Bible Pathways

Started by Judy Harder, April 03, 2009, 07:52:16 AM

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Judy Harder

Read Luke 8 – 9


Jesus' preaching; more miracles; twelve disciples sent forth; 5,000 fed; Peter's confession; transfiguration; tests of discipleship.
A certain man said unto Him, Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay His head (Luke 9:57-58).

Jesus was pointing out to this man that he would have to face many hardships in order to follow Him.

When Jesus said: The Son of man hath not where to lay His head, He was saying that He was not attached to any earthly possessions. The foxes and the birds of the air had a place of protection; but His life was exposed to suffering, humiliation, and self-denial.

Another also said, Lord, I will follow Thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house. And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God (9:61-62). Our Lord did not welcome these volunteers who appeared so willing to join Him at a more convenient time. Their excuses revealed divided hearts that were unworthy of His high calling. That "single eye" devotion to Christ where all else in this world is of little importance was lacking. Love dictated the sternness of our Lord's words. Here is one more example that neither wealth nor position can truly satisfy, just as this young ruler thought he was truly a notch above the average person.

The cost of discipleship has kept many from following the Lord, for they are not willing to deny themselves the pleasures and interests that conflict with doing God's will. But those who are willing to live for Him know that the rewards of discipleship far exceed earthly pleasures.

Is there someone in your life or something in your heart that keeps you from giving first place to Christ, His Word, and His will? Self-seekers and compromisers are deceived into believing there will be a more convenient time.

He calls us unto Himself to communicate His life changing message. The more carefully we read His Word and listen to the Holy Spirit, the more all worldly ambitions and human standards fade into insignificance. Nothing else in this world has any eternal value.

For even Christ pleased not Himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on Me (Romans 15:3).

Thought for Today:

Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.
Cross Reference:

For Luke 8:10: See Is. 6:9. For Luke 9:35: See Ps. 2:7.
Word Studies:

8:44 stanched, stopped flowing; 9:3 staves, staffs, walking sticks; scrip, small bag for money or food; 9:29 glistering, shining with brilliance.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Staff: Ilene Wallace • Pray for Internet Radio: sponsored by J. Joan Joy • Pray for Government Officials: Rep. Mary Bono Mack (CA), Rep. Brad J. Sherman (CA), Rep. Jose E. Serrano (NY), and Sen. Jeff Merkley (OR) • Country: Barbados (259,000) on the island farthest east in the West Indies • Major language: English • Religious freedom • 79% Protestant; 8% Roman Catholic • Prayer Suggestion: Pray and praise God that the answers to your prayers are granted through the grace of God (Is. 30:19).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 139:16

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Luke 10 – 11


Seventy sent out; good Samaritan; Martha and Mary; Pharisees denounced.
The Lord appointed other seventy also and sent them two and two . . . into every city and place whither He Himself would come, Therefore said He unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth labourers into His harvest (Luke 10:1-2).

He went on to say He was sending them forth as lambs among wolves (10:3). The instructions that He gave them were very much the same as those given the twelve (Luke 9). And, in a similar way, He sends us out with the same commission. He cautioned that their mission would be dangerous, that they would not always be accepted and would often meet with opposition.

The miracle of grace prepares us to become actively involved in reaching others with the Good News. Into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house. And if the Son of Peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again (Luke 10:5-6). We are not to waste our time with people who get angry, or want to argue, or who show no interest in the Son of Peace. Satan would quickly attempt to misdirect our focus. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable . . . And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace (James 3:17-18).

We should not be surprised when we are rejected or face opposition, for Jesus said: If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you (John 15:20). But like Jesus who endured the cross, despising the shame (Heb. 12:2), we see beyond the cross to the crown.

It was the religious world that Christ was referring to, who will speak all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake (Matt. 5:11) because of our loyalty, obedience, and refusal to compromise His eternal Truth. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us (Rom.8:18). So let us continue to reach others with the Good News. As we possess the characteristics of a peaceable spirit, there will be a natural effort to maintain peace with others and to make peace where discord exists. Such are healers of divisions, making every effort to right wrongs. But we are not to have peace at the price of compromising true biblical truth.

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men (Rom. 12:18).

