Hazel Moore

Started by Mom70x7, April 17, 2009, 06:08:41 PM

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I did check with someone this morning and the old Clear Creek School is now gone. They also had neighborhood church in that school building, I am told. The building was still there in the early 60s, I don't know when they tore it down.


If you are talking about the school I think you are talking about, it was still there in the early 90's, though not usuable in any sense of the word.

Marcia Moore

     The Clear Creek School and the Clear Creek Methodist Church each had their own building.  The Clear Creek schoolhouse was built in the SW corner of the NW1/4 of Sect. 34, Twp 29, Range 9.  The tract of land deeded for the church commenced at the SE corner of the N1/2 of the NE1/4 of Sect. 33, Twp. 29S, Range 9E, running from thence west 20 rods, thence north 40 rods, thence east 20 rods, thence south 40 rods to the place of beginning, containing five acres, more or less.  The Clear Creek Cemetery was/is also situated on that five acres the church occupied. 


Which building stood the longest?  There was only one building that I remember and a small cemetery.

Marcia Moore

     Church services were still being held at the Clear Creek Methodist Church in the early 1920's, but it is thought that by 1930 the church had been discontinued.  I do not know what happened to the church building or when/why it disappeared.
     The last year the Clear Creek School was in use was the term of 1945-46.  Most, but not all, of the old country schools were auctioned off once they were no longer needed.   


I got a message from Hazel Moore's niece that she is doing remarkably well following her hip surgery last week.  She is walking, and her hip is healing wonderfully.  She remains in the hospital in El Dorado as they are working to adjust some of her medications to get her waking and sleeping schedules straightened out.

She loves getting cards and letters, so pass the word to your friends and neighbors, and everyone drop a card in the mail for Hazel soon.  It would certainly brighten her day!

Hazel Moore
Susan B. Allen Memorial Hospital
720 W. Central Avenue
El Dorado, KS  67042


A card or note & 5 minutes.. a 42 cent stamp.. to make someone smile.

Priceless... ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Hazel has been moved to Eureka:

Greenwood County Hospital
100 W 16th St
Eureka, KS  67045


Thanks, Debbie,

Plans must have changed since yesterday evening.  Obviously it seems pretty hard for us to keep up with a 99-year-old lady!!!!!!!  Hopefully her mail will catch up with her in the near future, whether while she's in the hospital or after she returns to Twilight Manor.  The important thing is to keep those cards and letters coming!!!


well poop.. my card will come back to me. I will send her another one at Eureka then.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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