Decision By Administration to Cut Defense Programs

Started by Teresa, April 14, 2009, 12:05:49 AM

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Decision By Administration to Cut Defense Programs

On Monday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced plans to cut various defense programs, including the F-22 Raptor and the C-17.

I am extremely disappointed in this decision by the Obama administration. America has maintained air dominance in every conflict since the Korean War, and now this administration is giving that advantage up and is willing to sacrifice the lives of American military men and women for the sake of domestic programs favored by President Obama.

When this administration is spending trillions of taxpayer dollars on everything from bailing out a failing auto industry to policymakers' pet projects at the expense of protecting our military men and women, its priorities are apparent. This decision will likely have long-term repercussions, as we don't know who our next enemy will be. (emphasis mine)

Because it is unwise to invest billions of dollars in systems that are not adequately proven or tested, or that cannot evade sophisticated air threats, Air Force leadership recommended procuring 60 additional F-22s. I am disappointed that the Obama administration did not accept its recommendations.

Shutting off production of the C-17 is also imprudent. At present, the C-17 is being utilized at 150 percent of capacity.

Simply put, this decision is unwise. But this fight is not finished. I will work to overturn the secretary's recommendation to continue production of the F-22 to meet the Air Force's recommendations and ensure America's air dominance.


You know.........since I am on a political rant this evening.. I will say this!
When I got this from a newsletter that was sent to me.. I thought...
.Is this supposed to be a surprise ? ???  It's how the Democrats  pay for their social programs! They love to cut Defense. Its their nature.  We keep hearing how BO would be Jimmy Carter II's the proof.

Seems to me that defense budgets would not be a problem if we were not funding social security for illegal aliens, at will abortions for irresponsible teens, and giving welfare to people who have no stake in the system.  >:(

The one fundamental role of government is to protect it's citizens. Everything else is secondary. This is what liberals CANNOT OR WILL NOT understand. I am getting fed up with the attitude that no one in the rest of the world could possibly want to do us harm. Gee I kinda thought 9-11 would have changed that thinking. (duh...stupid me)
How quickly we forget, after all the lip service paid to the notion that "We will NEVER forget".

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Kjell H.

Since you and I seem to be the only ones vocal tonight, (had some extra time while waiting for videos to upload) I will add this before I head to bed.

Millions have not forgot! This might be extreme coming from me but this is what I think.
They have 4 years to slowly tear down this country to the point of no return. They can't pay for defense but paid out 200 million in bonus money to Fanni & Freddy employees. They should be in jail , not getting a bonus.  BIGGEST THEFT IN HISTORY IN 100 DAYS and nobody is stopping them. That alone is mind boggling.

Just my opinion but ..give up the nuke's and get nuked..... Give up your gun's and get gunned.
But give up the Fight? NEVER! Forget? NEVER!

Cutting the Military Defense Agency and desires to cut MDA is really stupid....just goes to show what kind of leaders we have.   If you haven't, take a trip to the MDA website... look around and see how the European Star Wars Station doesn't directly threaten Russian missile launch capabilities.

Oh by the way....have you heard about the Chinese carrier killer missile...Mach 10?  Do you think Obama will support countermeasures?  ???  Do you think the Chinese will not export them to, say....Iran?  ???

Think about it!

And with that, I'm going to bed.

Marshal Halloway


Just dandy~~~~~~~~What a great time to have a loser President! >:(

Now I'm going to bed! I have a pile of massages to do tomorrow.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

W. Gray

One of the first actions Ronald Reagan accomplished when he took office was to shore up the much deteriorated military forces that Jimmy Carter had neglected.

Some units were in such run down states of readiness, one could not even call them an armed force.

He infused millions of dollars into the military and in particular in the area of operation and maintenance for daily operations and new equipment.

He did not care for the civilians working for the military, though.

He also resurrected the B-1 bomber which Carter had killed.

He favored the reduction of government programs and oversaw the largest tax cuts in American history.

He was proAmerican and never apologized to anyone on behalf of his country. His reelection in 1984 was a landslide.

The next Republican president will have his work cut out for him.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

I thought those two planes were at the end of their contract production period and were going to be replaced by new, more modern planes with technology for today. Am I misinformed?

W. Gray

Have you been listening to Joe Biden, again.  ;D

C-17B production was supposed to have started in 2010. This administration is stopping that effort.

339 F-22s were supposed to have been built but this administration is stopping at 187.

I have heard some talk that they will increase F-35 production but that plane is not as capable as the F-22, which is supposed to be the most technologically advanced fighter in the world.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

Nah, can't blame Joe. I thought I read it somewhere. Thanks

W. Gray

Well, you were technically correct.

The way Congress buys airplanes is on an annual contract.

For instance, of the 339 F-22 planes originally wanted, only a small number is contracted for each fiscal year. Congress provides DoD with funding for, say, 20 planes in fiscal year 2004. Then x number in fiscal year 2005, x number in fiscal year 2006, etc.

The current F-22 contract will be running out and there will be no additional contracts.

Same for the C-17.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg



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