What Could The Objection Be To The Wind Farms?

Started by sixdogsmom, April 30, 2009, 02:53:51 PM

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Diane Amberg

I think it's something you all could be proud of.


Yes, I do know that nuclear is clean and effiecient, however we have still not resolved the waste situation. Also, I do not see triple guards on the Beaumont wind farm, so that must mean that the threat of terrorist attack on them is very small. It would take that fellow, Sir Whats His Name? in a turban to take a poke at those windmills. Ha! Please could we start another thread on nuclear if argument is wanted about that, and leave this thread for all the windy ---- ooopppss! Wind supporters!  ;D ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 03, 2009, 04:14:35 PM
That is one of the other sides of small or nonexistent Government  They can't help you, you are at the mercy of what big business owners want to do, with little if any oversight.That's also capitalism. Intervening to help the population at large would be socialist. Pick your poison. I know it's none of my business, but I do feel bad for you Pep. What is "off the grid" coal?  Great guns, you wouldn't want it so close to your property line so that if it fell it would fall on your part, but other than that I sure don't see a problem. Ours will be off the coast and some people are against them too. They might scare a fish or something.

Why on earth would you feel bad for me.......The lack of govt intervention is why I live here.  I like high electric rates, no water,poor land values, high taxes,  crappy roads within 20 miles of the best limestone, empty downtown buildings, empty houses for the breeding of opossum, skunks, and the ever popular Norwegian rat, 15 or so school buildings one for every child, brand new 48 passenger school buses, a justified expense because we are reimbursed by the federal government for the fact that the kids live more than 2.5 miles from school that we purposely build out side of town just to get it built,  that can't legally drive down the road because of the 3 ton or less bridges, minimum maintenance signs that warn you to procede at your own risk because your property value has dropped because your neighbor built a wind farm at the end of said road and we can't afford to grade, gravel, or fix the crossing, Quad county build two or more of every type of business that already exists so we can watch it fail for the greater economic development and poverty.

Poverty the state of the average income for all three of the next graduates of the WEHS.   

I love it here........I have land leased to oil and gas parties.  I would lease to any wind developer that would come along.  I am open to putting in a golf course.  I would take offers to build a water tower just to have more pressure let alone availabity.   Hunting and fishing leases are renewed every third year.   Lodging could be arranged, two bedrooms just sit empty.  Wouldn't move to a place where the EMT's don't have to call back to the dispatch two or more times to find your house for anything.   Off grid has so many contexts.....Where you cell phone doesn't work, the gps gets confused, and the neighbors are few are far between.  This place is better the longer you stay here.

Diane Amberg


Quote from: sixdogsmom on May 04, 2009, 06:33:20 PM
Yes, I do know that nuclear is clean and effiecient, however we have still not resolved the waste situation. Also, I do not see triple guards on the Beaumont wind farm, so that must mean that the threat of terrorist attack on them is very small. It would take that fellow, Sir Whats His Name? in a turban to take a poke at those windmills. Ha! Please could we start another thread on nuclear if argument is wanted about that, and leave this thread for all the windy ---- ooopppss! Wind supporters!  ;D ;D

UHmm The waste problem?  The rods in the nuclear plant once used can be recycled and used in another plant.  They can pretty much be used completely up by the time they cycle through the whole process.  And then once used up, they can be broken down to extract radioactive components like cobalt to utilize in medical proceedures such as Nuclear bone scans and Nuclear stress tests for the heart.   The amount left by that time is easily handled and given that information and technology doubles every 2 years, we probably will find ways in the near term to extrapolate more products from whats left and eventually make the "waste" inert.   

Nuclear material is much like oil when distilled.  You can separate various levels of energy and producst from it. 

Without Nuclear reactors, we can't have the medicines we have today, nor the technolgy and tests that are preformed.  Shoot without the reactors we can't even do stents in the heart. 

As far as security, we have triple security on our hydro plants, dams, waterways, fuel depots, ect.  Your going to find security on windfarms too.  They have to protect the stations that connect to the grid. 

The only triple security i have seen on a Nuclear plant is only on the ones that produce plutonium.  The rest of them don't get as high a security because of the type of plants they are.  If i remember right there are 3 types maybe 4, of which each type uses a recycled rod from the ones that extract plutonium. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Wow, I agree with most of what you wrote here pep. (looking outside to check if the world is still on its axis)

Quote from: pepelect on May 04, 2009, 09:33:01 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 03, 2009, 04:14:35 PM
That is one of the other sides of small or nonexistent Government  They can't help you, you are at the mercy of what big business owners want to do, with little if any oversight.That's also capitalism. Intervening to help the population at large would be socialist. Pick your poison. I know it's none of my business, but I do feel bad for you Pep. What is "off the grid" coal?  Great guns, you wouldn't want it so close to your property line so that if it fell it would fall on your part, but other than that I sure don't see a problem. Ours will be off the coast and some people are against them too. They might scare a fish or something.

Why on earth would you feel bad for me.......The lack of govt intervention is why I live here.  I like high electric rates, no water,poor land values, high taxes,  crappy roads within 20 miles of the best limestone, empty downtown buildings, empty houses for the breeding of opossum, skunks, and the ever popular Norwegian rat, 15 or so school buildings one for every child, brand new 48 passenger school buses, a justified expense because we are reimbursed by the federal government for the fact that the kids live more than 2.5 miles from school that we purposely build out side of town just to get it built,  that can't legally drive down the road because of the 3 ton or less bridges, minimum maintenance signs that warn you to procede at your own risk because your property value has dropped because your neighbor built a wind farm at the end of said road and we can't afford to grade, gravel, or fix the crossing, Quad county build two or more of every type of business that already exists so we can watch it fail for the greater economic development and poverty.

Poverty the state of the average income for all three of the next graduates of the WEHS.   

I love it here........I have land leased to oil and gas parties.  I would lease to any wind developer that would come along.  I am open to putting in a golf course.  I would take offers to build a water tower just to have more pressure let alone availabity.   Hunting and fishing leases are renewed every third year.   Lodging could be arranged, two bedrooms just sit empty.  Wouldn't move to a place where the EMT's don't have to call back to the dispatch two or more times to find your house for anything.   Off grid has so many contexts.....Where you cell phone doesn't work, the gps gets confused, and the neighbors are few are far between.  This place is better the longer you stay here.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on May 06, 2009, 07:02:49 AM
As far as security, we have triple security on our hydro plants, dams, waterways, fuel depots, ect.  Your going to find security on windfarms too.  They have to protect the stations that connect to the grid. 

Yup, the security on the windfarms is going to be Chuck Norris riding around on his trusty steed Hank sporting a pistol in his saddlebags.  And if you're a coyote, then you better steer clear.


Chuck Norris does not need a gun, he is faster than a speeding bullet, can whip a grizzly, jump over buildings, outrun a car. Chuck Norris is a one man Texas Ranger force in Texas.

Rudy Taylor

Looks like we've had 692 responses to this subject on the forum.  What a wonderful thing it is to have such an interactive voice in this community. When anyone opposes the proposed wind farm in Elk County, they should visit the forum and browse this diverse discussion of a community issue. The forum may not change minds, but it certainly provides good insight into the thinking of local folks.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

W. Gray

So far, it would seem the only bad thing that might happen at a wind farm would be a rattlesnake bite up at the top and inside one of those structures.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

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