Thought for Today:

It is one thing to do work for God, but quite another to live for Him in humble obedience to His Word.
Cross References:

For Luke 10:27: See Lev. 19:18. Luke 10:28: See Lev. 18:5.
Word Studies:

10:40 cumbered about much serving, frustrated over all she had to do; 10:41 careful, overly concerned; 11:8 importunity, persistence; 11:39 ravening, greed, covetousness; 11:46 lade,  load; 11:53 vehemently, fiercely.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Staff: Ben Wallace • Pray for Internet Radio: In memory of Myrl Ross • Pray for Country: Belarus (10 million) in northeastern Europe • Major languages: Belarussian and Russian • Religious freedom • 48% Orthodox; 22% Roman Catholic; 1.1% Jewish; 1% Protestant; .2% Muslim; 27.7% Agnostic/Atheist/Other • Prayer Suggestion: Give praise to God that His Word will stand forever (Is. 40:8).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 139:16

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Luke 12 – 13

Warnings against hypocrisy and covetousness; more parables and healing.
And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry (Luke 12:19).

The Lord illustrated the dangers of trusting in possessions by saying: The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully (12:16). By hard work and good management in the highly respected occupation of farming, he had become wealthy. There is no indication he gained his wealth by dishonest methods. His sin was that he spent his lifetime accumulating for himself. God called him a fool and then added: So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God (12:21).

Jesus pointed out that a person's true worth is not determined by his possessions. The world measures success by one's wealth, popularity, influence, personal pleasure, etc. God looks to the spiritual availability of man rather than the worldly. People are truly rich when the fruits of the Spirit are active in their lives (Gal.5:22-23). It is these things that truly bring value to life.

Jesus acknowledged that our Heavenly Father knows we need food, clothing, and shelter and explained how He will provide these things when we seek . . . the Kingdom of God (12:31).

This means we are to put the Kingdom of God first in our hearts. Just as an award-winning athlete has one supreme desire and will endure whatever it costs to win. We, too, must prepare ourselves to be the person God wants us to be and to accomplish the purposes for which He created us. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (I Tim. 6:9-10).

However, God is not against wealth. He gladly provides it for the furtherance of His Kingdom to those whom He knows He can entrust with it. Paul even commended those who had little but who gave an offering for those in Jerusalem who were worse off themselves. He reminded them that God promised He would provide not only for their own needs but more "seed" so they could continue to be a blessing to others (Rom.15:26-29). And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work (II Cor. 9:8).

Thought for Today:

Worry exposes a lack of faith in our loving heavenly Father.
Cross References:

For Luke 13:27: See Ps. 6:8. Luke 13:35: See Ps. 118:26.
Word Studies:

12:50 straitened, pressed with intense sorrow; 12:58 hale, take by force; 12:59 mite, fraction of a cent; 13:8 dung it, fertilize it; 13:24 strait, narrow, strict, illustrating no deviation from what God has said in His Word.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Internet Radio: In memory of Buster Cunningham • Pray for Government Officials: Rep. Geoff Davis (KY), Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (MO), and Sec'y. Hillary Rodham Clinton (Dept. of State)• Country: Belgium (10.2 million) in northwestern Europe • Major languages: Flemish and French • Religious freedom • 74% Catholic; 3% Muslim; 1% Protestant; .5% Orthodox; 20% Secular Humanism; 1.5% Other • Prayer Suggestion: Wait upon the Lord and He will renew your strength (Is. 40:31).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 139:16

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Luke 14 – 16

Humility; more parables; Pharisees reproved; rich man and Lazarus, the begger.
And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living (Luke 15:12-13).

Jesus illustrates two alternatives in life by first describing a self-centered prodigal son who demanded freedom from his father's authority.

This is the story of the human race. It is our fallen nature to be self-willed and self-sufficient, seeking to be independent from our loving God's authority. The prodigal son discovered that his father's compassion and love were far greater than he had realized. Every repentant sinner will also discover that the Heavenly Father, in love and compassion, is waiting to transform the wasted lives of all who come to Him.

Jesus then tells of another successful business man who never recognized he had wasted his life by becoming self-sufficient and complacent. After he died and found himself in hell . . . he cried and said, Father Abraham . . . send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame (16:23-24). Although the rich man was tormented in this flame, there is no indication that he was a wicked man. His sin was living to please self. He had fared sumptuously in life (16:29). He knew his brothers had also refused to believe the Scriptures, but he thought they would repent if Lazarus could return from the dead to warn them. Abraham's answer was brief, but clear: They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them (16:29). God, in love, has made the Scriptures sufficiently clear. But this man refused to believe that he was accountable to God his Creator.

