Hmmmm... The plot thickens

Started by Teresa, April 14, 2009, 11:29:33 PM

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I don't want the pres. to attack every country that doesn't agree with us, disagreement is fine.  However, when that disagreement turns to open hostilty I want the pres. to keep this country safe, not weaken our defenses.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

A know some of you are not in favor of grants, but I just read about several little small Kansas towns in the north of the state that are writing a grant request for tornado sirens. Is that not a good thing ? It benefits everyone.  Also, Al and I are Viet Nam era and I know  how ugly it was. It was a sacrifice and there were many casualties. Every evening we heard Dan Rather give the body counts and I wondered who else did I know who wouldn't be coming home. It was very unpopular, but it was never a declared war....It was a "conflict." I think Korea was also. Great political verbage.   Medicare part D, which we pay for, and has that "donut hole"is the medicare drug coverage. It's the drug companies that set the price and some people really can't afford it. It should be the drug companies that need to work more diligently to be cost effective. Drugs, that's a whole other bone of contention.The cost of those hugely expensive ads on TV and the drug reps. bribing the docs with free lunches and all sorts of treats. It would be fine if everyone could afford their meds. But there are those who can't.   Should we all die at 65 and "reduce the excess population"?


Quoting Scrooge??  ;D ;D  Cool...


Die at 65...that is not my decision, but folks should plan for their retirment and future.  Just because someone didn't doesn't mean the rest should have to pay for it.  Part of the reason drugs are so expensive is because of the gov't interfernce faced by drug companies.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Government "interference" doesn't make it any easier, but that's not the whole story. I could get 500 25 mg. atenolol directly through AC Moore for $15.00. By prescription to my mail order drug company it's 90 for $10.00. Plus the rather clever thing they do with drug patents. When a patent is about to expire they reformulate the drug ever so slightly, such as making it "extended release," so it's a new drug and the generic drug folks can't have it. Remember that "purple pill'' Prilosec that was advertised so much? Where is it now? Is it still around or has it been replaced by something else? I suppose that's just good business, but it seems wrong somehow.


I get 30 pills for over $100.00 and another prescription is 30 pills for $90.00.  No way could I afford these two meds without insurance but they are essential.  The rest of my meds are generic and the least expensive is the Lortab which I suppose has been around for a long time.  Between the cost of the premium and the co-pays, it isn't cheap to stay alive and be comfortable.  Personally, I think the government should put some controls on the drug companies. 

Billy, do you have your future assurred and can you be sure that what you are doing now will still be there when you need it?  I did an income tax this year that they had lost a huge percentage of the value of their savings.  And they can't be sure that there won't be more lost by the time they need it.  Seems personal savings are no more safe than the future of Social Security.


We have the basis and foundations to uphold, yet most wrongly prefer
to vote down the established principles.  

Are not the principles of the founding fathers to be adhered?



wilma, you're right, we cannot be assured of tomorrow, we don't know what it is going to bring.  But that doesn't mean we force others to pay for our burdens.  I have heard people say the same thing you have, that it costs too much, they can't afford it.  Yet, these same people are able to find money to pay for cell phones, cable tv, internet, etc.

I heard it said once by older folks, "Its not how much you have, it is what you do with what you have"...

You are absolutely right redcliffsw, we have to stand on our principles, we cannot bend or sway them to fit the situtation. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


But we do have to exist on a planet where not everything is to our liking and we can't take up arms and straighten out all the countries that don't agree with us.  What are we to do to try to maintain civil relations with these countries?

The tree that doesn't bend in the wind is the tree that gets snapped off.

Diane Amberg

Did you know that "founding fathers" was originally "founder fathers"? I thought that was interesting. Al was a Poli. Sci. major at UD and I couldn't help but soak up stuff too. He took a very tough course in constitutional law and got a lot out of it. Some of you who refer to the principles of the founding fathers....take a crack at reading the Madison Papers. It's James Madison's notes, journals and rough copies of what he wrote and one can almost hear him thinking out loud as he pondered the best way to word things. very interesting.

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