Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out

Started by Warph, March 20, 2009, 08:28:33 AM

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  This is not said disrespectfully Teresa LOL  ...well duh..  :laugh: :laugh: That story illustrates why I can't understand why there is any thought in peoples minds that gun control will fix ANY kind of crime problem. I don't see why people can't get their minds around the fact that criminals don't care if it's illegal to have. Like some guy fixin to murder somebody is gonna say "oh hell, this gun is illegal for me to have....I don't want to kill somebody with an illegal weapon!"
  I don't even remember who told me this first but was talkin about lockin or not lockin the door when you are gone, they said "all a lock does is keep an honest person honest, a criminal will just bust the door"
  I listened to two college students debating a bill in Texas that would allow concealed carry on college campus there. One guy had been at Virginia tech and his girlfriend had been killed there and he was against it. The other guy was from Texas and said if somebody had had a weapon that day, somthing could have been done. There were legitimate points made about level of maturity and things escalating unnecessarily, but if a TEACHER had had a legal gun that day they would have had the maturity and judgment needed to know when and when NOT to use it. I honestly think that is an option to stop some of the insanity.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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