All mankind, rich or poor, has one thing in common, death. The difference, at most, is but a few short years. The Son of Man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:41-42; 49-50;Revelation 20:9-15). For believers our brief life on earth is a time of preparation for an endless eternity with our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. For I have no man like minded, who will naturally care for your state (Phil. 2:20).

Thought for Today:

Do your personal interests crowd out devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Cross Reference:

For Luke 16:15: See Prov. 21:2.
Word Studies:

14:26 hate not . . ., all natural affections are to be as compared with the Christian's devotedness and love for Christ. Jesus clarified this when He said: Who is My mother? and who are My brethren? . . . For whosoever shall do the will of My Father which is in heaven, the same is My brother, and sister, and mother (Matt. 12:48-50); 14:32 ambassage, delegation; 15:16 would fain, craved to; 16:11 unrighteous mammon, the use of your money in this world.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Government Official: Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey (NY) • Country: Belize (236,000) on the eastern coast of Central America • Major languages: English and Spanish • Religious freedom • 64% Roman Catholic; 26% Protestant; 2% spiritist/animist; 1% Hindu; 1% Muslim; 1% Baha'i • Prayer Suggestion: Pray and depend upon the Lord when in need for He will not forsake you (Is. 41:17).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 139:16

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Luke 17 – 18

Necessity of forgiveness; ten lepers; second coming of Jesus foretold; more parables; children blessed; rich young ruler; death and resurrection foretold.
And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1).

What did the young man mean when he came running, then knelt and asked: What shall I do to inherit eternal life? (Luke 18:18). What a searching question! He was no hypocrite, but felt a desperate need as he knelt down before Jesus, with no concern as to what others might think. Clearly, he understood there was an eternity beyond this physical life. In one's lifetime, no question could be of greater importance. To be misdirected in the destiny of one's soul would mean eternal separation from God.

Luke referred to the "young man" as a certain ruler indicating this was not a parable but a true story. Three of the Gospels mention his great wealth (Matt. 19:20-22; Mark 10:17-22; Luke 18:18-23). His question concerning eternal life indicates that he was a Pharisee. For eternal life was one of their major doctrinal convictions while the Saducees did not believe in an afterlife.

After the young man asserted he had kept all the commandments, Jesus, recognizing what was at the heart of the matter, said to him: Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich (Luke 18:22-23). He refused to give up the pleasant life he loved so well and the things he prized so highly. He was very religious and very sincere, but also very covetous.

Jesus clearly said that eternal life can not be earned by self-effort. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast (Eph. 2:8-9).

It may seem a simple thing to keep the Law, but when the word "love" is substituted for the word "Law," and with the Lord's response on how to gain eternal life, Jesus was demanding a test of faith in Him. The Lord was asking for the man to surrender his riches, and to follow Him with the promise of treasure in heaven.

But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt:6:33).

Thought for Today:

God always hears and answers the prayers of His children — although it is not always a definite yes or no, sometimes it's wait!
Cross Reference:

For Luke 18:20: See Ex. 20:12-16; Deut. 5:16-20.
Word Studies:

17:8 sup, eat, dine; 17:9 trow not, think not; 18:1 faint, give up; 18:3 Avenge me of, Provide justice and protection against.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Country: Benin (6 million) in western Africa • Major languages: French and tribal languages • Some hostility toward Christians • 59% animism and voodoo; 17% Muslim; 16% Roman Catholic; 3% Protestant • Prayer Suggestion: Amidst uncertainty, seek the guidance of God (Is. 42:16).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 119:33-34

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Luke 19 – 20

Zacchaeus; triumphal entry; cleansing of the Temple; Jesus' authority questioned; paying tribute.
But He perceived their craftiness, and said unto them, Why tempt ye Me? (Luke 20:23).

The Pharisees were always present in the crowds that surrounded Jesus. On this occasion the Pharisees conspired against Him with the cooperation of a minority group called the Herodians, irreligious Jews who urged submission to the Roman government (Matt. 22:16).

