The Con Man Behind the Curtain

Started by Warph, March 07, 2009, 05:06:07 PM

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Judging by the early days of Obama's administration, I have had to reevaluate him.  He's even worse than I feared.  It's been one disaster after another.  His appointments have been a series of embarrassments.  His hard sell of the Pelosi-Reid trillion dollar earmark makes him look like the worst sort of fear-monger.  And, considering the fact that he was sold to us as eloquent and a fellow who could think on his feet, his use of a teleprompter at his press conference reminded me of the Wizard of Oz, the con man behind the curtain.  I guess you can take the man out of Chicago, but you can't take Chicago out of the man.

Frankly, I don't know why anybody continues to hold Obama in high esteem.  Maybe it's like those women who marry charming fellows only to discover after the vows have been exchanged that he's an abuser.  In spite of the black eyes and split lips, the ladies are just too embarrassed to call the cops and have their friends and relatives discover what a dunderhead they've been.  Sounds about right to me.

The way Obama has been jetting around on Air Force One, which costs the taxpayers a bloody fortune every time it lifts off the tarmac, you'd think the environmentalists would be reading him the riot act.  He's due to take off for Turkey soon.... wonder what that will cost the tax-payer?  But as we've learned with Al Gore and Robert Kennedy, Jr., so long as you're a liberal, you only have to say the right things about fossil fuels, you don't actually have to believe them.

The question that keeps begging to be asked is whether Obama ever says anything with honest conviction.  Even when he championed the so-called stimulus bill, he indulged in double talk.  Obama swore that it would create or save four million jobs.  Now I can't swear to be an expert in Obama-speak, but to me that sounds like he gets to claim, if at some time in the future there are four million Americans who are still employed, that he lived up to his word.

What truly astounds me isn't that the Democrats, along with three feeble-minded Republicans, Specter, Collins and Snowe, voted for the pork pie, even though nobody had had the time to wade through its thousand pages.  After all, even without knowing the details, they knew that the actual purpose of the legislation was to suck up even more money and power for themselves, thus completing the job begun 75 years ago by FDR.  What I found profoundly depressing was that, according to a recent poll, a majority of Americans approved its passage even though they were convinced that it would hurt, not help, them.  Perhaps the politicians are entitled to regard us as contemptuously as they do.

One of the provisions of the bill, the one dealing with health care, pretty much gives the federal bureaucrats the power to determine how much money and effort is expended on behalf of the elderly.  If you thought HMOs were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.  When I heard about it, I was instantly reminded of a 1973 movie called "Soylent Green."  The title of the Charlton Heston-Edward G. Robinson movie referred to the product turned out by the mysterious Soylent Corporation.  It took Mr. Heston most of the movie to discover that Soylent Green was the end result of old people being turned into protein wafers.

As if Obama isn't annoying enough, the way he is constantly jutting his chin skyward as if in homage to Benito Mussolini, he saddles us with an attorney general who calls white Americans cowards because, to his way of thinking, we don't engage in frank conversations about racial matters.

I get the impression that Eric Holder is confused about the nature of his job.  He is only the government's chief lawyer.  Being the public scold is, in the immortal words of his boss, above his pay scale.

It seems that while Holder grants that these days the workplace is integrated, he is troubled that there's "not much significant interaction between whites and blacks in social settings.  On Saturdays and Sundays, America in the year 2009 does not, in some ways, differ significantly from the country that existed some 50 years ago."  I got a feeling that Holder won't last long.

Holder is an  arrogant twit who, in spite of playing a part in Bill Clinton's pardoning of Marc Rich and commuting the sentences of 16 Puerto Rican terrorists and a handful of Arab troublemakers, got the job for no other reason than that he's black.  He wants frank talk?  Fine, here it is!

* One, most white Americans don't spend a lot of time dwelling on anyone's race.  They're much too busy trying to make a living and raising their kids.

* Two, in case you were out of town, white people just got done electing the first black president.

* Three, most people, black and white, spend their weekends with their families, who, even now, tend to be of their own race.

*Four, many Americans belong to churches open to all denominations, even though Holder's boss attended an all-black church for 20 years.  I have no idea what sort of church, if any, Mr. Holder attends, but if spending quality time with white people is so important to him, that might be a good place to begin.

* Five, does our new attorney general spend much time with Asians or Hispanics or Native Indians or is it only whites he yearns to hang with?

* Six, does this mean that he intends to start inviting lots of non-blacks over to the house for weekend bar-be-cues and sleepovers?  And has he run this plan by Mrs. Holder?  This I got to see, although I probably won't be on "invite" list.

As I recall, Barack Obama insisted he was going to be the first post-racial president.  Perhaps sitting down and talking turkey with this turkey would be the place to start.

