Just another example...

Started by Varmit, April 21, 2009, 09:30:08 PM

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If I disagree with Warph right now I will probably be hung and quartered.  But I am safe.  IMHO he said it just right.  And on that basis, I have to say, I will never be faced with that decision for myself, so it is none of my business. 


My mom sometimes comes in here to see what all i'm talking about and what's going on up here in our county. I would just like to

THANK YOU MAMA for letting me BEAT ROE V. WADE and not MURDERING ME while I was in your womb!! And I know that you made SACRIFICES in your life to raise an UNEXPECTED child! Together WE can hold our heads up high whenever we meet God to answer for our book of life..I LOVE YOU!  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY early!




Question for all those involoved here:  When did we as Americans and Christians start defining the morality of "right and wrong" on a personal basis? 

The argument of "my body, my choice" is flawed in that it is hypocrtial.  We want our children to abstain from sexual contact until they are married but its their body their choice right?  We don't want our children to do drugs, but, their body their choice right?  If we are to be a moral nation than we have to stand on our principles no matter how hard that might be.  We cannot just pick and choose when the time is conveint.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Billy, you have presented agood querstion about "right and wrong" on a personal basis.
Nowadays, people go around the Bible to get their own way.  Of course, if
they are not really Christians, it probably wouldn't much matter.

Just look at the entitlements and payments and bailouts from the
Federals!  The gov't money comes from somewhere and that source is
somebody else.  Much of the debt is being burdened upon the
unborn - those fortunate to escape the "personal rights" of others too.


I agree, I mean, I know that the gov't cannot generate it's "own" money, it has to get it from somewhere.  What they do with that money does concern me.  It should not go to "social engineering" projects like planned parenthood (what a misnomer) or the like.  If there is a surplus after securing our defense and delievering the mail, it should go back to the people.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Amen to that!  Billy, you are not talking "nonsense".

The Treasury is not for the public or the States to draw funding.


Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on May 02, 2009, 10:06:41 AM
    If there is a surplus after securing our defense and delievering the mail, it should go back to the people.

LOL! I thought that is where the money goes, education, highways, etc, etc, the people.

Diane Amberg

Billy, the old "post roads" were so they could deliver the mail. So that's it, huh, just defense and mail?  OK the next time I hear someone say "Why don't they do something about that"....Or "Why do they let them get away with that?" I'll tell 'em you said so. No more Federal Marshals, no more Dept. of Justice. No more Supreme Court. We can have two branches instead of three.  ;D In fact no more "United States," just "those 50 states, some of which aren't states but commonwealths." I can ask for your papers at our state line. ;D"


No CDC, no FCC or FAA. No medical research, no public schools, no Fema, no Fish and Game. Surely you do not think that with a population the size of the US that fish and game would just be there when you want it? What about water, food, and medicine standards? What about the mining industry? Strip mining would be legal any old how, with any kind of pollution allowed. Example is Galena Kansas, a disaster area due to lead poisoning. And the danger was known even way back then, there wasn't any regs to stop it though. Lots of men working in those mines lost their sight due to lead poisoning. The water is still unpotable. Where does a farmer or rancher go when they are having some kind of production problem they cannot resolve? They go to the extension service (funded with tax dollars). Your kids do not work in a sweatshop due to federal regulation. Children survive to adulthood due to many federal programs. I remember when I was in grade school, they lined everybody up and gave smallpox, diptheria vaccinations and tested for tuberculosis. I just saw a program on the history channel recently that was about that outbreak of smallpox (1947). It occurred in New York City, but due to government reaction and the actions taken, it was contained in a short time. We rely on government for many things and most are good and benefit all of us. We the people are the government, and fortunately we are a self governing body. We are charged as citizens to vote and to serve on jurys. We also pay taxes, and that seems to be what the main gripe is, all about the money. Idealism has very little to do with it.

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