Obama charged with treason

Started by Teresa, May 04, 2009, 05:23:59 PM

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Well, if that is the case, why was Bush ripped a new one by the media every time he turned around?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Because a lot of people thought he took us to war in Iraq over oil and hid behind non existent WMD to do it and wanted to please his Daddy who was and still is connected to big oil dealings. I've heard that a lot, and from disillusioned Repubs. too. It started out well after our attacks after 9-11 and then seemed to turn into something personal, as a number of people told me. I'm not sure how I feel about it.


I'm going to be listening to the blogtalk and  see what they say and keep researching.
But this could/should bring things to a head - one way or another. If one way, there will be racial rioting in the streets no matter even if true, the other will only make him stronger and more treacherous.
And IF.........
BHO is found guilty and removed............ we need to make sure things are repaired correctly - that means NOT handing the reins to Biden either. The whole process is invalidated all the way back to the election (before?) no matter what those in power say. All currently in office, laws passed, EO's written etc. are null & void. The election must be redone as well as the 'stolen' seats in various states. Monies must be refunded, not used by the parties etc. It's a big mess with no precedent - more lawyer's jobs for years.

Personally, I do not believe that there is any way to remove him from office until he is either voted out or he term limits out. At least any other way that I see would work that doesn't involve violence. And the violence side of it?  I don't want to see that, if for no other reason than it would be an excuse (another one) to come after honest, law abiding gun owners.

No......although I am sure this is legit... I do think we are just stuck with him.
I will do my part in writing and letting my voice be heard.. but I too doubt we will get this idiot out of office.
I think that if he is caught red handed..they will look the other way..........

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You know what really scares me if Obama and Biden were removed from office?  Pelosi is next in line.  You're right, Teresa, this is a bigger mess than just removing the president will cure.  But the mess was started years ago, not with just the present administration or the previous one.  And since I have voted in every election for many, many years, you could say I am as much to blame as anyone, except that I haven't heard anything against the people that I voted for.


Personally, I think that if obama is removed, his entire cabinet should be removed.  Yeah it would be a mess, but I think a necessary one.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Ok I have reread the post. Followed the llinks. Done my google search. The question of Obama being a natural born citizen will never come to pass in the courts. The Supreme court is refusing to hear the cases. The group doing this calls themselves the American Grand Jury. They can accuse anyone of anything and call themselves whatever they want. After checking citizen formed Grand Jury rules most of them have no legal standing in their States. Only six states have the ability to have citizen formed grand juries. The US federal court do not recognize them There are some valid legal challenges that may have legal basis, but I doubt they will lead to anything. As for the wacko, nut job, terrorists that think the Magna Carte has any standing in US law and they can seize land and imprison the government prosecutors, judges, etc. You guys are way overreacting. Yes our founder fathers were in the same position when they decided to not follow the King;s rule.This is not the same situation. You need to follow our laws which are much better than the Kings. None of you have the conviction and moral standing that our founding fathers had. When you are convicted of treason, shot, bit by dogs, maced, hit by rubber bullets, or killed for your actions, I hope you realize the errors of your ways. That being said there are some very esoteric laws and procedures that can be followed to legally seek justice. I do not support your violent threats. You are not on the same moral ground as our forefathers. Enjoy your time in hell idiots.



David, try goggleing the Constitution, Bill of Rights.  Our Founders fought for freedom from an oppesive gov't, we are no different.  And don't worry I don't include you when I say "We". You do not understand the cost of freedom because you are not willing to pay it.

I don't mind being killed standing up and defending my freedom, country.  I do not want to, but I will.  I believe that during the course of our evolution as a country, should the need of Revolution arise, we should question it, look for peaceful alternatives.  However, when those that would oppress us, laugh at our attempts to be heard, scoff at our Constitution, seek to silence our voice, and strip us of our liberties then they leave us no choice. It is not with a light heart that we would take up this burden. But take it up we must.  It must be embraced with a conviction that is unrivaled and unmovable.  For those that would question our conviction, they do so only because their love of America and its promise of freedom is but a speck and not worthy to stand in our shadow.  They say that they want freedom, but lack the devotion necessary to defend it.  They say that they want Liberty, but are unwilling to fight to keep it.  They say that peace is the only way, because they have not the Courage to find another.    These are not the types that we should seek after to join our ranks, but rather seperate ourselves from.  Let us forget their meek and timid spirit. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


David, can you name some current leaders you see to be on the same moral high ground as our forefathers?


Billy you did not understand my post. As for me needing to google the Constitution, Bill of Rights it is unnecessary. I understand it as well as anyone on here and better than most. Go back and reread my post. As for fighting an oppressive government that needs to be overthrown I will be willing to pay the price. You did not understand my post. Sorry. I cant help you. Do not ever question my patriotism again. If you want clarification on what I said ask a specific question and I will be more than happy to answer.



Quote from: redcliffsw on May 05, 2009, 08:16:04 PM

David, can you name some current leaders you see to be on the same moral high ground as our forefathers?

No there are not any.


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