Pirates Vow To Retaliate

Started by Teresa, April 13, 2009, 09:33:48 PM

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You know what sixdogsmom, you're right, I'm not that far from the video games.  What does that have to do with anything/
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I am friends with LOTS of people older than Varmit, who don't have half of the political sense he has..
He knows his stuff...
I wouldn't want to go up against him in a debate.. I'd lose on the facts level..
I'll stand next to him any day of the week if he needs someone to watch his back...
( while he throws the grenades.. of course)  ;)
I trust Pam  the exact same way... She knows I'd stand strong with her against whatever.......

On the mental level?
Both have more than a little brain power.
They just have different ways of handling things..

On any other level?
If push comes to shove I'll pick those 2 to be on my team any ole day.

I see Pam's point of view...
But actually.. my patience with terrorist communities is about on it last leg... :-\
I'm a bit more of a "go in blasting" mode now.

((oh yea.. I LOVE video games... what does that make me?))  ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thanks Teresa, made me laugh and smile...needed that to bring my blood from back from boiling to a mild simmer. >:( >:( :)
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


QuoteYou know what pam, you're right.  We should just use diplomacy, and selective targeting, embargo's..blah, blah, blah.

No no diplomacy....armed sailors...post a watch.....rpg's...whatever it takes to blow the f-ers out of the water.

QuoteIf we are going to deal with this problem, then lets deal with it.  Hey, heres a solution, lets start treating these "people" the same way americans have been treated by them, we can start by dragging their dead bodies thru the streets, chopping their heads of with butcher knives, really torture them (not the watered down american version of torture) but the real methods these bastards used on our servicemen, i.e. electrodes on their gentials, ripping out their teeth with pilers, ripping off their finger and toe nails, beating them with rubber hoses and bamboo reeds, burning the bottom of their feet with cigarettes.  You know methods that produce real damage.  And while we are at it we can continue to let third world countries dictate our foregin policy and security methods.

Yeah this has been done and it makes my blood boil just like any OTHER red-blooded American. But stupid me I THOUGHT we were supposed to be ABOVE doin that because WE know better. How about we use some common sense and dictate our OWN security policy. Instead of sayin OH....my bad.....he/she LOOKED like the bad guys so I thought they WERE one.

QuoteYou said that if we only go after the ones in boats that we would get the pirates, are you serious??  Do you think they spend their entire lives in a boat?

No but they are in the boat when they are fixin to attack a ship. Pretty easy to get em in one pop then ain't it?

QuoteThe only way "the bad guys will do whatever they want to you or your kids." is if you let them.  I don't know what america you grew up in or live in...but the America I live in does not just roll over and let these scum have their way with it.

I grew up and my kids grew up in the America that lets KNOWN drug big shots run around loose and throw their weight around and do what the hell ever they want. And they don't do it when you are lookin dude, they HIRE some desperate degenerate to do it in the middle of the night when you ain't aware.

I'll stand with ALL you guys..anytime...but that don't mean I'm gonna agree with everything you say
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Okay, bloods not boiling anymore...deep breath

Militarly speaking, a defensive posture is a setup for failure.  No matter how hard you fortify your position it will eventually, be overrun if you do not combine it with overwhelming offensive manuvers.  Just look at any major battle in history.  No war was ever won from the defensive position. 
As far as dealing with this problem, look at WWII.  The Allies didn't wait for Germany to "come to us" we took the battle to them. And in doing so, we crushed the German Army. Yes, german citizens were put in harms way, but there was no avoiding it, it was a nessesecary evil. We have to do the same here.
As for America, yes we have more than our fair share of the criminal element, but they are only here because, like you say, we have allowed them to exist here.  The American people (well, most of them anyway) have been conditioned to think that they don't have the right to defend themselves, that they have to rely on the police and government to ensure their safety.  I see nothing wrong with common, everyday people standing up to these drug dealers and thugs and telling them to either change their ways, or pay the  price.  But then again that would require courage....
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


  Dude I know all that... I really do.
  Just for sake of argument hows that takin it to em workin with the terrorists? The enemy we fight nowadays is a whole different animal than the ones we fought in WWII. The SS came close but they were still more interested in selfpreservation than they were the immortality of being a martyr to the cause. These guys now don't care if they die...so what....their life sucks anyway.....or they think it's goin to get em a front row seat in Paradise. Even the Kamikaze pilots didn't go for it with-out a little or a LOT of chemical encouragement. THESE guys today are standin in line to strap a bomb to their ass and go die for the glory of the cause! What are you gonna do to discourage them...kill em?

As for the drug dealer thing....to stand up and run them off you have to be willing to gamble with your kids or any other family members life that you won't wake up one night with your house burnin down around you. Or any one of a dozen OTHER horrible things. So what are you gonna do...put em in jail? woohooo, that's real rough on em and they STILL find somebody to burn your house down and THEY were in jail so how could THEY have anything to do with it.........

So if you want to go on the attack, hire gunboats to follow you and go OUT and blow the aholes out of the water instead of waitin for em to get close enough to the ship to hit em. You CAN"T just go ashore and blow bystanders up and be any better than they are.

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


 Much as I've enjoyed this I'm callin it a nite lol

Have a good one yall
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Combatting terrorists is a two edged sword.  You have to get to the populace that surrounds them, that they recruit from.  You have to make them fear you more than they fear the terrorists.  Once you have that you can use the populace to actually fight against the terrorists, once they are willing to commit (albeit out of fear) you start to win their trust.  Its PsyOps basically.
For example...

If terrorists hijack a plane, we blow up an airport..

They blow up a building, we level a town..

They kidnap one of ours, we kill ten of theirs..

eventually, they will see a dramatic decrease in their recruitment and retention numbers.  Because the citizens of whatever country they are in will begin to realize that attacking the US or any of its assets is a death sentence.

Heres how the drug dealer thing works

1) The citizens organize watch groups with active, armed, patrols. I'm not talking about these neighborhood watch committees we have now, but the real thing.
2) Identify locations, members, movements of local gang and drug related activity. I'm not talking about the wanna be thugs, but the real bad guys.  Find out what their patterns are.
3) Set up "safe zones" by establishing areas where any gang/drug/illegal activity will not be tolerated.  example-neighborhood playgrounds.  Keep an armed force at this location 24/7.
4)  Video Record everything you see and do. To provide a record of proof of activity, and as a reference tool in identifying and establishing a gang chain of command, so you know who is calling the shots, who is supplying, when, where, and time of occurances.
5) Identify their strong holds. where they hang out, their "headquaters" and most importantly how they arrive and leave.
6)  Plan, Plan, Plan before you do anything. Recruit "outside" advisors if you have to.  Retired military are a plehera of useful info.

7)  and most importantly...know when to stop talking before you incriminate yourself... ;)...but I think I made my point.

You know, the founders of this country put their families lives on the line to fight for not just what they believed in but what they knew was right...why should we be any different?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


  I know that's the standard operatin procedure for terrorists. It is ALSO a two-edged sword because people who FEAR also HATE and what people HATE they try to destroy. Sooner or later SOMEbody is gonna have to jump of the fear/hate merry-go-round and find a better way. I myself have operated under the eye for and eye theory...I'm human...but I am also intelligent enough to realize it doesn't solve anything.... it just perpetuates the situation that caused it in the first place.

Good theory on the drug dealers...hope it works....think I saw the movie with Steven Seagal Lol

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


  LOL SDM I missed your post in the middle of my rant last night.....I keep trainin the chick to be mellow but every one in a while she still gets loose :P Just shows how far I have left to go lol
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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