Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out

Started by Warph, March 20, 2009, 08:28:33 AM

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 Oh I agree with you Tobina and I generally try to be respectful but I also try to pry open some closed minds too.(which usually gets me in trouble :P) As for the unloadin that goes on to people with dissentin views all I can say is ya charge the hill until ya get tired and disgusted, retreat, regroup, and charge the sucker again LOL

I can see both sides of the question too but I really don't agree with banning weapons. It just won't work except like I said to keep honest people defensless cause the gangbangers and the cartels are gonna have the stuff if it exists because they DON'T care how they get it just that they get it.

Some people use accidental shootings as their reason but I don't agree with that one either. I truly believe if kids are taught from the get go about guns and what they are for, what they do, and to respect them and leave them alone there will be no accidental shootings. I know.....some people who have guns don't have the intelligence to teach kids what they need to know and are as ignorant with weapons as a 4 year old...I don't know the answer to that one.

All I do know is MY experience, my dad and grandad taught US right from the get go, I taught my kids right from the get go and it worked for us.

i have daughter-in-laws who freak out about guns, but my sons have the common sense to teach their kids too so.........it all seriously comes down to raisin' or lack of raisin' I think.

In a perfect world where people were really livin the way we are supposed to there really would be NO need for defending yourself and your family from people who mean you harm......but it ain't a perfect world........unfortunately........

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Okay, time for me to stop "lurking" and say something.  As I have previously posted elsewhere I have never allowed guns in my house strictlly for safety reasons.  It is like remove the temptation and not have the worries of something terrible happening.  However, it is my opinion that when the second amendment was written guns were protected against anyone, including our government, to take them away.  Guns were used more for hunting for food than committing crimes.  Guns were needed for survival not only against hunger but against indians or others who would cause harm. Therefore, I feel that guns should be allowed for those that want them without the danger of our government outlawing them.  In all of the history of mankind, there has been crime with whatever weapon was handy at the time.  Taking away guns will not solve anything except to make it easier for criminals to commit their crimes. 

Completely away from this subject, I would like to NOMINATE WARPH TO HAVE HIS OWN CATEGORY.  He has a real sense of what is going on in the world.  So maybe there should be a separate category just after POLITICS that is entitled "WARPH SAYS".  Any seconds?        Larryj
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: sixdogsmom on March 24, 2009, 09:48:42 AM
Tobina for statesman of the day! Thanks for your input. I wonder how many are reluctant to participate for fear of being unloaded on. I suspect the number is more than would be thought from the postings in most of the political threads.

I can attest to that, I have had a taste of the rude inappropriate comments from a couple of people on the forum, that do not know me, know absolutely nothing about me.


Everyone knows my stance and passion on our 2nd amendment rights and constitutional rights. So I won't get on a big long writing of the whys and the reasons.

But we all must remember that education is #1 on the list of safe handling and use of any kind of firearm. And also respect of human kind in general.
Guns Do Not kill people.................PEOPLE kill People.

Lets fix society.. fix the decay of human morale values.. fix family break down and disintegration.. fix the drug and alcohol abuse.. fix the lack of respect for everything and everybody that is literally smothering the breath out of people. Quit letting the repeat offenders out on the street.

Quit blaming the guns.
I wonder if all of those "politicians" that are so quick to spew their venom about banning guns and disarming the people were to be totally without armed body guards and around the clock protection...and had to rely on protecting themselves from whatever is there now and whatever will be there in the future...
I wonder if their tune would change.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: larryJ on March 24, 2009, 01:03:02 PM
Completely away from this subject, I would like to NOMINATE WARPH TO HAVE HIS OWN CATEGORY.  He has a real sense of what is going on in the world.  So maybe there should be a separate category just after POLITICS that is entitled "WARPH SAYS".  Any seconds?        Larryj

Whoa.... LOL... Thanks anyway, LarryJ.... but I'm afraid I would have to get in line.  Their are many more intelligent people on this forum that would qualify for something like that before I would.  For instances... Teresa, Frank, Catwoman, SDM, Jo, Diane, Wilma, Pam, W.Gray, Tobina, Steve.... just to name a few.  Besides, when would I have time to work on my golf game and sippin' suds at the 19th Hole?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Tobina on March 23, 2009, 03:41:21 PM
I just want some friendly discussion on this issue here to help me understand and expand my knowledge.  Please don't bash...

