First 100 days, just wait it gets better

Started by Varmit, April 25, 2009, 08:42:47 AM

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We will never get a dime back. Obama has now switched govt shares from preferred stock to common stock. Which means that we are officially not eligible to receive money anymore. It also means that the Govt officially has voting rights (control) within the company.

This was NEVER about saving jobs or saving the economy or keeping the companies from going under. If that were the case, they would have let them go into bankruptcy before taking ownership. This was about what it is ALWAYS about...... control and dependency. They knew bankruptcy was the best solution.... that is why they are pushing it forward now. BUT they wanted to swoop in and take ownership of the company when they had a chance, and a reason.

The nanny state wants to be able to dictate to us what cars we can and cannot drive. There is a political agenda here, people!

Rush (even though some of you don't like him) reported that in the company's viability report, there are 12 (if I remember right) brands within GM that are profitable.... half of them are trucks and SUVs...... All of those are slated to have their production ended. Now, if this were about making GM profitable again and giving back govt ownership of the company, why would you stop production of profitable products?
Political agenda. Plain and simple.   
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


100 days of dismantling our American way of life.
100 days, and Specter the Defector just gave him a BIG present, a super majority. What did Specter get? King Zero's support in a bid for another term in the Senate, as a democrat.

Lovely. NOW what do we have to look forward to in the next 100, 200, 1200 days?


When Obama said, "That's a pledge I will keep", we had proof positive he would not keep such a pledge.

Any time a candidate makes a promise, then follows it with a promise to actually keep that promise, how can you possibly believe him?

He just told you he would not otherwise keep the promise.
It's a bit like someone saying, "I'll be honest with you...", illustrating they are not otherwise honest.

I have many times found out that unguarded moments reveal much.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Arlen Specter is an old line politician. He was a Democrat, then went Repub. and now back to Democrat. He was Philly's DA back when. He'd pick you're political pocket if he could. Sometimes he's OK, but I don't trust him. And that's real old line politics. Ick! 


As we say on the range.. You got a head shot on that one Diane..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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