This Is Ember Patience

Started by srkruzich, May 26, 2009, 06:00:55 AM

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What a sad loss for everyone who was lucky enough to know her.  I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Jo McDonald

May the good Lord bless and keep this family.  My heart breaks just thinking of their sorrow.
To know and love their angel, than have to give her up is just unbelievable to me.
We will help.

  Jo and Fred


My prayers are with this family.  God bless you.


What a beautiful baby!  This family is in my prayers as they deal with such a sorrowful loss of such a precious little girl!  Blessings to the entire family as they grieve and cope with her loss.


I am posting a letter i am sending to the prarie star. 

It has been a difficult week for all of us here, and I have had to process all that i have seen and witnessed as well as experienced.  I know Sarah and Louis have done the same. 
But as I sat all day yesterday and today, I am still in amazement of how things have transpired.

What happened this past week is that God took a tragedy, and turned it into blessings.  I am using a verse that Sarah posted on facebook the other day and thought i would share it with you.

Mal 3:10     Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that [there shall] not [be room] enough [to receive it].
Mal 3:11    And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:12    And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.

Truely this is the case.  I live day to day on Gods blessings as he provides for me.  It happens to me in little things, of which the other day, i had a flat thanks to elk county roads and no way it could be fixed.  I had no money and a Wonderful soul here in this county said maybe they could get it fixed for me.  Well later on that day they came back and asked me if it was fixed good for me and when i went to look that person bought me a brand new tire.  I was truely humbled at his Godly spirit and strive each day to achieve such a spirit.

I saw this same spirit of God touch unknown numbers of people this week. Sarah and louis lost a most precious baby that everyone of us loved dearly.  Oh she was truely a angel :) I miss her so much as i know they do too.  But even though God took Ember home to be with him, he didn't take and just let them suffer alone.  He poured out his blessings on them in such a way that there was no room to recieve it! 

Thanks to you good folks of Elk county and folks all across this land, Embers funeral was covered, they have extra to help cover lost work, and there are a couple job offers i think for a little work to provide extra for them to help in the slow times. 

Their main transportation had broken down a week before ember passed and God provided another vehicle to them that is capable of transporting all the kids safely.   

This community amazed me.  I have not seen this type of love in over 20 years.  And the blessings are still coming in every day. 

Thank you so much for all your support, caring, love, and donations to help someone in need.  You folks are a true community.

I pray that Embers death will not be in vain, that maybe if one person finds Christ through her passing, it would give her death meaning.   I know God touched hearts of all people.  I pray that he blessed each and every one of you in a big and amazing way!

Thank you

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You have no idea how this warms my heart. I have just been so sad for Sarah and Louis as I really don't know if I am strong enough to deal with the loss of one of my kids or grandchildren.. so I send them healing prayers every night.
I know God doesn't give us anything that we shouldn't be able to handle and learn from.. but I'm telling you. I would have to pull strength from somewhere that I am no even aware of.
I pray I don't ever have to find out. I'm supposed to go first and I hope God allows it to be that way.

As far as the monetary blessings that they have received.. FANTASTIC!  I would so rather help someone locally who needs it than give to some charity that I don't know what goes to the people who need it and what goes in the pocket of some administrator.

Thanks for a very warming and loving letter Steve. They are lucky to have a good friend as you are. In fact I consider myself blessed to know all 3 of you and in some small way proud that maybe I could help and make a difference.

God Bless you all.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I wanted to come in and first of all second Steve's post.  I couldn't have said it any better than he did.  I really regret not getting to know the people out here better than I do.  I always felt like an outsider since we didn't come from out here originally and I am so shy that it is really hard for me to meet people and talk to them.  But what I saw from the people out here of Elk county and beyond and the compassion that they showed us, well, I just had to sit down and cry about it.  I honestly thought no one knew us particularly nor cared.  Coming from around Wichita where no one knows you nor cares to know you, it was quite a shock.

I miss our dear sweet little Ember so much.  More than I let on.  I so want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and your thoughts and your support.  It was more than I ever expected and I am truly humbled by it.  I hope that those of you I haven't talked to, I hope from here on out I find the courage to talk to more people out here and get to know you better. 

Thank you again so much!


God bless you Sarah, and may he grant you serenity and peace. You remain in my prayers.  :'(


I think that goes for all of us here..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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