What Could The Objection Be To The Wind Farms?

Started by sixdogsmom, April 30, 2009, 02:53:51 PM

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Thank you, Liz.  I still can't see a reason to not have the wind farm ------ as long as I can see the towers with the propellers going around.


I can see where the windfarm would benefit the county.  Personaly I think they are kinda ugly, and wouldn't want any on my land. But that is just me.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Rudy Taylor

From what I've read, a big advantage of a wind farm is that it HAS NO TIME LIMIT for decommissioning. It's not like a nuclear plant or a coal facility, both of which develop potential dangers as they get older.

These wind turbines are constantly replaced as they develop problems, with no long-term dangers to the local area or environment.

But I'm no expert. I recommend finding reliable sources for information on wind energy.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


For news and events related to wind energy in Kansas:


For additional information on wind energy in Kansas and in general:


Please keep in mind the biases of the information source.  The same statistics and research can be selectively used to support a multitude of "reports".  It all depends on what the funding organizations pre-existing ideals and positions are.


I think Tom Devlin should turn his old bank building into offices for our new wind farm and it employees, they may even hire some of the folks thatTom laid off from Flint Oak.
"Talk Low, Talk Slow And Dont Talk Too Much."
                  ( John Wayne )


I like your line of thinking!  Weldome aboard.

L Hendricks


"Talk Low, Talk Slow And Dont Talk Too Much."
                  ( John Wayne )


I have seen what happens to a small town when something new comes to that town. there is stimulation to both economy and moral. Sadly I have also seen what happens when a large business leaves after forcing smaller businesses out because they could not compete, that town is left with its citizens driving to  the next large town or city to do there shopping and earn there living. But all is not bad like srping comes after winter so does new growth just not as fast as the seasons. I dont think that these wind farms are a here one day gone the next... If we get them. I think they are a great opportunity and am just a little appauld that one person thinks that he should speak for an entire community.   
"Talk Low, Talk Slow And Dont Talk Too Much."
                  ( John Wayne )

Rudy Taylor

 I think it would be a good idea for Elk Konnected to host a big meeting (I'm talking huge, rally size) and invite Trade Wind Energy leaders to answer questions AND allow them to see the support they've got here in Elk County. If such a meeting could be arranged, I truly believe we could get the governor to come and express his own support for the project.

I also think invitations should go to Wichita TV media and Westar Energy officials. It might also be a good time for the Devlins to come and explain their opposition to the wind farm. I'm sure they have some definite points they could effectively make.

All I know is that I'm getting a churning gut thinking about this thing. And, I'm proud of the way the Elk County Commissioners addressed this situation at their most recent meeting. (See the following excerpt from the May 26 meeting)
Commissioner Hendricks reported visiting with Matt Gilhousen of Tradewind Energy and learning that Westar would not be purchasing energy from Tradewind because of perceived environmental issues.  Hendricks said she had learned one issue was not having a Decommissioning Agreement in place and another was a group wanting the County to place a moratorium on wind projects east of Kansas Highway 99.  County Attorney Marla Foster Ware had informed Hendricks that since Elk County is not zoned, that could not legally be done.  Hendricks had obtained a generic Decommissioning Agreement from Gilhousen and will have the County Attorney review it before the next Commissioner meeting. 
June 8th Agenda
   The Commissioners instructed the County Clerk to place reviewing the Flint Oak tax emption and the Decommissioning Agreement with Caney River Wind Project, LLC on the agenda for the next meeting. 
It truly is "a wonderful life."

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