Some Things that Annoy the Hell out of me

Started by Warph, March 27, 2009, 03:32:37 PM

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Members of the Mafia have to take a vow of silence, and if they break it, they face the very real possibility of winding up dead.  Liberals have their own version of the vow.  However, instead of having to keep quiet about murder, drug deals and extortion, they must promise not to ridicule their own kind.

The price of breaking the code isn't death, it's something far more serious; namely, exile from their social circle.  Dare to make fun of Joe Biden's statement that in 1929, President Roosevelt went on TV to reassure his fellow Americans about the Depression, and don't expect to be invited to write for the Huffington Post.  Dare to laugh at Nancy Pelosi's contention that 500 million Americans are losing their jobs every month, and you can forget about being invited to brunch at Streisand's or to pitch a movie idea to Tom Hanks or Steven Spielberg.  Believe me, for some people, that's a far worse fate than swimming with the fishes.

When you remember what a big deal the press and the late night jokesters made out of Dan Quayle's merely misspelling "potato," you get some idea of what partisan hypocrites these people are.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I'll let you in on a few other things that annoy the hell out of me.

To begin with, there's Alex Rodriguez.  In the interest of full disclosure, I'll admit I'm a fan of the New York Yankees.  Let me add that I had hoped ARod would break Barry Bonds' home run record.  Now I can no longer root for him.  What I would like to see is for all the cheats -- Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Palmeiro, Giambi -- to have their records stricken from the book.  So far as I'm concerned, Roger Maris still holds the single season home run mark and Hank Aaron, the career record.  For good measure, I would make Commissioner Bud Selig walk the plank.  They pay this bum, who can't run, hit or throw, eight million bucks a year to oversee the national pastime, and he's overseen it right into the toilet.

Getting back to politics, I'd like to see them get rid of all those people who are always standing on the back of the stage every time someone gives a speech.  I know the reasons they're there, but that doesn't make it any better. 

One, when the speaker is a creep like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, it's supposed to con us into thinking that the speaker represents someone and something besides himself and his own self-interests.

Two, when it's the president or a senator who's speaking, it's supposed to give those bystanders some reflected glory.  Well, let me break the news to them that it doesn't work quite that way.  If the guy giving the speech is the least bit important, standing behind him and staring at the back of his head makes you look like dress extras or, worse yet, like a painted backdrop.

Unlike liberals, I found the first few weeks of the new administration endlessly amusing.  For one thing, even I wouldn't have guessed how quickly Barack Obama would doff his halo as he worked to push through and sign the Pelosi and Reid pork package and get a bunch of tax cheats and lobbyists on his team.  That being said, I almost felt sorry for Tom Daschle.  I, for one, believed him when he said he hadn't realized he had to pay taxes on his car and driver as a private citizen.  After all, he'd had a tax-free car and driver when he was a senator.  What I would really like to know is why my tax money is going to pay for cars and chauffeurs for our public servants.  After all, the more isolated these weasels are from normal life, the more they see themselves as royalty.  I read that in L.A., they used to have a mayor who lived on a hilltop in the San Fernando Valley.  He commuted downtown to City Hall by helicopter.  Do you think he spent a lot of time worrying about potholes on the street and traffic on the freeway?

The argument, of course, is that these people get a lot of work done going to and from the job.  But why would anyone buy that malarkey when we know how little work they actually do when they reach the office?  Most of the actual work is done by their staff, while they, themselves, concentrate on raising campaign funds so they can continue living like King Louis XIV.

I'm starting to wonder if President Obama is now telling the kids that they'll get their dog, but only if he's re-elected in 2012.

One thing for certain is that the First Dog is being vetted a lot better than was his Secretary of the Treasury.

Yeah.... I'm a little pissed....

Everywhere you look, there is evidence that the apocalypse is upon us.  In California, unwed, unemployed 33-year-old Nadya Suleman, already the mother of six, decided one fine day that she was lonely and, so, she visited her friendly neighborhood fertility clinic and soon had eight more tots she couldn't feed or house. 

If the proud papa isn't passing out cigars, it's because he's a petri dish. 

