Hmmmm... The plot thickens

Started by Teresa, April 14, 2009, 11:29:33 PM

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Actually, where in the constitution does it say that the president has to be a Christian?


If it's in the Constitution, then it's probably been violated a several times in recent times.


Perhaps Pres. O thinks the world is entitled to it's opinion and he can't know where the rough spots are unless he hears it?-Diane

I would hope that as a senator, even before he was elected that he would have enough political savvy to know where the "rough spots" are.  As for him being "unjustly judged" what has he done other than weaken our defense, added trillions to our debt, taken over private businesses, embarass the US, reach out to our enemies while ignoring our allies?  I guess what I am asking is in the last 100 days what has obama done to build up the United States?

The Consititution doesn't say that the president has to be Christian
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Red, I can't find a direct quote at the moment, but many a time Pres. Bush said he was going to spread Democracy in the middle east. He was said by others to be a devout Christian. (There are those would really dispute that, and would say that his behavior in office was very un Christian like and had lots of strings attached.) Aren't good Christians supposed to bring people into the fold? Aren't they meant to copy the ways of Jesus? Regardless, I wish the man well even though I didn't always agree with him.
   Billy, what, in your opinion, did Pres. Bush do to "build up" the United States? I can think of some things, what do you think?


Increase funding for our military defense as well as veteran benefits, actually went after our enemies, not just sit down and talk with them.

Now that I answered your question, answer mine...
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


All right, you want the new President of the United States, who has been in office 100 days, to launch an attack on every country that doesn't agree with us?  Bush went after an enemy after we had been attacked.  And then there were people who said he did it only because his father did not.

You want funding for military defense increased even though we are being criticized for interfering in other countries?  You want better veteran's benefits.  In 1948, my husband was medically discharged with a monthly pension of $50.00, which was soon changed to $25.00 and then discontinued entirely.  I think there was education help and help in getting a loan to buy a home, neither of which we took advantage of.  I don't disagree that veterans could use more help, but what they are entitled to today is so much more than what it was after a real war was fought.  Us oldies are not complaining as we pay our taxes to help keep the military going and pay the veterans what they are entitled to.  You, on the other hand, are complaining about the taxes and then asking for more tax money to be spent.  Which way would you have it?

Diane Amberg

Billy, let me try to answer the earlier question without making anyone angry. Pres. O reinstated stem cell research.To me that's a good thing. He is sending money back to the people, $250.00 to SS recipients ( yes I know it's a drop in a very leaky bucket) He's made it so people will take home a bit more in their paychecks. He says he is not raising taxes on average people, but nobody seems to believe that. He froze salaries at the White House( and maybe Congress?). He put a stop to lobbyist gifts and changed who lobbyists can work for. He is trying to improve veterans benefits. I like the high speed rail system idea. He is trying to deescalate the worlds negative feelings about us. I know you don't approve of the way he's doing it, but I grew up with a cold war that threatened to get hot at any minute. Duck and cover drills and bomb shelters....yuk. I don't want to do that again. I really believe Pres. O is trying to find A way, if it doesn't work then perhaps something else will.  Wasn't it the Chaney who called Americans a bunch of "whiners?" The situation in Iraq has improved, so maybe they'll start start paying the money they owe us. Remember, Iraqi oil was supposed to pay for the war, to topple Hussein. I remember when Pres. Bush said it. If Pres. O can make relationships with them even better, perhaps money will flow to us instead of from us.


War veterans have received benefits since the founding of the USA.  They earned it too.

But, it is not so to all the "others" who are receiving federal entitlements nowdays.
There should be no federal grants either.  More folks ought to be against the grants
and entitlements, their American ancestors were.

It's no wonder that gov't schools do not promote the values of our ancestors or
support our great American heritage. 

The only "change" seems to be more of the same. 


Wilma, I realize that the older generation went through some really tough times, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for the men and women who fought in WWII.  But I didn't see anyone calling them "babykiller" or the like. I don't recall them being put on a list as a potential terrorist threat.  Yes, I want more money spent on defense, maybe we could cut social programs, such as welfare, that don't work.  Or maybe, stop paying, via medicare, for medications of older folks.  Or perhaps we could have spent the 600billion dollars that was set aside for a national healthcare system that doesn't exist yet on something that does.
And by the way, what, exactly, defines a "real war"? 
As for what our veterans get, it is no where near enough.
And how dare you insinuate that our troops fighting today are somehow making less of a sacriface than those of past wars.  Shame on you!!!! 

Diane, I appricate your attempt to not anger anyone. 
the stem cell thing...well...we disagree on this one.
As far as money sent back to people, it adds up to about 8-13 dollars a paycheck.  what this bought is an assualt on our civil liberties.
Check the new income tax bracketts, they went up. as did taxes on other things.  And they will continue to go up once the bill for all of his social programs comes due.
Lobbyists...he said that he would get rid of them...he did this by promoting them to his adminstration.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

jerry wagner

Check the new income tax bracketts, they went up. as did taxes on other things.  And they will continue to go up once the bill for all of his social programs comes due. <--- This is factual inaccurate, the tax brackets have not changed.  Further to that, the only ones changing in the prospective budget are the upper two brackets, not all.  Please correct.

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