Arrogant Americans, Mr. President?

Started by kshillbillys, April 26, 2009, 04:43:51 PM

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I googled this particular thread on the internet and didn't find it. What exactly were you googling so I can look for it too?



Diane Amberg


Well I'm unable to find anything unless you type in Elk County, Elk County Forum or cascity and I'm not gonna take time to go through and search all the threads on here and look for it. I still don't think Osama bin Laden gives a crap about what we're talking about. We are very small time to him!




Quote from: Wilma on May 01, 2009, 08:41:43 PM
We helped get the country in the shape it is in by not putting the brakes on a long time ago.  Opposing everything that is tried does not help.  It isn't necessary to blindly support everything either.  But somewhere in the middle there should be someway to support our government.  After all, a lot of our government officials have been there a long, long time.  Maybe too long.
I myself don't have a problem with him until he does something to errode our  constitution of which his socialist plan is nothing but a continuous erosion. 
Why don't i trust our Government, because no one should trust government.  Even our forefathers said that government cannot be trusted and put in place the constitution and bill of rights to chain government down.   Why don't i trust politicians?  Because they don't deserve my trust nor do they deserve my respect.  Zell miller is one such man. But hes no longer a politician.  The rest of them on capitol hill haven't done anything to earn my respect or trust.   
Obama hasn't done anything to earn my respect.   When he follows the constitution to the letter, and stops trying to shove socialism down our throats then i'll start respecting him.  I still see him as one of the most dangerous threats to this country that we have ever faced. 

Respect is earned it is not taken or given by default.  IF a man won't stand by his word he's worthless and obama has already broken his word countless times in the first 100 days.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Wilma, you want to talk about respect?  Okay, lets talk...Lets talk about how a Real American Hero, John McCain, was made fun of during the campaign because of his war injuries.  Lets talk about how our "Democratic" leadership contunially tries to erode the Rights of the American people by tearing down the Constitution (fairness doctrine, gun control, and ignoring the 10th admendment).  Lets talk about how obama is pushing for the dissolution of our National Sovereignty with his support of things like the North American Union and OAS treaty.  You're right wilma, respect is sorely lacking in this country.

I would have more respect for obama he would just come out and say that he was going to make America a socialist country.  he won't do that because he knows that "real" americans wouldn't stand for it, so instead he does it on the sly.  Where's the respect in that?  My definition of respect may be different from yours, but I believe that if you respect someone you don't lie to them.  Nobama has lied more time than I  can count.  During the campagin when obama said, "I'm not coming after your guns" many people took that at face value.  They believed that there wouldn't be any more gun control laws passed, the assualt weapons ban wouldn't be put back in place, and that taxes on ammo and such would remain the same.  Those people were proven wrong.  What obama should've said (if he wanted to be truthful) was "I may not be coming after your guns, but I am going to make it harder for you to own more".  Where was the respect when during the campagin obama accused middle america conservatives of "clinging to thier guns, God, and Bible"  Where is the respect when his administration accuses American veterans, and anyone that doesn't support him of being domestic terrorists? 

And you accuse me of being disrespectful? 

You want obama to be given an honest chance to prove what he can do.  I believe it was Warph, who posted a thread "the mistakes made during the first 100 days" have you read it?  If not you should.  obama has already proven that he lacks the leadership and expirence nessecary to govern a country.  When he released the "torture" memos and told our interrogators that they have to confine their methods to the army field manuals, he just didn't hamstring them, he neutered them.  he made them irrelevant.  Our enemies now know just how far our interrogators can and cannot go.  Before at least we could use fear as a tool, now however, we cannot even insult them.  They are laughing at us.  Our troops in Basic Training will undergo more stress than the prisoners we take.

You wondered where was the loyalty and patriotism of the 40's and 50's?  I would ask that same question of our elected officals.  Bear in mind it was during that time that the Progressive movement (which is just another name for Marxism) really got going.  Where is the loyality to the American People?  to the Constitution? 

Excuse me for being a bit "radical" but I will not just stand idly by and watch my country being torn down any longer. I have shed blood, mine and others, for this country, how much more loyalty do you need?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


A politician lied during a campaign?  I can't believe you fell for that.  I didn't believe anything he promised, simply because he didn't have the experience or knowledge to know whether or not it could be done.  It isn't my fault that you and I are smarter than the majority of this country.

I still say he is due the respect of the office he holds simply because he was elected to it by the majority.  What has happened to the American Way?  Especially innocent until proven guilty.  Oh, maybe that isn't a part of the constitution.

Other countries are listening, expecially the ones that would like to drag us down.  They have probably decided to just wait and watch us do it to ourselves.


The American way??  What exactly is you definiton of the american way?

Quote from: Wilma on May 02, 2009, 06:54:59 AM
I still say he is due the respect of the office he holds simply because he was elected to it by the majority. 
A vast majority of Germans supported Hitler, did he deserve respect simply because of his office?

Or are your questions just more "goading"?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.




Don't you "now, now" me. I asked an honest question about her post.  I am merely asking her to explain, unless there is a rule around here that states only she (and others that agree with her) are allowed to do that.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Wilma deserves respect as does anyone else on this forum, that was what I meant Billy.

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