What Are You Reading?

Started by sixdogsmom, March 27, 2009, 01:30:31 PM

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Rudy Taylor

I always get lots of books for Christmas --- maybe it's the easiest way to appease an old guy like me.

I've already started reading through them, but I'll probably concentrate on one at a time.

"Paul Harvey's America" --- good stuff. He was a hero of mine. His ties to Kansas were quite touching as he related them to his accepting Christ as his Savior in a Mennonite Church.

"Together We Cannot Fail" --- about FDR and the American presidency in years of crisis. Quite revealing. New books about FDR have pulled off the veil of secrecy. I'm not sure sure he was as great as he has been portrayed. Many of his decisions were elitist and contrary to the democratic way. His private life was a mess. But I'll enjoy reading about him. He still remains one of the most revered leaders of the 20th century.

"Ford County" --- by John Grisham. Can't wait to really get into this one. It was at the top of my Christmas list.

"True Compass" --- a memoir of Edward M. Kennedy. This one really stands out because of its timeliness following Kennedy's recent death. Intriguing look at Sen. Kennedy. Intelligently written. This book will stay on my book shelf.

"Going Rogue" --- by Sarah Palin. This was a quick read, pretty shallow, obviously written by a host of young ghost writers. There remains something mystical about Palin and this book allows her to do some venting about the treatment she received from the TV media and from Sen. John McCain's campaign staff. She probably will have a solid place in history, but this book won't. Look for it in summer yard sales.

So, now you know what I've been doing while snowed in this weekend.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown..
Just got started on it.. and even though I think that "The Da Vinci Code" is nearly an impossible act to follow..  I am really going to like this one..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

Sounds good, Teresa.

As soon as I finish my stack, I'll look for "The Lost Symbol."

Then there was the fat little kid in the high school band who lost his cymbal as they marched down Wabash Street in the fair parade.

But I digress.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


I swear you can make me chuckle out loud at the darnest times .. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Rudy, was his name Sigmund?


I will never be able to think about the Knights Templar in the same way again.  :o


OK I finally broke down and got myself and e-reader for Christmas.  I absolutely love it.  It is the greatest.  Right now I am reading Pirate Lattitudes by Michael Crichton.  It was found on a computer by his publisher after his death.  It isn't his best work but it sure is a lot of fun.  It is set in 1600's Jamaica.  If you want to read the Washington Post review it can be found on Amazon.com.  If anyone else has read it already let me know what you think.


I looked at e-readers.. cause we travel so much and I thought it would be handy to have.. I changed my mind..
I just can't let go of my love for feeling the pages of a good book.. sometimes I go into my bookshelves and just touch all my books..
I love books... :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Oh don't get me wrong I love them as well and have quite a collection, but like you said it is the convenience that I enjoy.  Not everything that I am interested in is avaiable in e-format so I still buy regular books.  I think it is a good combination.


I want one... If anyone happens to see my husband you can give him a hint... Oh, never mind! I'll just get it myself, it'll be quicker :)
Do you have Kindle or something else?

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