COILE, John - b. May 15, 1829 - d. November 10, 1909

Started by Janet Harrington, September 17, 2006, 03:04:35 PM

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Janet Harrington

 John Coile was born in Green co., Tenn., May 15th, 1829, and died in Howard, Kan., Nov. 10, 1909, aged 80 years, 5 months, 25 days.  When 3 years old he moved with his parents to Washington county, Tenn., and remained there until 20 years old, at which time he moved to McClain co., Illinois.
  He was married to Sarah Ball, July 21, 1853.  In the last above mentioned place to them were born 12 children, 6 sons and 6 daughters, 8 of whom besides the widow, are living, viz: Mrs. Kate Rush, Mrs. Rodia Haile of Howard, Mrs. Alice Haile of Dunnawig, Mo., and sons, Snowden, of Oxford, Ks., Hillary, of Dunnawig, Mo., Owen, Of Carthage, Mo., Henry and Charles of Howard.
  He moved to Kansas in 1872, locating, in old Howard, co., now Elk co.  He came to Howard in 1892, where he has since resided.
  Mr. Coile was well and favorably known throughout the county and leaves besides the bereaved family many warm friends to mourn his death.  Funeral services were conducted this Thursday afternoon, Nov 11, at 3 o'clock from the residence by Rev. C. E. Creager of the M. E. church.  Burial was made in the family lot in Grace Lawn Cemetery.

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