grand juries. The US federal court do not recognize them

This is a violation of the Constitution

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
As for the wacko, nut job, terrorists that think the Magna Carte has any standing in US law and they can seize land and imprison the government prosecutors, judges, etc. You guys are way overreacting.

The Principle behind the Magna Carte was to limit the power of the king.  This is the same principle behind the Constitution, to limit the power of the gov't.  So who are the wacko, nutjob, terrorists?

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
Yes our founder fathers were in the same position when they decided to not follow the King;s rule.This is not the same situation. You need to follow our laws which are much better than the Kings.

Our freedoms are being stripped, our liberites are being infriged on, our wealth is being stolen, our gov't doesn't represent us,...how is this different?  Our own gov't doesn't follow the laws and nothing happens to them,  yet they pass "Ex Post Facto" laws to come after us...how is this better?

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
None of you have the conviction and moral standing that our founding fathers had. When you are convicted of treason, shot, bit by dogs, maced, hit by rubber bullets, or killed for your actions, I hope you realize the errors of your ways.

We are speaking out against tyranny and oppression, so did our Founder Fathers.  Our ForeFathers were convicted of treason and hung, or shot for fighting for what they believe in, we are willing to do the same.  

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
I do not support your violent threats. You are not on the same moral ground as our forefathers. Enjoy your time in hell idiots.

And what qualifies you to judge us?  
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on May 05, 2009, 09:32:17 PM
Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
Ok I have reread the post. Followed the llinks. Done my google search. The question of Obama being a natural born citizen will never come to pass in the courts. The Supreme court is refusing to hear the cases.

How is this following our laws?  the man has yet to prove he is a citizen.  If he is not then he in direct violation of our laws.

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
After checking citizen formed Grand Jury rules most of them have no legal standing in their States. Only six states have the ability to have citizen formed grand juries. The US federal court do not recognize them

This is a violation of the Constitution

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
As for the wacko, nut job, terrorists that think the Magna Carte has any standing in US law and they can seize land and imprison the government prosecutors, judges, etc. You guys are way overreacting.

The Principle behind the Magna Carte was to limit the power of the king.  This is the same principle behind the Constitution, to limit the power of the gov't.  So who are the wacko, nutjob, terrorists?

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
Yes our founder fathers were in the same position when they decided to not follow the King;s rule.This is not the same situation. You need to follow our laws which are much better than the Kings.

Our freedoms are being stripped, our liberites are being infriged on, our wealth is being stolen, our gov't doesn't represent us,...how is this different?  Our own gov't doesn't follow the laws and nothing happens to them,  yet they pass "Ex Post Facto" laws to come after us...how is this better?

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
None of you have the conviction and moral standing that our founding fathers had. When you are convicted of treason, shot, bit by dogs, maced, hit by rubber bullets, or killed for your actions, I hope you realize the errors of your ways.

We are speaking out against tyranny and oppression, so did our Founder Fathers.  Our ForeFathers were convicted of treason and hung, or shot for fighting for what they believe in, we are willing to do the same.  

Quote from: dnalexander on May 05, 2009, 07:28:37 PM
I do not support your violent threats. You are not on the same moral ground as our forefathers. Enjoy your time in hell idiots.

And what qualifies you to judge us?  

How is this following our laws?  the man has yet to prove he is a citizen.  If he is not then he in direct violation of our laws.

That it will never come to pass that is my opinion. He has yet to prove he is a citizen is your opinion.  If he is not that is a violation of the Constitution true. The supreme court is refusing to hear these claims and they are the arbiters of the Constitution.

This is a violation of the Constitution
Prove it...

The Principle behind the Magna Carte was to limit the power of the king.  This is the same principle behind the Constitution, to limit the power of the gov't.  So who are the wacko, nutjob, terrorists?

The Magna Carte has no standing in the US and we are not governed by it. To find the nutjobs follow the links and do a google search and see who is supporting their claims by the Magna Carte that they think gives them the authority to take peoples property and imprison. Very easy to find do your own leg work.

Our freedoms are being stripped, our liberites are being infriged on, our wealth is being stolen, our gov't doesn't represent us,...how is this different?  Our own gov't doesn't follow the laws and nothing happens to them,  yet they pass "Ex Post Facto" laws to come after us...how is this better?

I don't disagree with ;most of that. It is better because I don't think any of us would choose today's situation over what our founding fathers experienced under the King.

We are speaking out against tyranny and oppression, so did our Founder Fathers.  Our ForeFathers were convicted of treason and hung, or shot for fighting for what they believe in, we are willing to do the same. 

True statement and I support it. I don't think this situation warrants violence. I also, don't think the people advocating violence have the guts to follow through.

And what qualifies you to judge us? 

No qualifications needed. I have freedom of speech. If you advocate violence in this situation without following the legal remedies available then include yourself in us. Before my post you were only talking about AIG execs which is off topic. So at the time I wasn't judging us I was judging them. Really, you are asking how anyone can judge someone? You do it all the time.


p.s. Did you miss the part where I said this is a legitimate claim? I am curious as to why he won't supply the documentation. No matter what happens he won't be removed as President. The only legal principle to remove him is quo warranto ; under the citizenship issue. That is one of the legitimate claims. Still won't happen.



Somewhere I have missed something.  Does a candidate for office have to produce his birth certificate?  If so, have any of our other presidents had to make their birth certificate public?  Is there any evidence that Obama is not a qualified citizen of the United States?  If there was any doubt about his eligibility, wouldn't the Republicans have pushed it during the campaign?


The question is a simple one.  IF nobama is a U.S. citizen and if he can prove it by simply showing a birth certificate and thus squashing this whole thing, why doesn't he do it?  A requirement for a person to be president is that they be a natural born citizen.  If his claims of bi partisianship are true then he should work to unite this country instead of tearing it apart.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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