Obama charged with treason

Started by Teresa, May 04, 2009, 05:23:59 PM

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Diane Amberg

For some strange reason humans have held each other as slaves ( or whatever name meant the same thing) for about as long as there have been humans. Very sad. If God made man in his image, I wonder why we allowed ourselves to see some people as a lesser species. It happened, it's history. Unfortunately it still happens.


QuoteIf God made man in his image, I wonder why we allowed ourselves to see some people as a lesser species.

Good question, Diane. My thoughts? People don't want to accept anything that is different from their own way. If one group is "right," then everyone else must be wrong. If the other group doesn't look like us, there is something wrong with them. If they do things differently, believe things differently, perceive things differently, behave in a manner unlike ours, they are seen (and treated) as inferior. It's been a power struggle from the word "Go," and one camp will always try to subjugate another to maintain their superiority. If you look through history, you might find that those in power are those who are more technologically "advanced" than the ones they oppress. A prime example comes from the early British anthropologists who deemed native cultures as "savages," "barbarians" and "primitives."

My question would be, didn't Jesus say to love one another? To love your enemies? As you do unto others that you do unto me? It seems to me there are a lot of people who quote Scripture who gloss over these parts when trying to convince others that the Bible is the Word of God and to justify their judgments and actions upon others. What a far different world this would be if all those who proclaim to be Christian actually followed his teachings.


Diane Amberg


Thanks indygal.  So well put and oh so true.


Extremely well said, Indy.  Unfortunately, there are many who see the rebel flag as being the symbol of white supremacy (their views, not mine...don't shoot the messenger)...And, no, they're not flying any African flag or any African colors.  Personally, I view it as a relic...Something that some hold in high regard but has been necessarily retired as it has outlived its usefulness.  There is no room for any one group to "rise again" in this United States.  We are all interdependent...And that interdependency restricts any one minority from having its needs outweigh the needs of the collective majority.  It would be wonderful if we were all more Christlike in our dealings with others...But I don't forsee a day when that's the reality.  However, it's something to shoot for!

Diane Amberg


Cat, you said that our interdependency restricts one group for having its needs outweigh the collective.  I would say that is flawed. Things like affimative action, states (even our president) recognizing one religious group over another, "hate speech" laws which can target specific groups, all of these are examples of one groups needs outweighing others. 

It would be wonderful if we could be more Christ like...if we could tell homosexuals rise and sin no more, if pregnant women would care for their unborn instead of killing them, if we had the courage to drive out the money changers...it would be wonderful.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


oh wait...we already do that, they just don't listen.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


The Confederate flag ought not to be seen as a relic or retired to a museum,

Always, it's good to see one a flying.

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