They asked Him a question on a burning issue that has caused much rebellion in Palestine: Should they be forced to pay taxes to a foreign government (Mark 12:13-14)? Since the minority Jews deeply resented being forced to pay Gentile taxes to the Roman government, the crowds would have turned against Jesus if He had said no.

The Herodian party would accuse Him of conspiracy against the Roman government, and Pilate then could have arrested Him for treason. If He said yes, the Pharisees would have been suspicious of Him. The Pharisees thought they had Him trapped.

In His wisdom, Jesus asked them to show Him a pence, one of their coins, a Roman denarius, which was accepted currency among the Jews. He then said, whose image and superscription hath it? They answered, Caesar's.

And He said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's. But the rest of His comment came as a stinging rebuke to their hypocrisy when He told them to render unto God the things which be God's (Luke 20:24-25). By his reply, Jesus not only answered their question, but He also exposed their inconsistency and hypocrisy in front of the crowds.

We, too, should obey the laws of the land as well as give our tithes and offerings to the Lord. As Christians faithfully render to God the things that are His, the Word of God can be more effectively proclaimed throughout the world.

Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Ps. 29:2). Many people pay their taxes for no other reason than that they are terrified over the consequences of failure to do so; but Christians pay taxes, not as men-pleasers, but as seeking to please the Lord. As Christians, we may deplore how the government uses the taxes. But this does not exempt us from paying what the government requires.

Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work (Titus 3:1).

Thought for Today:

Have the vile thoughts of greed and covetousness been removed from your life?
Cross References:

For Luke 19:38: See Ps. 118:26. Luke 19:46: See Is. 56:7; Jer. 7:11. Luke 20:17: See Ps. 118:22. Luke 20:28: See Deut. 25:5. Luke 20:37: See Ex. 3:6. Luke 20:42-43: See Ps. 110:1.
Word Studies:

19:13 Occupy, Use your talent to buy and sell; 19:16 pound, a unit of money to illustrate opportunities to increase; 19:21 austere, stern, exacting; 20:20 feign themselves just men, pretend to be sincere followers.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Staff: Clarence & Linda Rathbone Anniversary • Pray for Internet Radio: sponsored by Leon & Ann Hataway • Pray for Country: Bhutan (2 million) in the eastern Himalayas of central Asia • Major languages: Tibetan and Nepalese dialects • Public worship, evangelism, and proselytization are illegal • 50-70% Buddhist; 24-45% Hindu; 5% Muslim; 1% Protestant/Roman Catholic • Prayer Suggestion: Seek the Lord in prayer, turn from your sinful ways, and God will have mercy and pardon for you (Is. 55:6-7).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 119:33-34

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Luke 21 – 22

The widow's mite; signs of the end; return of the Lord; plot against Jesus; Jesus' last Passover; Lord's Supper; Jesus' arrest; Peter's denial.
Saying, Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me: nevertheless not My will, but Thine, be done (Luke 22:42).

On the last night of our Lord's earthly ministry, Jesus did not sleep. Instead, He went . . . to the mount of Olives; and His disciples also followed Him . . . He said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation. And He was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed (22:39-41). First kneeling, then falling on His face before His Father, He was exceedingly sorrowful unto death (Matt. 26:38-39). As our key verse says, He prayed intensely to know the Father's will. How long He remained in prayer we do not know, but His prayer was no brief ritual. And being in an agony He prayed more earnestly: and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground (22:44).

Jesus knew that a holy Father must turn His back on Him, His only begotten Son (John 3:16), if he accepted the penalty for all the sins of the world.

That very night Jesus began the fulfillment of His mission as He started the journey that would ultimately lead to Calvary's cross. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Rev. 5:12). The Redeemer at that moment asked the Father if the cross was the only means of gaining forgiveness for sins and saving the souls of unnumbered millions who would confess Him as Lord. Could God in His unlimited power have another way of reconciliation? God answered His prayer, not by removing the crisis, but by supplying the strength to bear it. He gave Jesus the strength to fulfill the mission He was meant to complete. Beyond this garden prayer experience, the cross was waiting.