It seems to me that the folks at the clinic should be up on criminal charges.  At the very least, Kaiser Permanente should be able to sue those irresponsible bums for the multi-million dollar bill Ms. Suleman will run up before she and all her litter are off the premises.

Thanks to modern medical technology, Ms. Suleman gave birth to eight babies, but it's the taxpayers who wound up having non-consensual sexual relations.  In a word, the state of California is being screwed, as usual.  No wonder they're bankrupt.

Speaking of taxes, some state legislatures around the nation are trying to get around having to speak about them by calling them fees.  In the meantime, Obama is playing his own word game, trying to avoid calling welfare by its rightful name.  Instead, he prefers to speak about tax rebates.  But even he can't quite explain how sending checks to people who didn't pay income taxes in the first place is anything but welfare.  Everywhere except in our nation's capitol, people understand that you first have to buy the car, the computer or the cell phone, before you're entitled to mail in the coupon and receive a rebate check.

But, of course, when you're simply trying to buy votes, it hardly matters what you label them.  They're obviously nothing but bribes.  And as a wise man once observed, when you rob Peter to pay Paul, don't expect Paul to raise a stink.

The truth is, whether he's talking about banishing tax cheats and lobbyists or merely trying to convince us that building Frisbee courts or sending prophylactics to Africa is a good way to get Americans back to work, Obama has proven himself to be nothing better than a beige Bill Clinton in an empty suit.  If, like Pinocchio, his nose grew every time he told a whopper, Obama's shnoz would soon be as big as his ears.

In Holland, Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician/sometime filmmaker, is going on trial for making a short, honest movie about Islam.  The government has accused him of hate speech.  It takes me back to 1948, when Harry Truman was running for president. In one speech, he observed that people accused him of giving hell to the Republicans, but Harry insisted, "I just tell the truth and they think it's hell."

I'd suggest that the same holds true for Mr. Wilders in Holland, Mark Steyn in Canada and a number of us here in America.  All we do is tell the truth about the Islamics.  Liberals call it a hate speech.  But it's really a question of whose ox is being gored, isn't it?  For instance, when Dan Quayle misspelled "potato," those same people reacted as if he'd blown up the Pentagon.  When George Bush mispronounced "nuclear," you'd have thought he'd leveled New York's Twin Towers.  However, even after Islamics blew up the Pentagon and the Twin Towers and the U.S.S. Cole and a U.S. Marine base and cut off Daniel Pearl's head, all in the name of Allah, God forbid that anyone be so impolite as to suggest Islam is anything but a peaceful religion.

Naturally, we're all supposed to acknowledge on an hourly basis that not all Muslims are jihadists.  So what?  The question isn't whether all Muslims are jihadists, but whether all jihadists are Muslims.  After all, every Russian wasn't a Communist and every German wasn't a Nazi, but a fat lot of good that did the Poles, the Czechs, the Hungarians, the French, the Dutch and the Norwegians.

Although I, personally, am happy that Saddam Hussein and his sons are moldering in their graves, and I would like to see the Taliban disappear from the face of the earth, I am getting sick and tired of seeing America constantly rushing off to protect Muslims, especially when they are generally under attack from other Muslims.  We did it in Kuwait, Somolia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo.  It's cost us a lot of money and a lot of American lives and, in the end, Muslims continue calling us the Great Satan.  Talk about hate speech!

So, the next time Islamics decide to start butchering one another, I suggest we do the courteous thing...and offer to hold their coats.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


You are right on as usual.  I agree with almost all of what your said.  Almost because I couldn't think of any LA mayor who helioed to work.  And, I couldn't find any thing on the net that indicated that.  However, I suspected that maybe Richard Riordan may have been the one and I think that because he is rich and has his own chopper.  He also lowered the mayors salary to $1 a year while he was in the office.  In rumbling around the net, I ran across this blog.  I found this guy pretty amusing and good.   Larryj

P.S. Sitting here recollecting, I do remember that Tom Bradley was driven to work in a LA Police car as he had been on the force for many years and because he was the first modern era black man to be mayor, there was some concern for his safety. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


In going back and checking that address from the previous post, I found it difficult for this old fool to find the original posting.  So don't waste your time looking for it.  Larryj
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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