Some people have wondered why I, who take so much interest in politics and politicians, have never run for public office.  Aside from not wishing to spend much time with politicians, the only job that would appeal to me is the top one.  I mean, who wants to be one of 435 congressmen and have to listen to that bitch Nancy Pelosi day in and day out or be one of 100 senators and try to stay awake while numb-nuts Harry Reid, Chris Dodo or totally-clueless Barbara Boxer, droned on?

Just possibly the reason we wind up with so many oafs in the Oval Office is because, down deep, it's far more important to us that they be tall, clean shaven and with a full head of hair, than that they be honest, honorable and patriotic.

The fact is it's been 53 years since we last elected a bald president, and Eisenhower had the advantage of twice running against bald Adlai Stevenson.  In nearly every presidential election, the taller candidate wins.  And, for good measure, the last man with facial hair to be president was William Howard Taft, who only had a mustache, and that election was in 1908.  The last man with a beard to be elected was James Garfield, in 1880, and he was shot and killed shortly after he was elected.  I don't know if that has anything to do with anything except, what happened to bald being beautiful?

Finally, lest I be accused of only picking on left-wingers, let me confess that I recently sent an e-mail to Sean Hannity.  Although I think dumping Alan Colmes was a smart move, I let him know that I thought the "Hate Hannity Hotline" videos on his TV show were a ridiculous waste of time.  After all, if I wanted to listen to a bunch of loudmouth, left-wing ignoramuses sounding off, I wouldn't be tuned to Fox, I'd be watching the Clowns on MSNBC.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


It seems that the only ones who even notice a persons race these days are white liberals , Nazi skinheads, and the poor me I'm black crowd like Al Sharpton and JJ.  :P
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You are so right-on, Teresa.... check out this article on Obama trying to save Holder's ass.

March 7, 2009
Obama discusses Holder's 'cowards' remark
Posted: 07:02 PM ET
By Ed Hornick

WASHINGTON (CNN) – President Obama, in an interview published Saturday, sought to clarify Attorney General Eric Holder's recent controversial comments calling America a 'nation of cowards' when it comes to race relations.

"I think it's fair to say that if I had been advising my attorney general, we would have used different language," Obama told the New York Times aboard Air Force One on Friday. "I think the point that he was making is that we're oftentimes uncomfortable with talking about race until there's some sort of racial flare-up or conflict, and that we could probably be more constructive in facing up to the painful legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and discrimination."

In a speech marking Black History Month on February 18, Holder said that while the nation has "proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot ... we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."

Holder, an African American, said that Americans are afraid to talk about race, adding that "certain subjects are off-limits and that to explore them risks at best embarrassment and at worst the questioning of one's character."

And that impression of race in America set off an immediate firestorm of criticism — mostly among conservative bloggers such as Michelle Malkin.
But Obama said Friday that the nation has made "enormous progress and we shouldn't lose sight of that."

"And I'm not somebody who believes that constantly talking about race somehow solves racial tensions," the president said. "I think what solves racial tensions is fixing the economy, putting people to work, making sure that people have health care, ensuring that every kid is learning out here. I think if we do that, then we'll probably have more fruitful conversations."

Slappy has a few words to say about the above article:
Thank you, Master Warph.... Obama has a bunch of idiotic hacks working for him and Why? Because he picked them! What the hell was he thinking?

I guess since some of my Black ancestors fought to free the slaves, I would like a "Thank you" from these same Black Americans that think all whites are racists.

I am sick to death of hearing about their problems and blaming them on white America. They really need to remember who fought and died for them all those many years ago. They are no longer victims, but as long as they choose to be, they will not be respected no matter who they are or what office they hold.

I'm quite sure that all those black and white Union Soldiers that died fighting for your freedom, Holder, and you too, Obama, are turning over in their graves and wondering what the hell they died for.... for a bunch of ungrateful black people who keep wanting more and still in this age, want to remain vitctims.

As long as their "idiotic heroes" are Sharpton, Jackson and people like them, that respect will be a long time coming, too. 

Can we talk about it? No. And why? Because of these "idiotic heroes." Someone needs to tell them that there was only one Martin Luther King and neither Obama, Holder, Sharpton nor Jackson will ever fill this man's shoes. So everyone else needs to grow up and move into the 21st century and quit living in the past. As long as one chooses to live in the past, there will never be any meaningful conversations. And Obama, I'm pissed at you for standing up for Holder and not kicking his ass out of Washington!

--- Slappy Monroe, Black American, sitt'n here at the 19 Hole.... fuming!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


It's good to hear that at least one yankee black is fuming.
There oughta many more of 'em fuming too.


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