Is Obama Delaying Recovery?

Started by Warph, March 05, 2009, 02:09:35 AM

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Obama Delaying Recovery?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 5:27PM
Dr. Tony Magana

Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, has said that an economic crisis offers the Democrats an opportunity to push through changes that would otherwise not have a chance. Will they delay that recovery to achieve their ends?

Many economists and Wall Street experts are now agreeing that Obama's economic plan will only bring trillions of dollars more deficit, the greatest in history, over the near future and likely to continue well beyond that. The amount of federal dollars poured into AIG, the banks, and the auto industry is already well over many times what their stock would be worth in a total buyout. The actual effect of making these companies so in debt to the government has in fact been to render their stocks virtually if not absolutely worthless.

The amount of government intervention into the markets is so much that it no longer matters how good or efficient a service or product a particular company offers but rather if it is favored by one or another government program. Warren Buffett's recent declaration that the economy is in shambles reflects that fact that even good companies are beginning to struggle. This is why the stock market is in abatement.

President Obama and the liberal Congressional Democrats believe they were elected with a mandate. Their imperative is not to recover the economy but rather to assuage the mal distribution of wealth and inequality of income that exists in America. They want to bring about total government control of education, health, commerce, income and markets into being. Mr. Obama, it appears, believes like Karl Marx that there can be no profit without worker exploitation so no profit should be allowed. Is his plan to modernize the grid system of the United States really his GOELRO plan?

The Wall Street Journal rightly pointed out that the the economy has continued to fall over the past two months with no real new bad news other than the continued announcements of the Obama economic plan. Rather then recognize that it was time for AIG and the others that were receiving handouts to declare bankruptcy, the Obama administration is continuing to keep the dead on life support. The result has been that they are actually slowing down the economic recovery. Again as pointed out by the Wall Street Journal and others the length of previous recessions would suggest that if this one had been allowed to bottom out then already we would be seeing some signs of recovery instead of only turbulent murkiness on the horizon.

Most of the government stimulus program went to into social programs rather then infrastructure projects that could create jobs. The Obama administration has abandoned the idea of building any new oil facilities either drilling or refining or nuclear power plants which could not only add to national security by making the country more independent but also create wealth and jobs. Those involved in medical research and development are holding their breath, because a new government mandate is coming that the government and not your doctor will decide whether you will get new treatments or any treatments.

Everyone agrees that the majority of new jobs in the recovery of the recession will need to come from small business. Yet the plan to severely increase the taxes of individuals and business at incomes over $250,000 will severely curtail this potential growth. Additionally proposed taxes on energy will be disproportionately applied to small businesses who are not as efficient in transportation and energy use as larger corporations.

Conservatives should sound the alarm that it may not be that Obama and his team do not know what they are doing to help the economy, but that there is a much more dreadful reality, that they know exactly what are they are doing.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


If Obama were to try to misrepresent his positions for the next four years, there would be nothing he could say that would approach the inaccuracy of his claim last week that he is not for big government. It is the essence of the man and his presidency. He doesn't like America the way it has been since its founding - and it will take an abusively big government to help him realize his dreams of converting America into something quite different. If you don't know that, you don't yet know Barack Obama.

Just reinforces what most of us have known all along,...

He bad mouthed Bush during the campaign because in 8 YEARS during which we have been fighting 2 wars (saddled with a dumb congress for 6 years) he left us with a $ 1/2 deficit.
The self righteous turd then signs the "stimulus" package that increased that deficit by 150%, proposes a 2009 budget of $1.75 TRILLION, and then wants a 2010 budget of $3 TRILLION, leaving us with a projected deficit 7 times higher than he complained about.
And he's only been in office 42 days. :(

Obama lied.... The Economy died.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The purpose of all of this stimulus stuff is to run this country into the ground, and to make all of us except of course a few elites dependent on the federal government.
They want control of us and I mean total control.
Everyone better wake up and see what is going on....... :-\
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


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