What Are You Reading?

Started by sixdogsmom, March 27, 2009, 01:30:31 PM

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 I am reading Lisa Gardners books right now.. I have 6 of them and just finished "Say Goodbye".. I had a hard time getting through it. It was almost too much crime in the sexual and physical abuse of children dept. for me. ...so I kind of read fast through and skipped those parts. I also peeked at the last few pages. I had to know if the bad guy got his due ..and he did!  :) so I could at least read with that knowledge..

*I know~~ I'm weird*    :-\
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Careless Love by Peter Guralnick.  Story of the latter days of Elvis by a college professor.


I found a stack of old Guidepost magazines in a box in the garage.  I am reading them before recycling them.  Their messages never go out of date.  They are quick reading, too.

Roma Jean Turner

I downloaded the Kindle software for PC from the Amazon website.  I like reading on my little netbook.  I want to check out the Nook which is the Barnes and Noble ereader.  One of my nurses said she had one and really loves it.  You can also do email with it.  I am just starting to feel like reading so will start DAn BRown's The Symbol.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I am not reading much since the latest eye surgery.  The doctor says it could be 6 months before my eyes settle down to whatever they will be.  However, I am trying to read The Three Fates by Nora Roberts.  It just takes so long when I have to stop and let the peepers rest.


i finished the lost symbol earlier this year. you are right teresa it was very good but the code was a hard one to follow.


Wilma -

Do you want some audio books? Jim "reads" a lot that way.


Thanks for the offer, but unless I am in a car going down the road, I can't concentrate on audio books.  Seems I have to have something to do with my eyes and hands to hold my attention.  I don't really watch TV either.  Too many other things to think about, or maybe it is just old age distracting me.

We did have some audio books that we listened to on our way to and from Howard.  They were about the Cowdog.  I can't remember his name, but they were hilarious.  He was in charge of security at the ranch.  Maybe Janet can remember his name.  The CDs were hers.


I finished RF Delderfields' 'The Green Gauntlet' about a week ago. I don't know how I have missed this author before now, perhaps because he wrote about England during WWII, his books were not widely read here in central US. It was a very good book, a great peek at the lives of a rural English family during a fearful time. I am currently reading a wonderful Sci-fi book written in 1951. Called 'The Disappearance' by Phillip Wylie, it describes the parallel worlds of a couple when suddenly all members of the opposit sex go missing. I am about a third of the way through the book; the men are busy destroying the world with nuclear weapons, and the women are busy destroying one another over food and other 'stuffs'. I don't know how I could have missed this book as many sci-fi books I have digested in my lifetime. I was disappointed in Dan Browns last book, but will probably try The Symbol.

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