Pirates Vow To Retaliate

Started by Teresa, April 13, 2009, 09:33:48 PM

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Noooowww we're getting somewhere...
Send a message LOUD and CLEAR!  :police:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I was bein sarcastic :P Kill what a few thousand just to get ten or twelve? Ain't that what THEY do? and isn't that why we hate them so much?

Post an armed guard on the ship.....see em comin...blow em out of the water. Problem solved. Goes back to the discussion we've been havin in that other thread about havin the means to protect yourSELF and your property against the bad guys.  Blow up the whole coast.........good god y'all.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Roma Jean Turner

  What a great visual Catwoman!!!  I would love it.


Sorry Pam. :-[
I kinda got caught up in the "moment"..  :angel:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Oh, nobody wants to blow up or make glow a bunch of innocent civilians...The problem with the Somali pirates is the same problem with the Islamic extremists...You have a small number of idiots who give the rest of the population a bad name.  All joking about the bloated Sharpton aside, I think that our US freighters need to be fully armed with large shell/grenade launchers...There need to be snipers on board each ship, from port to port.  All crew members need to be fully trained and individually armed with the gun called The Judge...Looks like a handgun but uses .410 shells...You don't have to be a wonderful shot to totally take out the individual in front of you (I'm saving my pesos to be able to procure one of these for myself, before O can outlaw them).  Then, take out every pirate within decent shooting/bombing range.  Eventually, they'll run out of the 14-17 year olds who are willing to die on the open waters of the Somali coast and the problem will become slowly smaller.  I don't normally go in for retroactive birth control of this sort but it doesn't appear that the pirates are going to be saying, "Oh, sorry, my mistake", any time soon.


NAAA!!! I still like the idea of leveling the coast line.  Espcially when you consider that the entrie region has been in anarchy for years.  Killing "innocent" civilians??? If the civilians that allow these pirates to occupy the coastal regions of somila were worth their salt, those pirates wouldn't be there to begin with.  Also, these scumbag oxygen theiving scurge of the bounding main aren't just a few in number, there are many (Legions??).

Besides that, taking them all out just makes more sense??  If you have a nest of coral snakes under your house and one of them has bitten your child, you don't just one and hope the rest will crawl away, you eridacte the entire bunch.

Oh, and on a side note, I heard on the radio that the pirates used RPG's (rocket propelled gernades) during their latest attack.  I really wouldn't want to bring a .410 to THAT gun fight.  A Patriot cruise missle maybe....
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


 ;D ;D  I like the idea of the unmanned drone, taking out selective targets.  Neat, tidy.


  Give me a break Varmit. Blah Blah Blah blow em all up...nits make lice.....I spend a LOT of time tryin to keep my cool for the simple reason that I actually try to practice the things I post in that enlightenment thread I do but sometimes my head starts smokin and it's all over.
  I really don't think you are serious about killin people just because......or are you? I don't know because I don't know you.

  So what if it's been in anarchy.....what's it to you? Do you live there? Do you even KNOW anybody who lives there? If you do do you know them good enough to put a death judgement on them? People AIN'T coral snakes. You don't kill them just because....hell ANYbody can snap tomorrow...maybe you just oughta go killin whoever you think MIGHT do somthin you don't like SOMEday. Don't even WORRY about what they might do.... just kill em cause of where they are from or what color they are or what religion they have or what sex they are or IF they have sex or if they agree with you or if they DON'T agree with you. Kill em all and let God sort em out RIGHT? Hell maybe you oughta just kill me...after all I went off on you.

Yeah there are a bunch of em livin by pirating.....I'm pretty sure if you just get the ones in the boats you're gonna get the pirates. The rest of them are just trying to survive in the savage place they live in. People in America always stand up and run the scuzbags out of town right? BULL, I know better for a FACT and if you are the one who makes waves everybody tells you to shut the hell up cause the bad guys will do whatever they want to you or your kids. So spare me the there are no innocent civilians there crap. I KNOW better
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Woo Hoo! The Pam we know and love is Baaack!!  :-* :-* Look at the age bracket Varmit claims, not far from video games IMHO.


You know what pam, you're right.  We should just use diplomacy, and selective targeting, embargo's..blah, blah, blah.

Oh, wait a minute...we have, they failed.  

If we are going to deal with this problem, then lets deal with it.  Hey, heres a solution, lets start treating these "people" the same way americans have been treated by them, we can start by dragging their dead bodies thru the streets, chopping their heads of with butcher knives, really torture them (not the watered down american version of torture) but the real methods these bastards used on our servicemen, i.e. electrodes on their gentials, ripping out their teeth with pilers, ripping off their finger and toe nails, beating them with rubber hoses and bamboo reeds, burning the bottom of their feet with cigarettes.  You know methods that produce real damage.  And while we are at it we can continue to let third world countries dictate our foregin policy and security methods.

Are their innocents in somilia, sure, just like there were in every war ever fought, but that is the nature of the beast.  You want "civilian" casualities kept to a minimum?  Then you destroy your enemy as fast and brutally as possible, because the longer it drags out the more innocents get hurt.  You said that if we only go after the ones in boats that we would get the pirates, are you serious??  Do you think they spend their entire lives in a boat?

The only way "the bad guys will do whatever they want to you or your kids." is if you let them.  I don't know what america you grew up in or live in...but the America I live in does not just roll over and let these scum have their way with it.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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