And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Phil. 2:8-11)

Thought for Today:

Have you been to Jesus for His cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Cross References:

For Luke 21:27: See Dan. 7:13. Luke 22:37: See Is. 53:12. Luke 22:69: See Ps. 110:1.
Word Studies:

21:4 penury, poverty; 21:13 shall turn to you for a testimony, will turn out to be an opportunity to tell the Good News; 21:15 to gainsay, to refute, to refuse; 21:34 surfeiting, overindulgence; 22:39 wont, in the habit of.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Staff: Beth Carlton • Pray for Government Officials: Rep. Bruce L. Braley (IA), Rep. Joe Heck (NV), and Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ) • Country: Bolivia (8 million) in South America • Major languages: Spanish and Quechua • Religious freedom • 92% Roman Catholic; 3% Protestant; 3% Baha'i • Prayer Suggestion: Pray and call upon the Lord with assurance that He will answer if you pray with a godly spirit free from sin (Is. 58:9-11).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 119:33-34

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read Luke 23 – 24

Jesus before Pilate and Herod; Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection; ministry of the risen Christ; His commission; the ascension.
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre (Luke 24:2).

It was very early in the morning, reports Luke (Luke 24:1); when it was yet dark, says John (John 20:1); as it (the day) began to dawn says Matthew (Matt. 28:1); and at the rising of the sun wrote Mark (Mark 16:2). The women were walking toward the rock-hewn tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, in which the Body of Jesus had been hastily laid. Foremost on their minds was: Who shall roll away the stone from the door of the sepulchre (tomb)? (16:3).

Just as the women had no thought of deserting the Lord whom they loved just because the world had hated and crucified Him, our genuine love of the Lord will be unaffected by opposition. Love will survive the contentions and the hatred of a hostile society. It will continue to press forward to show its loyalty and eagerness of service, not waiting for the last hour of necessity, but for the first hour of opportunity.

The disappearance of difficulties as we go on our way of faithful service reminds us of the Lord's assurance that we shall reap, if we faint not (Gal. 6:9), meaning don't give up. These women had been apprehensive about how they would get the stone rolled away from the entrance to the tomb (Mark 16:3). But as they continued toward the tomb to express their love, they found their difficulty had vanished (Luke 24:2).

Matthew records the shock of the great earthquake, and the terror which seized the guards who were watching the sealed tomb (Matt. 28:2-4) as an angel of the Lord. . . rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it (28:2). The women had come to the tomb to complete embalming procedures. They entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. . . . they were much perplexed when they saw two men . . . in shining garments . . . who said, Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen (Luke 24:4-6). The women rushed to the disciples to relate their discovery.

Instead of a sorrowful experience, these women found an empty grave, a new hope, pure joy! This is the usual experience of the one who is seeking to serve the Lord.

Jesus saith unto Him, Go and do Thou like wise (Luke 10:37). And ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts: 1:8).

Thought for Today:

Each person must decide for himself whether to receive or reject Jesus as his own personal savior.
Cross References:

For Luke 23:30: See Hos. 10:8. Luke 23:34: See Ps. 22:18.
Word Studies:

23:5 Jewry, the Judean region; 23:19 for . . . sedition, for having started a riot; 23:23 instant, insistent or persistent; 23:29 paps, breasts; 23:32 malefactors, criminals, ones who do evil; 24:29 far spent, almost over.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Staff: Rick Hash • Pray for Government Officials: Gov. Luis Fortuno (PR) and Rep. John Barrow (GA) • Country: Bosnia and Hercegovina (4 million) on the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe • Major language: Serbo-Croatian • Little evangelism being done • 40% Muslim; 28% Serbian Orthodox; 14% Roman Catholic • Prayer Suggestion: Confess and forsake all sin (Is. 59:12-13).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 119:33-34

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read John 1 – 3

Deity of Christ; Jesus announced as the Lamb of God; first miracle in Cana; cleansing of the Temple; Nicodemus and the new birth.
And looking upon Jesus . . . he (John the Baptist) saith, Behold the Lamb of God! . . . . One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ. And he brought him to Jesus (John 1:36, 40-42).

Andrew had been a follower of John the Baptist, who spoke of Jesus in such a way that his faith, adoration, and worship were directed toward Christ. Realizing that Jesus was the Messiah, Andrew left John the Baptist and became a faithful witness of "the Lamb of God." Andrew set an example for us today. We may have important work that we are doing. However, how does that work compare when it comes to matters of eternity? Andrew was already involved in the work of the Lord. He was about to go further than his current circumstances could ever take him. Following Jesus is the greatest thing we could ever do with our lives. Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me (Matt. 16:24).

