Heres a good idea to generate local sales

Started by srkruzich, April 10, 2009, 07:19:55 AM

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Wilma, I think there is a good possibility that if Howard had a Farmer's Market, more people would get involved and plan, plant and harvest to participate in it. They would get involved for more than just the money, I think they would get involved for the fun, involvement and to show off their abilitity to produce better and more produce. I have talked to people at Farmer's markets and a lot of them say they do it for a hobby, for the fun of meeting people and to grow more and better than their neighbors.


The last farmer's market I remember was when Elwood Miller and Vince and Mildred Nelson were bringing their produce in.  It was a time to visit with old friends and neighbors.  It wasn't heavily attended but the farmers usually sold out.  I wonder if any of our local gardeners would be interested in planting enough to make a Farmer's Market more of a business than just a way to dispose of surplus.

You can add to beets, green beans and turnips to my list of wants.


Wilma, I think there could be more involvement, giving the current economic times. Some Farmers Markets invite arts and crafts as well, people that have made Bird houses, Bird feeders, furniture, and other crafts,plus flowers, plants etc. I think the big thing is to avoid or restrict the selling of junk, garage sale items etc.


We are planning on planting a garden beside the daycare.  Roland has tilled it once, and it needs it again before we can even start.  WE are a little late on planting, but if you have seen the size that he tilled I think we will have plenty.  We had a wonderful canteloupe and watermelon patch last year.  And just gave away or traded to others around town.  My only concern is that I am not a real good gardener.  I can wait to plant things and have fresh produce for the daycare.  That is my main goal, but if by chance I have extra stuff, I have no problem bringing them to a farmers market.  I remember Elwood was well know for wonderful Sweet potatoes.  When I worked at Toot's years ago, he would always bring them out and share with all.

Wilma, by any chance do you have a pickled beet recipe?  My cousin called and wanted to know if I had my grandma Knights recipe.  She canned the most wonderful ones!!  I loved them.  I don't have it, but someone on here might be able to help.  DeeGee by chance would your wonderful wife have one.  It might be close.  I am also going to call my Aunt to see, but any help would be appreciated!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Angie, I don't think I ever used a recipe for pickled beets.  My mother and grandmother just used vinegar, sugar and pickling spices to taste and that is the way I always did it.  I am sure someone can come up with a good one.

Another thing that I would not like to see at a Farmer's market is shipped in produce.  I wouldn't be comfortable with the thought that something might be contaminated.  I don't feel that way about locally grown.  It is bad enough with what I buy at stores.  I feel that it needs to be washed with soap and water, then boiled to be sure it isn't contaminated.  Actually, I can no longer eat much raw fruits or vegetables, so the cooking decontaminates them.

Maybe we could have a book stall for the bestseller's that I don't feel I can sell at a garage sale for what they are worth.


Flintaqua; PM me; I have some questions about grants.


Our son sent this link, it's a different twist on community garden.  It would take a large facility, but it's good seed for thought.   ...guess you'll have to cut & paste, it won't turn blue for me  ???

Oh, it worked after I posted. Guess I'm just a little impatient.

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