As a good citizen of the New World Order...........

Started by Teresa, April 29, 2009, 08:21:30 AM

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I received this from a friend of mine who is a cop who is 6 months away from retiring. ( a fact that he keeps reminding me of he is counting down the days.. LOL)

As a good citizen of the New World Order,  :police:...I am supposed to be duty bound to report any sort of email you or others send to me..
What in the hell is happening to our country?

Now... doesn't that give you a sucking hollow feeling inside ?
It does me.
I have no idea whether these people are just some overzealous idol worshiping  nutsos or whether they actually have connections to , or are a para-political arm of the administration.....this administration may have more of a shadow wing than anything we have ever seen here in the US in the past.....maybe yes,, maybe no....

One thing I DO notice... in our past US history..  various episodes of mob action , whether motivated by rightful indignation, or wrong motives... other than the American Revolution itself (which involved a foreign government... )  have always been directed against the sitting authorities

This current situation is something new to our nation , as far as I know----- a mob (with all that implies)  seemingly about to form.... to support the government against any complaint by a  presently peaceful and loyal citizenry  .

If they do , this group collecting emails critical of their Supreme Leader.. ----even if they just have the Presidents ear.. or that of his handlers... folks.. we ARE on the precipice of all the nightmares Orwell and others foresaw coming..
makes ya kinda want to puke doesn't it.
Puking is part of the fight or flight syndrome... nature wants to empty our bowels and gut so we can be fleeter and faster whether in flight or fight...
and having no where to flee to.... well I guess the choice is made..
I am sick over this...
a two pronged attack on everything we hold dear.. take the guns... and then encourage people to turn in those who write or speak critically of the leaders..
HOLY SHIT... that is a no brainier for anyone with the TINIEST knowledge of history...
The battle lines being drawn are not over gun control .....they are over LIBERTY itself... the motive of an apparently large and growing group of our fellow citizens is to Do Away With The United States Constitution and the freedoms it has afforded us... We are the blessed ones. a tiny group.... only  10 generations of Mankind... out of all history who have lived in a way hardly ever seen before.. which ...if these people have their way.. may never be seen on the face of the earth again

Pray and Pray , and Pray some more... we need an ally.... a powerful ally.....

Lord.. I would like to settle this NOW. and not leave it to my children and their children...

we need to ACT on this... notably the Gun Control issues...if they win on the gun control issues..... the rest of the questions will already be moot.

But we need to be vigilant about ALL their plots ,,, any one of them could be the leverage to implement the others

We need to PRAY and ACT... I am not advocating violent overthrow of government... I am saying write, phone,, meet with Congressmen, Senators.. ,, use the press (while you can) ...let them know how we feel... what we believe in... get them to rein in the Fascists and Socialists... so we do not end up in actual physical conflict with domestic enemies falsely displaying our own Colors as their authority

It could be we are already done for... it could be we are the generation the Bible spoke of... if it is not will happen one day... but when... in our children's time.... or theirs .... or theirs.. or a 1000 years from now.. ?

It is no less likely to be starting now than it is likely not to be.

I PRAY I am wrong... I PRAY... these who have come to power in the most aberration election process I have ever seen... where immensely popular leaders....of both sides... literally shot themselves in their own feet in inexplicable acts of foolishness, aborting their own campaigns ---.. ...
I pray that those who came to power in the ensuing vacuum will see the error of their  own thinking ... or shake off whatever influences are affecting them and see clearly what this nation is about.. ...and return to the course.....the pathway of freedom and personal responsibility

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Teresa, I  just read that site and I didn't get the same message at all. He's got to be some trouble maker trying to stir something up. Who in their right mind is going to listen to him? Don't let that kind of thing get to you. He's disgusting.


Oh I realize it was just one site.. but there are many sites like this..
People and organizations of this nature are disgusting..

But believe me.. this is just a teeny small example of the sites and whistle blowers out there that is working for Big Brother.

Won't stop me..
but I thought Jays response was the meaningful part on any site that wants to be the eyes and ears and judgment panel..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I've had a bit of time this morning to check out some of these sites.

Apparently this new site I posted is getting around. #1 on Google... and checking the google stats...It has circulated and been opened by 105,568,377 people.. ! Not a small number of people..
So the "one person" theory just flew out the window..
I wish I could dismiss it and tell you that there are not some that will revel in using this site.. .Not to mention the numerous others I found.  But I can't..

The up side??
I also found lots of people making their own sites dedicated to exposing all of them!

Here is one of them..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Tersa, I think that we are going to start seeing more and more of this kind of thing.  The sad part is that freedom loving americans are the minority.  If you listen to his supporters, the way that they are in awe of him, it is scary. 

The "powers that be" know how "we" feel and they know what we believe, sadly it doesn't matter to them.  You're right though, we should call, use the media, internet, letters, voting, and such.  But we should also prepare for what is inevitablly coming.  I wish it wasn't, but truly believe that it is.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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