Andrew's brother, Peter, is especially noted for his great preaching on the day of Pentecost and his writing of I and II Peter. We sometimes tend to think Peter's ministry was more important than the person-to-person witness of Andrew. But we must not forget that Andrew shared in all of Peter's accomplishments. If Andrew had failed to tell his brother about Christ, there might never have been a ministry such as that of Peter's.

Many times we feel the work we are doing is not great in the big picture of what God is doing. We may see our part of the plan as insignificant and small. Nothing could be further from the truth. That thing you are doing for God may make a huge impact. And He called unto Him His disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury (Mark 12:43).

Andrew was just an average Christian, not a great soul winner, but he did what we all can do. God keeps a record of all the "Andrews" who are never recognized for a great ministry, but who do as the Holy Spirit directs in telling others, We have found the Messias, the Savior.

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise (Prov. 11:30).

Thought for Today:

God never said a Christian has to be great — Just faithful.
Cross References:

For John 1:23: See Is. 40:3; Mal. 3:1. John 2:17: See Ps. 69:9.
Word Studies:

1:5 the darkness comprehended it not, did not take it in; the unbelieving world cannot see its need for a Savior; 1:39 tenth hour, 4 p.m. by Jewish time, two hours before evening.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Internet Radio: sponsored by Vincent and Rebecca Naughton • Government Official: Rep. Darrell Issa (CA) • Country: Croatia (5 million) in southeastern Europe • Major language: Serbo-Croatian • Religious freedom • 73% Roman Catholic; 15% Serbian Orthodox; 5% Muslim • Prayer Suggestion: Seek God as more important than food to satisfy your hunger (Prov. 3:13-18).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 119:33-34

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Read John 4 – 5

Jesus and the Samaritan woman; miracles of healing; Jesus answers the Jews.
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him (John 4:23).

Weary from His long journey from Judea to Samaria, Christ sat down to rest at Jacob's Well while the disciples went to the village to buy food. While He was there, a woman of Samaria came to draw water from the well. Our Lord surprised her when He asked for a drink of water and began talking to her. Ordinarily, a Jew would not so much as go near a Samaritan, much less talk to one. But Jesus wanted everyone to know He came to seek and to save that which is lost. He was on a mission from heaven. There was no power on earth and, for sure, no religious tradition that would be able to stop Him. Jesus was about to rescue this woman's soul because He knew the worth of the soul. Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it (Matt. 13:46). His salvation, which Jesus provides is that pearl of great price. It cost Him His very life.

Undoubtedly, the Samaritan woman was astonished at the words of Christ. It seemed unbelievable that a Jew would ever say, The hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father (John 4:21).

To the teachers of Israel, God was the God of Israel, and His dwelling place was in Jerusalem. To the Samaritans, He was to be worshipped on Mount Gerizim. But here in a few words Jesus revealed that the most High God dwelleth not in temples made with hands (Acts 17:24). The bodies of believers are the true temple of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19).

The Samaritan woman reached the turning point in her life when Christ revealed Himself as the fulfillment of her greatest spiritual need, for she was thirsty for something that neither her religion nor the world could satisfy. Jesus . . . said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4:13-14).

The supply of water drawn from Jacob's Well would soon be gone, and a fresh supply would have to be drawn. The person who drinks from the wells of the world will thirst again. But the living water that Jesus gives is inexhaustible. The living presence of the Savior in the hearts of all who trust in Him continually satisfies the thirst and longings of the soul.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled (Matt. 5:6).

Thought for Today:

Temporal "satisfactions" may "quench our thirst" for the present, but they will never truly satisfy.
Word Studies:

4:6 sixth hour, noon by Jewish time and 6 p.m. by Roman time; 5:21 quickeneth them, gives them life.
Prayer Needs:

Pray for Bible Pathway Printer: Ambrose Printing • Government Official: Gov. Scott Walker (WI) • Country: Cuba (11.2) million on the northern rim of the Caribbean • Major language: Spanish • Strict government surveillance of all true Christian activities • 40% Catholic; 10% Protestant; 2-10% Santeria, 1% Other; 40% none • Prayer Suggestion: Commit your fears to the Lord and He will give you peace (Prov. 3: 24-26).
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 119:33-34

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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