We surround them...

Started by Varmit, March 15, 2009, 08:42:37 AM

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Just wondering if anyone watched the We surround them special on Fox, what are your thoughts?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Sorry, I didn't.  Would you fill me in on what it was about?


He talked about how people in this country who feel like the government isn't listening to, or doesn't care about them are starting to come together.  These people all have a belief in the Constitution and the 9 values and 12 principles that We as Americans should live by.  What he suggested they do is get together and talk about what is going on in this country, how our current leaders are basically throwing our Constitution out the window, stripping us of our freedoms, and what we as average citizens can do to make a difference.  Before he did his "We sorround them" program alot of people felt like they were powerless to do anything, and that they were alone in their beliefs.  Now, however, there are groups of people all over this country who are coming together and speaking out against the direction the government is taking this country.  You should check out the website 912projecttest.com.  If you like what you see there let me know, I'm trying to start a group in this area.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


If it's Glenn Beck, you know it's good! I didn't watch the special, but have been reading up about it myself. Keep us posted Varmint about what you are trying to do...Thanks!!  ;D                                  Jenbilly




I hope that Beck believes the Constitution as our founding
fathers did, and not like Lincoln or Roosevelt.  There is a

Stay right in there.


Thats one thing that I like about Beck, he advises people to read up and research our Founders.  He encourages folks to not simply take what he says at face value put to test it against the constitution.  He believes that the power truly does lie with the people but that we have gotten away from the core values of our founders.  A couple of books that he reccomends everyone read are "The 5000 year leap" , "The real George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin" just to name a few.  I think his idea of people coming together and discussing what is going on not just federally but locally as well is a good thing.  I think people today are just to seperated from their neighbors and community.  I can remember as a kid my folks having their friends over for coffee and they would have a kind of impromtu bible study or they would talk about how this person or that down the road needed help because they got hurt  or sick, or that Reagan was doing this or that.  I just don't see that going on much anymore.  Thats why I am trying to get together with people in this area who want to make our voices heard (peacefully) not just locally but federally, and who want to discuss ways to make our community and county a better place than what it is.  Don't get me wrong I love living here, but I do see room for improvment.  And I would like to hear if others feel the same. 

As a side note here are the 9 values and 12 principals listed on the 9-12 website. I agree with all of them. 
1.  America is good.
2.  I believe in God.  He is the center of my life.
3.  I always try to be more honest than yesterday.
4.  The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the final authority, not government.
5.  If you break the law, you pay the price. No one is above the law.
6.  I have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but no guarntee of results.
7.  I work hard for what I have and I will share with whom I want to. The government can not make me be charitable.
8.  It is not Un-american for me to disagress with authority or to share my personal opinion.
9.  The government works for me, I don't work for them.  They answer to me, not I to them.

1. Honesty
2.  Reverence
3. Hope
4. Thrift
5. Humility
6. Charity
7. Sincerity
8. Moderation
9. Hardwork
10. Courage
11. Personal Responsibilty
12. Friendship

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


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