A Fast Read on Drug Cartels and the Border

Started by Warph, March 24, 2009, 01:09:04 PM

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Diane Amberg

I'll stick with my blow gun darts and poison. ;D ;D ;D....or maybe I'll talk you to death.


Keep on talking, Diane...I'm listening!  ;D ;D


OK, gun discussion is on another thread.  This one is about DRUGS.
So, I'm going to stir the pot on this one, too...   ;D

How about making drugs legal?  If it worked to make guns required in Kennesaw, GA, why not make drugs legal?  Then the market would be flooded and the value would go down.  There would be no "cartels" because anyone and everyone could bring them into the country and sell them.  Just like with the old days of bootleggers... once alcohol became legal, then no one cared about it anymore.  Heck, "organic" and "raised in the USA" label requirements would make the Mexican cartels completely obsolete!

People used to think that alcohol and cigs should be illegal because of what they do to a person's body and mind... well, who cares?  That is a personal decision now.  How about making selling drugs legal and people actually have to go into licensed drug dealers stores that are inspected and clean and light and have other normal people milling about... how's that for dissuading druggies to buy them?  Heck, tax the heck out of them, too.  That way, it's the druggies who are paying for their own kids' school and welfare checks!

Wow, that was a fun soapbox!  Totally unlike me.  Now, I'm headed to town for groceries... let's see how many odd looks I get!  Ha, ha!   ;D   :angel:


Tobina, I need to e-mail or call you, someone has gotten your password to the forum and is posting really far out Id 10 T ideas in your name. The ones I have seen I know that you wouldn't come up with ideas like that.


Oh you're right, Frank.  The voice of sanity has compelled me back here again to clarify some things...

Of course if drugs are legal, then it only stands to reason that drug tests will be issued for EVERYTHING.  Driver's License, Hunting License, access to health care, running for political office, marriage license, school applications, along with the current practice of testing at work.  Heck, drug tests will be as common as eye exams!  With the tax money on drugs, I'm sure there will be much research done on at-home drug testing and other instant, quick drug tests.  I didn't say using drugs in the workplace or driving a car while high would be legal, just the selling of them... enough to flood the market and make the value (and desire) go down.  If drugs are legal, then drug testing could be just as legal... testing kids at school, etc.  If you're not taking them, then nothing to worry.  If you are, then nothing to worry, but you can't be here or driving this car!

Heck, maybe if people can't drive cars or get licenses if they do drugs, then America can produce enough oil ourselves to run the fewer cars... our environment will be less polluted... there would be less drop-out rates (b/c druggies can't attend school), the workforce would be more productive, our cost of health care would be less (b/c druggies don't get any), etc, etc.

Does that make you feel better, Frank?   ;)  Maybe I've been drinking the same water PEP does...   :P   ;D


My Tobina, you have certainly been busy stirring this morning!  ;D I can see where you are coming from, spoken by a woman who has lived in a drug environment all her life. However how would it have been to not be exposed to drugs when you were growing up, I am not speaking of alcohol, but recreational drugs. Frank, Wilma, myself and others here on the forum grew up in a drug free environment. I went to high school in Wichita, and in all the great circle of people I knew, only one was rumored to use drugs. He was a lot older than my crowd, but we talked about him and he was a pariah. I guess this is the crux of the matter; acceptance by yourself and your peers. The society as a whole has embraced the drug culture and it will not go away until we send it away, lock stock and barrel. China whipped her opium problem with a severe but successful answer, it may come to that here.


Quote from: frawin on April 03, 2009, 10:09:51 AM
Tobina, I need to e-mail or call you, someone has gotten your password to the forum and is posting really far out Id 10 T ideas in your name. The ones I have seen I know that you wouldn't come up with ideas like that.

Actually frank, that is the Only 1 of two ways to stop drugs.  Make them legal  and it kills the profit for the dealer.  Drugs are marked up around 2000% or more and thats why they risk all to bring a shipment in.

The ONLY other way to stop them is to execute all drug users and dealers.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on April 03, 2009, 10:44:50 AM
I can see where you are coming from, spoken by a woman who has lived in a drug environment all her life.

Sixdogs; this made me giggle; made it sound like I grew up in a druggie household!  Hahaha! 
Actually, I grew up in a small enough town that drugs were completely uncommon for me, too.  Yes, we had one older man who everyone suspected of doing drugs, but I think he was just crazy.  Never once have I been offered drugs of any kind (even through all my college years), or been exposed to anyone on them.  But I get what you're saying about "my generation" and how almost immune we are to the seriousness of drugs.  And I agree, but probably more-so for the kids a few years younger than me (early to mid 20's), and especially the kids just getting out of high school now.  To be honest, the most I've been exposed to drugs and drug problems was moving here to Elk County with all the meth lab issues that are around (closer than we care to admit, sometimes).
I guess my point, again, was for discussion and to raise some hairs and see what people think.  I don't actually believe in legalizing drugs... in fact, I kind of like Steve's idea... (wink). 
For the sake of discussion; what was China's effort on the opium drug war?


Tobina, I do believe that the Chinese executed the opium users. And when I say exposure to the drug culture, I mean not in your own family or circle of friends, but the entertainment world, news world, fashion world, etc, etc. And I know what you mean about the drug problems here in Elk county. I hear of deals at dawn, and have seen a couple of meth lab busts right here in this town.  :P I have watched suspicious transactions at the lake and certain households at odd hours. Too bad.  ???

Diane Amberg

If ''Drugs" become legal, then wouldn't they then fall right in with alcohol and have the same kind of problems with kids, drivers etc. Is that an improvement? Perhaps it is. I just don't know. At least they could be regulated for quality control so nobody gets poisoned by homemade stuff, but then what?  We can't keep kids away from it now. Would that get worse? Drug babies and fetal alcohol problems already exist. Yes, we all pay for them. We all want less government but here again, "they" should do some thing about it.

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