Quote from: sixdogsmom on March 24, 2009, 09:48:42 AM
Tobina for statesman of the day! Thanks for your input. I wonder how many are reluctant to participate for fear of being unloaded on. I suspect the number is more than would be thought from the postings in most of the political threads.

Quote from: frawin on March 24, 2009, 04:25:58 PM
I can attest to that, I have had a taste of the rude inappropriate comments from a couple of people on the forum, that do not know me, know absolutely nothing about me.

Dumb Guy:  "What do you mean, Americans have gotten ruder?"

Lady on the Street:  "Poll after poll has been showing it in recent years.  Nearly 70 percent of respondents to an Associated Press poll said people are ruder than they were 20 or 30 years ago."

Dumb Guy:  "Why would that be?"

Lady:  "Lots of reasons.  For starters, life is moving faster these days.  Companies are employing technology that has dramatically increased the speed of change.  This technology has enabled competition on a global scale and employees, fearing for their jobs, are working long and hard to keep up."

Dumb Guy:  "Yeah, yeah."

Lady:  "The pace at home is much faster, too.  Many couples, having fallen into the big-mortgage trap,  are both working.  To afford large houses, they've moved farther out into the suburbs.  They're perpetually sitting in traffic jams, rushing to pick the kids up from day care, and racing to get home to make dinner."

Dumb Guy:  "It's a free country."

Lady:  "Computers, video games and other gadgets are isolating people from each other.  And many people are living far away from their extended families -- living among people they are not deeply connected to."

Dumb Guy:  "Sounds good to me.  My family drives me nuts."

Lady:  "Even modern architecture is promoting isolation.  Look at the older homes built in the 1920s.  Big glorious porches were on the front and the garages were in the back.  Homes were designed to invite friends and family to stop in for a visit and some cold lemonade.  Now the porch is hidden in the back and the garage is on the front -- even our homes are rude to people."

Dumb Guy:  "If you say so, Lady."

Lady:  "As a result of this desensitization and the stress of modern times, we're seeing more incidents of road rage, more people cutting in lines at the supermarket, fewer people holding the door open for strangers.  I know I've been short with service people at times."

Dumb Guy:  "Being rude with service people is the reason I get out of bed in the morning."

Lady:  "What's most interesting is that folks are quick to see rudeness in others, but not in themselves.  Only 13 percent said they'd used an obscene gesture while driving.  And only 8 percent said they'd used a cell phone in a loud or annoying manner."

Dumb Guy:  "I do both every day on my lunch break."

Lady:  "It's certainly true that life is moving faster and keeping up is more stressful, but that's no excuse.  We all need to get back to the basics.  Parents need to do a better job teaching their kids to have respect for others.  Adults need to slow down and be more considerate of others."

Dumb Guy:  "Why should we care?"
Lady:  "Because a civil and mannerly existence is not just a more delightful way to live, but one that is essential to a well-functioning society.  But don't ask me, ask Judith Martin."

Dumb Guy:  "Judith Martin?"

Lady:  "You know her better as Miss Manners.  She says that good manners are the philosophical basis of civilization, that it's essential folks have a common language of civil behavior that restrains their impulses."

Dumb Guy:  "But impulsiveness is my favorite hobby."

Lady:  "Martin says our legal system was originally intended to punish serious conflict involving the loss of life, limb or property, but the legal system is now forced to handle disputes that the proper use of etiquette used to prevent."

Dumb Guy:  "I ain't following."

Lady:  "She says that what used to be an insult is now called slander.  What used to be meanness is now called hate speech.  What used to be boorishness is now called sexual harassment.  If the rules of civility and etiquette were stronger, fewer people would engage in actions that are now considered crimes."

Dumb Guy:  "Slander, meanness and boorishness are illegal now?  There goes the weekend." 
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


yeah, Warph, you are exactly right on about the members of this forum.  Maybe that is why I "lurk" so much!  Its like my mama always told me---------"it is better that people think you are dumb than to open your mouth and prove it"!!!!!!  I really do enjoy all the opinions expressed here whether I agree with them or not.  As far as "bashing", if I were to say something that someone else might find offensive or djsagreeable, I would be taking the chance of being critized or "bashed".  Oh, and by the way, Warph, if I ever get across the river to the east I will join you at the 19th hole!!!!
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


People here might think I am dumb, but those that personally know me can prove it.

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