Just another example...

Started by Varmit, April 21, 2009, 09:30:08 PM

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Edie, I wish we had applauding hands on here.  I could sure use them now.  I can't even find a happy face that says it.


Wilma, I have pretty much been sitting on the sidelines since losing Ted, but I can thank Billy for kindling the fire again.  :P


Diane, I don't know about the Federal Marshalls but the Dept. of Justice...if it worked so well under federal rule then why are our prisons filled to overflowing, many with repeat offenders?  Why are people sitting on death row for years at a time?  Why have they been waging a war on drugs with no victories? 

Supreme Court...has gotten so used to abusing its power they feel that they have a right to legislate from the bench.  And to make matters worse one adminstration can't seem to agree with the next.  So, whatever laws they don't like they just rule oppisite to what was already ruled upon.  Which causes confusion in an already chaotic Dept. of Justice.

The next time you hear someone complaining that the federal gov't isn't doing anything about something, ask them why they haven't told their state to do something about it. You know, excrise their 10th admendment rights.

"Unitied States"...hell, we can't even decide what language we speak, we divide ourselves on race, political views, religion, etc, what is so united about that?  We are a Confederacy, individual states working together, but some how the left forgot that.

CDC...I don't know about that one.  FCC...I don't need a gov't organization telling me what to watch, or listen to, I believe that if you don't like what is on then don't watch or listen to it. 

FAA...competion will spur quality and craftmanship.  Do you really think that if someone kept building a sub-standard plane that kept crashing people would chose to fly on it?

Medical Research...should be done by private organizations without the interference of gov't.  Again goes back to competition and the free market.

Public Schools...oh yeah, those turned well :P :-X  If the gov't does such a great job on these then why are there kids graduating who can't read, write, or answer basic history questions?

FEMA...ask the folks in New Orleans how this one worked out for them?

Fish and Game...what a waste, teach kids to respect and use nature as it was intended and there wouldn't be a need for this one.  It is a sad state when a person has to purchase a license to catch a fish.  By the way, I have never wanted fish and game.  The wardens around here act like they can go anywhere and do anything even on private land.  It is my land, I will do as I damn well please.

Water, Food, and medicane standards...if the gov't enforced these so flawlessly then why is the water in my small little town unfit to drink?  Why are foods purchased in grocery stores filled with more 20 letter words than actual food? 

Strip mining...if the majority of folks in an area don't want it then they should stop it, with either local leglislation or local action.  Pollution is the same way.  If a community has a set of pollution laws that are broken, the people doing it are arrested and made to make restitution.

Farmers or Ranchers...this one hits close to home, However, that is the nature of the beast isn't it?  Every person who is in business takes risks, some you win some you lose.

My kids don't work in a sweatshop because I don't allow them to.  I think that most americans wouldn't stand for it, not on our soil anyway.

As far a vaccinations goes, I really don't like the idea of my children being forced to take a medicine without my approval.  Which without said shots they cannont attend a public school. 

If We the People were the gov't, then they wouldn't pass legislation that most americans were against would they?  If gov't actually cared for the American people then they would act in the best interest for the American people and not just themselves.  They sure as hell wouldn't vote for a pay raise when most Americans are either taking a pay cut or losing their jobs all together.
Yes, we are charged to vote and serve on jurys.  But what good is that vote when they can be thrown out, miscounted, forged etc?  What good is that jury when they are not allowed to hear all evidence just because of the way it was obtained?
Yes, money is part of the gripe.  Folks work hard to earn that money and get a little mad when they see it taken from them and given to some lazy dead beat without a job, who doesn't want to work, and who feel that those with money owe them something.  Or worse yet, when they see a president who continually spouts off about how bad things are, and how we need to tighten our belts, and then throws parties (on taxpayers dime) and serves $100 servings of JAPANESSE beef! 
Idealism has everythng to do with it.  Ideals like honesty, integrity, loyalty, honor, duty,...words the left knows nothing about.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


That's pretty well said Billy.  Don'y you just love those Federal
approved tomatoes from the grocery and restaurants?

Billy, there's not many of us like you that don't like socialism.


There has always been a question around that hasn't been answered. 

If you don't like the country you are living in, why don't you leave?  Is there another country in this world that you could criticize so openly without going into hiding?  Oh, that's right, you are in hiding.  None of us know who you really are, do we?

Diane Amberg

Billy, do you consider yourself a Populist? I could re comment on some of your others, but I won't. you are entitled to you opinions if even if I think they have a rather narrow range sometimes.


Quote from: Wilma on May 03, 2009, 07:33:05 AM
There has always been a question around that hasn't been answered. 
If you don't like the country you are living in, why don't you leave?  Is there another country in this world that you could criticize so openly without going into hiding?  Oh, that's right, you are in hiding.  None of us know who you really are, do we?

Wilma, I was born here, this is my country.  One that has stood on the ideals of freedom.  No, I am not leaving.  And yes, I will continue to criticize what I think is wrong.  Thats the beauty of this country, the freedom that we have to speak our minds without fear of oppresion, at least thats how it used to be.  There are plenty of countries around the world that are socialist, marxist, whatever..if that is what some people want, THEY can move THERE.  And I am not in hiding, would it make you feel better if I published my full name, address, picture, whatever.  Wilma, I don't know who you are either, so I guess that kinda makes us even.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 03, 2009, 09:33:18 AM
Billy, do you consider yourself a Populist? I could re comment on some of your others, but I won't. you are entitled to you opinions if even if I think they have a rather narrow range sometimes.

Diane, I don't know what a Populist is.  I don't really consider myself anything other than American.  Narrow range..maybe, but I will take the road less traveled anyday.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

You might be an undeclared Anarchist. And I don't mean the modern mean "anti - everything" definition. Look it up sometime, not just the definition, but the political history of it.


Diane, I don't really like applying labels on this kinda thing.  I believe in strong individualism, self reliance, a belief in God, coupled with a neighborly demenor.  I believe the Bill of Rights is there for a reason and that they are not to be tampered with.  I believe that when the liberites of citizens are stripped away revolution will, and should follow. 

Try reading the book "From the Ashes:  America Reborn." by William W. Johnstone.  It is a work of fiction, however, the political aspect of it is something I could live with and would like to see in this country.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

You sure do throw "socialist" around a lot for someone who isn't crazy about labels!  ;D I think I will try to read that book. And you do to generalize ....A lot!

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