Purple Martins

Started by Dee Gee, March 29, 2009, 08:24:07 PM

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Must have 30 to 40 martins.  Many came a few days ago.  Hard to count them as they are on the move.


Why, Delbert, you just catch them all, then count them as you turn them loose.


LOL ;D ;D  Man, I'd pay money to watch that! lol


The martins turned out to be buzzards.  I had to make the entrance of the house larger.  Must be the gobal warming.


Delbert, you must remeber to move when you are out of doors! Them buzzards begin to circle if you don't!  ;D ;D

Diane Amberg

I had 3 buzzards land in my back yard recently. I didn't think my cooking was that bad! I'd love to attract some martins but we don't seem to have enough open swooping space for them.


I am ready for the hummingbirds.  My orange honeysuckle is blooming.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 21, 2009, 03:02:47 PM
I had 3 buzzards land in my back yard recently. I didn't think my cooking was that bad! I'd love to attract some martins but we don't seem to have enough open swooping space for them.

Diane I was not sure of what you meant by buzzards. I had an image of Vultures and California Condors. then I looked it up on Wikepedia and found that the red tailed hawk and Cooper's hawk found in California also are called a buzzard sometimes.

Here is the link that just added to my confusion.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzzard

Any more details that might help me figure out what you saw.



Usually when folks here speak of buzzards, they mean vultures. I have had several close calls on windy days along the highway. The buzzard will make a delayed liftoff from a roadkill site and I sure don't want to smack into one of those rascals. Yuk!


Wilma; I think I saw a hummingbird last night in the yard!  Too windy to put up the feeders today, though!

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